Andrew M. Cuomo (Dem/Ind/Wor
Carl P. Paladino (Rep/Con/Taxpayer)
Howie Hawkins (Grn)
Jimmy McMillan (RDH)
Warren Redlich (LBT)
Kristin M. Davis (APP)
Charles Barron (FDM)
Jack Bauer (24H)
We were going to skip Lieutenant Governor due to a case of the “who cares?” but then we remembered the high turnover rate in the governorship.
Lt. Governor
Robert J Duffy (Dem/Ind/Wor )
Gregory J Edwards (Rep/Con/TXP)
Gloria Mattera (Grn)
Alden Link (LBT)
Tanya Gendelman (APP)
Eva M. Doyle (FDM)
Carter Hall (JSA)
Thomas P. DiNapoli (Dem/Wor)
Harry Wilson (Rep/Ind/Con)
Julia A. Willebrand (GRN)
John Gaetani (LBT)
Bernard Madoff (FCI,Otis)
Attorney General
Eric T. Schneiderman (Dem/Ind/Wor)
Dan Donovan (Rep/Con)
Carl E. Person (LBT)
Ramon J. Jimenez (FDM)
Hikaru Sulu (UFP)
US Senator 2 year unexpired term
Kirsten E. Gillibrand (Dem/Ind/Wor)
Joseph J. DioGuardi (Rep/Con/Txp
Cecile A. Lawrence (GRN)
Joseph Huff (RDH)
John Clifton (LBT)
Vivia Morgan (APP)
Bruce Blakeman (TRP)
Charles Camel (LSMFT)
US Senator 6 year term
Charles E. Schumer (Dem/Ind/Wor)
Jay Townsend (Rep/Con)
John Entwhistle (Tom/Quad/TWSO)
Lt. Governor
Robert J Duffy (Dem/Ind/Wor )
Gregory J Edwards (Rep/Con/TXP)
Gloria Mattera (Grn)
Alden Link (LBT)
Tanya Gendelman (APP)
Eva M. Doyle (FDM)
Carter Hall (JSA)
Andrew M. Cuomo (Dem/Ind/Wor
Carl P. Paladino (Rep/Con/Taxpayer)
Howie Hawkins (Grn)
Jimmy McMillan (RDH)
Warren Redlich (LBT)
Kristin M. Davis (APP)
Charles Barron (FDM)
Jack Bauer (24H)
We were going to skip Lieutenant Governor due to a case of the “who cares?” but then we remembered the high turnover rate in the governorship.
Lt. Governor
Robert J Duffy (Dem/Ind/Wor )
Gregory J Edwards (Rep/Con/TXP)
Gloria Mattera (Grn)
Alden Link (LBT)
Tanya Gendelman (APP)
Eva M. Doyle (FDM)
Carter Hall (JSA)
Thomas P. DiNapoli (Dem/Wor)
Harry Wilson (Rep/Ind/Con)
Julia A. Willebrand (GRN)
John Gaetani (LBT)
Bernard Madoff (FCI,Otis)
Attorney General
Eric T. Schneiderman (Dem/Ind/Wor)
Dan Donovan (Rep/Con)
Carl E. Person (LBT)
Ramon J. Jimenez (FDM)
Hikaru Sulu (UFP)
US Senator 2 year unexpired term
Kirsten E. Gillibrand (Dem/Ind/Wor)
Joseph J. DioGuardi (Rep/Con/Txp
Cecile A. Lawrence (GRN)
Joseph Huff (RDH)
John Clifton (LBT)
Vivia Morgan (APP)
Bruce Blakeman (TRP)
Charles Camel (LSMFT)
US Senator 6 year term
Charles E. Schumer (Dem/Ind/Wor)
Jay Townsend (Rep/Con)
John Entwhistle (Tom/Quad/TWSO)
Lt. Governor
Robert J Duffy (Dem/Ind/Wor )
Gregory J Edwards (Rep/Con/TXP)
Gloria Mattera (Grn)
Alden Link (LBT)
Tanya Gendelman (APP)
Eva M. Doyle (FDM)
Carter Hall (JSA)
Discuss amongst yourselves.
I didn't know that Sulu had a law degree.
I know the election I cannot wait for 2013...when we can take out that nerdy obnoxious bastard Skoufis. He is such an obnoxious loud mouth. No wonder he and Donnery get along so well. I cant believe I actually voted for him...even if it was over Caruso. I would campaign for Caruso tomorrow over Doufis.
Thank you for those insights Manny.
More likely Nancy or one of her Albany minions who have been dragging everyone who's supporting Roxanne through the mud. Look at her comments about Fornario. Her behavior this campaign has been appalling.
I've heard James and Manny don't exactly see eye to eye though so that's not a bad guess either.
What does the Great Swiller have to say about Doles III's quote on p. 11 of the 10/29 Photo News? Also, what about KJ's Larkin flier, mail permit from Brooklyn?
