Student fights state double-dipping
Montgomery native wants loophole cut
By John Sullivan
Times Herald-Record
Published: 2:00 AM - 02/21/11
Montgomery — With recent news of double-dipping state legislators igniting reader anger in newspaper opinion pages and elsewhere, Colin Schmitt half-expected a revolution in state government.
But no such upheaval has come among the majority of rank-and-file state Senate and Assembly members, so Schmitt has decided to lead the way on his own.
"Maybe sometimes a public outcry is enough, but sometimes you need continuous pressure," Schmitt said about his grass-roots campaign to eliminate a loophole that allows certain elected officials to earn pensions as well as full salaries.
The campaign — "Stop NY Double Dip" — is a special project of Schmitt's political action committee, New Dawn, formed in May to help a new generation of leaders take office.
Schmitt, a Montgomery native who became a legislative aide for Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt, R-C-Greenwood Lake, when he was just 14, hopes to be among those who fill a representative position one day, he said.
He launched stopnydoubledip.com last week to promote a petition drive to close the loophole allowing elected state officials serving before 1995 to concurrently collect their pension and full salary.
Schmitt would also urge creating a retroactive change requiring elected leaders collecting both incomes to choose one or the other.
He would also support a pending bill sponsored by state Sen. Greg Ball and Assemblyman Mike Fitzpatrick to remove politicians from the pension system and move them to 401(k) plans.
State legislators, such as Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun, R-C-Blooming Grove, and Sen. Bill Larkin, R-C-New Windsor, collect both pension and salary. They contend they are utilizing a benefit available to all state employees.
The payment of pensions in addition to salaries is considered a necessary evil in the public sector, as agencies compete for talent with private-sector jobs that pay a lot more, acknowledge some public policy experts.
But the perception of unfairness is hard to argue with.
"I've talked to a lot of people, who are struggling, and seeing someone who can just snap their fingers to get additional benefits without having to work a second job or anything is really disheartening," said Schmitt, a junior studying politics at The Catholic University of America in Washington.
There are currently 16 members of the state Senate and 46 members of the state Assembly eligible to collect pensions and salaries at the same time, according to Schmitt's research.
"If all those 62 cashed in, it would cost the state nearly $3.5 million a year," he said.
Schmitt plans to spend a good part of his non-study time collecting signatures for his campaign, he said. Saturday, going door to door in the Village of Montgomery, he collected some 50-55 signatures, adding to a list of some 250 responses he's gotten to his website, he said.
"Whether I'm the lone voice standing in the field or not, I'll be talking about this and kicking dirt about it until the next state election in 2012," he said.
There are 11 others? I want to know who they are!
And you can bet the bank, we will make sure that Bill and Nancy will never get elected again.
I hope they like retirement.
I doubt they run again...there's no way they'd win after all this and they both know it.
I wonder who runs to replace them...
You got two years to wonder.
So when exactly did Nancy & Bill file their respective retirement paperwork? If it was before their November re-elections then they should both be tossed out for FRAUD for failure to disclose it to the voting public!! Guess Ole' Shelly Silver will be taking advantage of this little perk when he finally decides to "retire". Such friggin nonsense.
It is about time we get pissed off at the way these so called officials use OUR MONEY! Are these people in a world of their own that they would not see how bad this is? How could anyone not get it???
They should be removed from office, not wait till the next election
You don't have to look at the politicians on the State level to see some double dipping and law breaking.
Let's see, we have town board members and a supervisor who lied about their opponents to get into office
The Supervisor is collecting a pension and a salary.
One town board member is employed by a union in NJ How does he vote on union contracts in the town as management?
The other town board member works for the MTA(think unfair taxes) and should not have even run for office in the first place because of a federal law and some conflict.
And all three are up for reelection.
Are you going to vote for them again? if so, you get what you deserve you dopes!
John Burke is double dipping? That SOB!!!! I hope he is not thinking of running again!!!
And who works for the MTA?
