A week ago, Ralph Caruso's hold on the Woodbury Republican Committee was tenuous at best.
He risked not only losing a bare-bones majority, but even his own seat.
But worry no longer, Ralph's hold on the party is now secure.
Thanks to the willingness of his supporters to go out and vote and the near total disinterest of eveyone else, Ralph emerges victorious.
And that's what democracy is all about. To the least apathetic go the spoils.
Good going Ralph!
why don't you tell them about the real thing that being, the big mouth JIM BOOTH getting the boot from his neighbors. HA HA HA
In total, 95 registered Republicans voted.
In the 9th district, two people went to the polls.
Ralph and his wife??
Anonymous said...
why don't you tell them about the real thing that being, the big mouth JIM BOOTH getting the boot from his neighbors. HA HA HA
Oh Don...please do sign in with your name so we can all enjoy your stupidity
It wasnt Mr. Booth's neighbors that were the problem. I have known Mr. Booth for many years. It seems to be this Mr. Siebold's neighbors who were. They just blindly followed his directive to vote for him and this pinhead Musich who I hear proved to be a real idiot when interviewed for the Parks Commission. Quite, Quite sad. I saw no information or no alternate platform from these two to contrast with Mr. Booth. Does that mean the people in Siebold's neighborhood just vote the way they are told without hearing any information?? Thats sad that Mr. Siebold views his neighbors as pawns in his game to ruin Woodbury's Republican Party. Does this mean the Democrats can count on the support of Mr. Siebold's neighbors again? Cause we know where Siebold is giving his votes to this year. Yeah that Mr. Siebold and his buddy Caruso, the greatest things to happen to Woodbury Democrats since lord knows when.
Oh please, as a Woodbury Democrat myself, say it ain't so...it's bad enough we've got our own shining ass@#$%s in Bob Donnelly & Manny Manuel!
Oh yeah its so...Donnelly, Manual, Siebold and Caruso...the leaders of the Woodbury Republocrats.
Oi, this is quite dissapointing... my condolences to Jimmy after all his years of hard work; unfortunately I was unable to even vote, as local primaries seem to be unfairly exempt from absentee ballots (I just moved to Boston for school). I'll still be there for the council, however, and hope the Uncle can keep us long-distance Woodburites well informed as things heat up.
conroy yeah gone to Boston stay there and bring along the other conroys that live in woodbury. they helped to destroy this town and put complete control of this town in the hands of developers....
Hey NEWBIE- get a life and do the research...the Town started to go to hell under Baird, then got worse under the scoundrel Till, and even worse under the flake Joan Caruso. Conroy did an outstanding job in bringing us back from the brink. Now we need to pray that Burke will understand that KJ has no intention of being stopped, and that the 5 laws actually saved us...at least for the time being!!
How sad that people can not see through the Caruso/Burke team. Don't people remember all the attacks at the Town Board meetings before Burke was elected? After his election, they basically stopped. Why? Because they were his supporters and they knew the only way to get the inexperienced Burke (with Caruso's backing) elected was to take the focus off how little Burke knew and attack those with experience and years of service to the Town. Conroy and Gerri did not sink to such low tactics. Unfortunately, some voters fell for it. And look at the mess we are in now.
It really is fun being able to overlook people too cowardly to post their names. Or who don't have the faintest clue about the history or issues. I'd like to know what said poster was doing during the two decades+ a certain member of my family was holding developers to the law and strict environmental standards. Visiting sites to make sure trees weren't being clearcut, educating concerned citizens about the issues. On her own time, often late into the night.
Land goes to developers whether you like it or not, when we're in the middle of a real estate gold-rush like our area has become (unless you didn't notice, we live in a free market. The town can't keep land "out of their hands." That would be communism). Immersing the town in lawsuits instead of working with developers willing to try and respect our quality of life was Ralph's vaunted platform. Who was going to pay THAT bill?
Woodbury was and always will be my first home. Its still my "hometown" for the immediate future, even if I'm at school and I care about it enough to educate myself on the issues. I'm glad to see that there is still a good number of people here who do the same.
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