Anyone out there reading, thinking, listening, or are you all dead?
You mean Traitor Fornario who stabbed his friend Nancy in the back...someone who supported him when he ran for office. Oh and what "albany minnions"?? Nancy's campaign cant afford minnions..every dollar has to go to refute Roxanne's lies. Her campaign does not get 200K from that scuzzbucket Silver to hire "Albany minnions" like she can.
The Great Swiller didn't actually catch Doles III's quote on p. 11 of the 10/29 Photo News?
What did he say?
Refute what lies?
Let's See:
Does your commerical showing Nancy looking at her watch tell the viewer she stood outside with the Highland Falls people for AN HOUR and had to return for session?
If you are going to blame Nancy for no tax cap...do your mailers tell the public the real decsision on what legislation either Republican or Democrat comes to the floor rests squarely with Speaker Shelly Silver as Chairman of the Rules Committee....and that he personally opposes a cap. Does it say that Sandy Galef who is Chairman of the Real Property Tax Committee, appointed by Shelly personally, cannot bring a tax cap bill to the floor let alone if Roxanne were there.
Does it state that while Nancy does have a state car, that she recieves less compensation for it then if she used her own personal car? Does it also state that Roxanne also bills her government entities she serves for mileage and reimbursements.
I can go on and on...but is there anyone here who is really undecided??
Is she still saving us money when you count the taxpayer-funded gas credit card too?
And if nothing gets done because of 3 men in a room, sounds to me like Nancy should acknowledge that and stop making promises she can't keep.
Have you noticed that "NO" local politicians have endorsed Sir Doles the 3rd. Not even our rising star Prince Scooter.
My man Koch personally called me last night. He endorsed Nancy. Eddie is the best. Long live Eddie.
I cannot wait to have Roxanne in the Assembly. I want to personally thank James Skoufis for running one of our signature negative campaigns. You are a good Democrat James! I see you know how to spend other people's money well. I am happy to see you put the over 200K I gave you guys to good use. We have to stop Nancy Calhoun and her crazy ideas of property tax caps, constitutional reform, stopping out of control spending and halting irresponsible budgets. If we had those, I wouldnt be able to give my friends in NYC and all of the union bosses that are supporting you Roxanne (even though your screwing over their members by lying on the radio...tsk tsk) all of the state money I give them. You and I are going to do great things Roxanne. Raising taxes, increasing spending, giving Kiryas Joel their pipeline (BTW, good job not telling anyone the County Exec was going to negotiate a settlement...now we can blame everything on him)You are also doing good not answering the questions about whether you are going to support me for re-election as Speaker. We can't let those dumb hicks up in your district know you really support my NYC based agenda. I want to call you later Roxanne, if I can, and share with you some ideas I have about raising the MTA payroll tax and make those suckers in Orange and Rockland pay more so the people in my district dont have to pay too much to ride the subway. Well, I know you and Mr. Skoufis are probably planning some last minute ways to smear nancy before Tuesday. I will let you guys get back to work. If you need anymore of my money let me know!!
Sincerely, your friend and benefactor
Sheldon Silver,
Speaker of the Assembly.
Didn't Koch call for Roxanne too? I guess he endorses both candidates!
After Nancy loses on Tuesday, she should move to Manhattan and run against Shelly Silver!
After Roxanne loses Tuesday she should move in with Sheldon Silver, they have allot in common....Roxanne will make a great NYC liberal.
After the whole country loses on Tuesday I may have to move in with Shelly Silver. And I really would prefer not to.
Based on the rhetoric here I see that Don Siebold is alive, well, and obnoxiously writing.
Please, go back to Mike Aronowitz's old website and you'll see it's Nancy's lapdog Booth who's doing all the whining, oh I mean writing.
Simple truth, nancy was only running to secure the seat for that lame daughter of hers, but when Roxanne threw her hat in the ring, Nancy got scared...and scared she should be. Read so many positive letters in support of Roxanne, and about nothing for Nancy...Nancy's vindictiveness towards anyone who crosses her is well known, so it seems she just burned too many of her bridges...good luck to her though with finding another job!
Too close to call, but Congrats to Roxanne for beating Nancy in Orange County...too bad Stony Point voters didn't do their homework better...it hinges on those absentee ballots!
But, at the end of the day, Nancy won, so shut up!
There are many upstate Assembly seats that have turned over [from Democrat to Republican],” she said. “While mine is not exactly a mandate, when $300,000 is spent against you, and it’s like six to one, I consider it close to a mandate." You consider a race that close a mandate? You obviously think your dentist does a good job as well.
Calhoun-Donnery Assembly race could be decided by absentee ballots
Perhaps Roxanne should have had Mr. Booth as her "lapdog" instead of Skoufis. Maybe she would have won instead of rolling around in the gutter with her lapdog. I bet he is in the dog house today.
Won't be over til that fat lady is singing...
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