Let's admit it, Woodbury has become boring.
And the Uncle even more so.
And while hackles are raised whenever Dear Old Uncle Betty pretends that there is a world beyond our borders, it may be time to look there.
So, if you hate and despise it, at least that's more of a response than talking about snow would evoke.
So, let us begin with some words of wisdom from Governor Sarah Palin, who today posted a video in response to the shootings in Tucson. Two things that she said particularly caught our attention:
1. "Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them."
2. "Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn."
Now, one can take the position that heated rhetoric is never to be blamed for acts of violence or one can posit that it might, in fact, incite them.
But how in the world is it possible for both to be true?
Just asking.
20 people were shot. 6 got killed. And Palin thinks that she's the victim. I wish that she would just shut up.
She's a dimwit.
But I bet she'd get the Woodbury Gazette's endorsement.
Speaking of endorsements, who's running for village?
As to the village election, the three sitting members - Mike, Tim and Tom - are running.
Petitions are out there and due back next month. So far we haven't heard who else is carrying them.
Any of you hear anything?
Getting back to national issues for a minute, President Obama's speech last night was very good. But no matter what he does, it is not good enough for some. The President could run into a burning building and save a baby and a puppy and some would still find something to criticize.
And yet, dear Uncle, the same could be said about Sarah Palin. No matter what she does, you will never have a kind word about her.
Yes, she is putting herself out there and her comments are subject to scrutiny. Just don't fall into the trap of the constant criticism.
And no, she is not a dimwit.
No one else is going to run for village because no one wants to deal with the KJ issue.
And what is the current board doing about the pipeline anyway?
While my thoughts may be failin'
And I am not a fan of Sarah Palin
people are too crude
and can be so lewd
And their manners are certainly trailin'
Misogynists Unite!
No one wants to deal with the KJ issue?
That's weird because I remember Ralphie boy claiming his forum was the "catalyst" to the recent lawsuit. Yea, and pigs can fly!
It was his forum and not one of the other 23213243 forums that were held on water/sewer issues during that time.
Mike, Tim and Tom signed up for it, so let em have it. Just a little funny that the Village Board now wants longer terms, and an election every two years to save money for the Village that they insist they are trying to consolidate with the Town. I wonder how long it will be before the Village salaries increase and healthcare similar to the Town government is adopted. No matter, most of Woodbury is fast asleep and couldn't care less about who is governing or why. We deserve whatever we get.
You are absolutely right! What is the point of increasing the terms if they will not have any terms when the consolidation happens? What a bunch of hypocrites! All of them!!!
My advice to everyone is, that if no one runs against these buffoons, to do a write in vote for all of the positions. And please do not not write in any former village people, we don't need the KJ lovin' Mayor or any former "do nothing but help the fire department" cops back on the village board either!
Oh how sick Woodbury is!
You're all boring, especially the Uncle.
Is Despot Burke running for another term??????
John Burke is a man about town
he pretends there's knowledge under that frown
but in spite of his smirk
we know he's a jerk
and not a supervisor but a clown!
Thank you for that telling little tale Lorraine!
Lorraine is a bitter unhappy woman!
Is Lorraine running for office?
Heard she may be thinking about John's seat. That campaign would be fun to watch!
Who's Lorraine?
Hey, you want to look at bitter, look at Maria. and I heard that SHE is going to run for the Supervisor's job.
and she has destroyed every committee that she has been on.
I heard that Elmo is going to run!
Sounds like Lorraine may try to run again.
I'm supporting Elmo!
I'll support Elmo, he's better than Burke!
Elmo WOULD make a better supervisor than John Burke. And if you jerks out there think this is funny then Woodbury is doomed.
And this site sucks.
So Boring!
Hey wasnt this site suppose to be for woodbury garbage only?
and yes, this site really does suck now! It was much better when folks were making non stop fun of Caruso and cursing Swiller!
No, it was more interesting when it used to keep up to date. But whoever is running this site is obviously not involved anymore so they are not talking about current woodbury issues. They have no idea what is going on. And neither do any of you!
Has anyone seen Swiller?
Oh yeah if Maria Hunter runs for supervisor John is sure to get in.
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