The Pieman (bless his teeny, tiny heart) sent the following (along with a link so that the Uncle could post this large jpeg of the public notice - I've gotta learn how to do that).
The Kiryas Joel Village Board placed this announcement in last Sunday's Record. They say they will hold a public hearing to discuss taking over part of County Route 44 by eminent domain.
This is interesting for two reasons.
First, they can't. The NYS Constitution (Article 9, Section 1, Paragraph e) gives municipalities the power to act in the public interest to condemn (take over) private property. It would be unconstitutional (and impossible) for a village to take county property.
So, why announce this hearing (which probably won't take place)?
My guess is the whole point of the notice is in the second paragraph. They say they need CR 44 so that they can widen it, put in turning lanes, curbs, sidewalks, drainage, etc.
What's so important about that?
OCEAN convinced the legislature to send the request for Rt 44 back to committee by suggesting a compromise - allow KJ put in a sidewalk but don't hand over the road. Back in committee, that's exactly the motion that Alan Seidman offered and that passed.
But now KJ says they need to widen the road, to put in turn lanes, to put in drainage. None of these things are accomplished by the compromise. So, now they can say, "this is no compromise, you didn't give us what we asked for!"
If they try that, they have one little problem.
Back in 2006, Gedalye Szegedin wrote a letter to the County asking for 44. He listed only three reasons for it SIDEWALKS, CROSSWALKS AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS.
The point of the notice is to try and change that list so they can reject the compromise - and it won't work.
One more point.
Some people have told me that by saying that OCEAN got this through is self-serving.
My answer to that is - damn right it is.
We have been working for years for the good of Southern Orange County and to protect Woodbury.
We have a pretty good record.
And if no one else feels like mentioning than I will.
We did good, and I'm damned proud of it.
No apologies!
This just in...
CR 44 request from KJ is on the Rules Committee agenda TOMORROW, AUGUST 24TH AT 3PM, LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM.
Alan Seidman has told me that the motion brought before the Rules Committee will be identical to the one passed by the Physical Services Committee, which offers KJ the opportunity to put in a sidewalk, but does not offer them control over County Route 44.
More smoke and mirrors from the leadership of KJ. They speak of being "good neighbors", yet they do everything in their power and beyond to take, take, take. No wonder the mere mention of KJ makes the secular world anxious.
OCEAN didn't get it back into committee, OC Legislator Roxanne Donnerly did!
Thank You OCEAN, once again you do the homework and get things done.I happen to know Ocean and Roxanne got it to committee. Many of us, including myself, sit back, read and complain about what is going on in our village. But do not get involved. It is great to see your still out there.
Through the years I've seen alot of fence jumping when it involved our local politics.
I've seen SOCA get standing ovation to SOCA/OCEAN get thier info-papers crumbled and thrown on the floor at town meetings.
But the records do show OCEAN has been more informative, more honest,and more effective than most of your (wanna be) leaders.
My only hope is we all come together when the big battle-ANNEXATION- shows it's ugly head.
But again, Thank you Mr. Swiller and team--Ocean
As long as Gedalye Szegedin and company control the government of Kiryas Joel they will continue to act as though their neighbors (and their citizens) have no rights.
With them in office the long term outlook for the Village of KJ and for Orange County as a whole is one filled with confrontation and law suits.
A better future is possible, but only when there are honest elections in KJ leading to an honest and open government that doesn't treat all of us (KJ residents included) as nothing more than patsies, ripe for exploitation.
I am convinced that change is possible and that it is worth working for.
Anonymous said...
OCEAN didn't get it back into committee, OC Legislator Roxanne Donnerly did!
More self-serving bullshit from Roxanne. She did squat!
She lets other people do the work and then she swoops in to claim credit. what a joke!
So does Lorraine McNeill
Here we go again with the last two posters... grow up! Mrs. Donnery probably does more for her constituency in one hour than you assholes have done for yourselves in your entire lives! That woman never stops- between being a legislator, school board member, wife, mother, grandmother, etc she is ALWAYS looking out for and fighting for the best interests of all of us. So go spew your garbage on Ralph's lawn, where it belongs!
HA, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
"She lets other people do the work and then she swoops in to claim credit." Ha, ha, ha, ha!
You MUST be kidding!?! Oh, I know, you meant to put Ralph Caruso and Manny Manuel...
ok, you're forgiven!
Lorraine McNeill has done what in 8 years. We need a person that will work for the town not just take credit. Her own party didn't want her to run again, its time for a change. Manny does work for his party and Ralph well he does a whole not nothing for anyone anymore. Manny has done a better job for our party since Bob left.
Both Lorraine and Roxanne have worked hard for us all.
On this particular matter though, I don't know what lobbying Roxanne did behind the scenes. I'm certainly willing to try to find out. If she helped, she deserves credit.
I have always thought that sidewalks were a good idea. The way people walk in thye road is dangerous.
I also felt that offering legislators a compromise, a chance to say that KJ could build sidewalks but that County Route 44 must stay a county road, would win over more legislators (particularly those from other parts of the County) then just asking them to say no.
I asked Roxanne to back me on this. Unfortunately she refused, saying that it didn't make any difference.
But, it was that compromise that won unanimous backing in the Physical Services Committee, taking the idea of giving the road to KJ off the table.
Jonathan is right. HE offered the compromise and at a work session Gerri Gianzero handed the compromise Jonathan had given her to the other town board members.
He brought it forward and Alan Seidman ran with it. Why shouldn't Jonathan get the credit?
Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where the guy always refers to himself in the third person- you must have really enjoyed that one, ah Jonathan?
What the hell has Manny or Bob done for the Democrats? I took a head count at the last fundraiser, and they were lucky if they had 18 people there! They need to deflate their egos and allow smarter people to run the show.
Nope, I don't tend to post anonymously and say "Jonathan is right."
You're confusing me with the Ralphlings.
Well 18 is more then Mike A had I heard. Not one Rep Committee person came and he had around 10 people there. McNeil had only 5 people at hers so what does that tell you about winning!
By the way, just an obvious point of clarification. The Ralphlings are not known for posting "Jonathan is right." They do however tend to post something and then immediately post again, agreeing with themselves.
On another point, I'd say there were a few dozen people at Mike's Bar B Q.
18?? How many of those Dems were the committee people amd the guest speaker and his non-paying people? What a joke!
18 @ the Dem fundraiser??How many were their own committee people that were obligated to go, and how many were the geust speaker and his non-paying associates? What a joke!
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way Swiller, in case you don't know it your an idiot.
SWILLER FOR SUPERVISOR! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...........................................................
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