The Uncle is cold and tired and hungover (did I mention cold?).
The last thing he wants is to chat - online, off-line or even to himself.
So, continuing the current do-it-yourself nature of this blog - you want James' letter?
You got James' letter.
(and if you want something else point it out or send it to cuzzincookie@hotmail.com)
County needs a watchdog
Chairwoman Roxanne Donnery, Republican Frank Fornario and the other legislators who joined them ought to be applauded for their efforts in bringing a watchdog accountability office to Orange County. This independent agency would not only have rooted out any corruption, but also would have saved taxpayers a great deal of money by streamlining government.
It is a sad day, however, when County Executive Ed Diana tells the voters who just re-elected him that he is above transparency and scrutiny and will instead veto the legislation. Diana and his supporters' opposition is so blatantly politically motivated that a majority of his legislative caucus chose not to even show up and cast a "no" vote, presumably because most of them know they are on the wrong side of this issue and instead want to hide from a roll call. I wonder if these same Republican legislators would've voted in favor of the office if there were a Democrat in the county executive seat.
At a time when the public's trust of politicians is at an all-time low, it is equally insulting as it is astounding that so many of our representatives in Goshen are against such a commonsense measure.
James Skoufis
Woodbury Town Councilman
I hope that James will continue his sentiment with his own board, and then perhaps they will finally appoint an ETHICS COMMISSION for the Town of Woodbury!
Go down to the next Town Board meeting and tell 'em.
Wake me if you get results.
I was led to understand that the past and current board was FOR an Ethics Commission. The trouble was they can't find anyone to volunteer for it.
Not true-those in charge didn't care for those who applied-big difference.
Ethics commission? What a joke, Don't waste the time and effort on that crap, yea that's what we need now when people are losing jobs and cant pay bills, another wasteful government project, you know what if they are not getting paid anyway why not focus on something that will really help the people of Woodbury.
Uncle, please come out of hiding, the site has become so freaking boring, please find some crap about KJ or maybe Ralph, anything to lift the spirits of the silent majority of Woodbury. We need our dose of daily crap!
Ethics Commission a joke? Right-forgot that OUR elected officials are always above reproach, and that none have ever done anything that could/should/would be called into question...and of course I guess they never will, right!?!? NOT!
Who applied last time?
Ralph, Keleman, Al Capone and Mugabe
Not true-those in charge didn't care for those who applied-big difference.
OK "know-it-all" who were they or are just rattling your jaw/fingers??
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