You forgot another thing-
Mr. NJ Union aka Carlton Levine COLLECTS HEALTH INSURANCE FROM THE TOWN. Yep, you, I and every other resident pays for Mr. Levine's and his family's health insurance. You don't think he gets offered a nice benefits package working for the unions? He's probably getting cash kickbacks at his job for taking the town to the bank. He's a disgrace.
What? this is getting ridiculous! Don't these people realize what we are going through? How can they spend our money like that? Do they live in a world of their own?
How DARE they! Throw the bums out!!!
Are they up for reelection this year?
Yes, Levine is up for re-election. Not to mention he was one of the people who orchestrated the BIG LIE and cheated himself into office to begin with.
On average, how many hours a week does he put into the town board? 2??? Not to mention he appears as the least hardest working member up there. How dare he take health insurance!!! Shameful!!!
Refresh my memory, what lie are you talking about?
The last-minute smear flyer from Levine and Burke that said Lorraine McNeil and Mike Aronowitz approved the tax assessment hikes in Timber Ridge when, in fact, the tax assessor acts independently of the town board and Aronowitz wasn't even on the board when the assessor was hired.
The Record editorial board actually called on them to resign and hold a fair election. Disgraces!
Do you think Lorraine will run again? She used to put in a great deal of time and worked hard. And I think that it really stinks that someone who was good was cheated like that.
But then again, that's what we seem to like in Woodbury, the liars, the cheaters, the mediocre, like Burke Levine and the nutty lets-go-off-on-a-tangent people like Bo.
Don't forget to Vote!
I would vote for her. But who knows if she would even think about running again after the way the voters stupidly believed the LIE and didn't vote her back in.
Just finished back tracing the previous six comments. They are all from the same sender. What a shock! (not). If you are going to run for office, just say so and stop the petty and immature actions. This is what got you in hot water the last time.
Well it was fairly obvious without the "back tracing" (whatever that is) that it was Lorraine. Who else would have said that she worked hard while in office-come on! Lately she shows up (late)to regular Town Board meetings, not the workshops, and doesn't make a comment-probably just to make an appearance, and I'm sure she will use that in her future campaign to be able to say she's stayed "involved". I would NEVER put her back in office, nor will I vote for the incumbants. Hopefully better people will step up to run.
I think you better check your tracing because I wrote one of the last comments - and only one of the last comments.
I did back tracing and I found out the back tracing comments was written by an idiot! hahahaha!
Hey Mr or Mrs Backtracer:
Don't vote for anybody good, you just go vote for Double dipper John Burke, that's a good idea!
Backtracer? Whoa! don't go using complex technical computer terms like that, Don, the rest of us can't keep up with you!
Let's talk about Ralph. Ralph actually tries to do something good (going after double voters- probably not for the right reasons but people should not vote in two locations) and he can't even get that right! Whether it is just plain stupidity or intentional, it is bad.
And the scary thing is that he worked for the senator.
Senator Larkin, the double dipper. Ralph is still with him, he was his campaign manager just this election.
Are you for double dippiing Ralph?
Planning board chairman hosts a political fundraiser for Mike and team at a place that has an application before the Planning board.
Does anyone see anything wrong with this?
What. Maria doing something wrong. That can't be. She's perfect. Just ask her.
Off course she's perfect, that's why she runs every committee in town!!!
Whatever happened to the town's Ethics Committee?
Off course she's perfect, that's why she runs every committee in town!!!
True either up front or behind the scenes like the village board. Maybe she should change her name to Dick Cheney as long as you don't go hunting with her.
the towns ethics committee does not exist. John, who was one of those screaming for it when he was not in office, suddenly got very quiet when he got elected.
So, yeah, where is the ethics committee John?
I think they five people under certain criterion spelled out in the law, which was done prior to John, that includes multiple party affiliations. So far, five people have not volunteered....
Well, there should be one, look at what is going on with the town board!
What is going on with the town board?
Go to a town board meeting and see, especially a work session since they are not televised.
I heard that Boo likes to act contrary to whatever the rest of the board says. Even on those rare occasions when Carton makes sense, Boo will still disagree with him too!
Lets call Senator Larkin and thank him for fighting for our kids! And why not? He is getting paid twice for it!!!!!
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