Doles' Independence Party petitions invalidated
By Michael Randall
Times Herald Record
Published: 2:00 AM - 08/19/10
A state Supreme Court ruling has removed Harley Doles from the Independence Party primary for the 39th state Senate District because of an insufficient number of valid petition signatures.
That means the incumbent, Bill Larkin, who also filed Independence petitions, will appear on that line in November. Larkin is also on the Republican and Conservative lines. Doles will still be on the Democratic and Working Families lines.
Doles said Monday that he was a victim of a deliberate attempt at fraud. Doles noted State Supreme Court Justice Thomas McNamara ruled he was blameless in the matter.
Larkin campaign manager Ralph Caruso said in addition to problems with individual signatures, the court invalidated a witness to a number of Doles' petition pages.
It seems that Doles was played by the powers that be in KJ and by Larkin.
The KJ leaders offered to get signatures for Harley's petition.
Oddly enough, it appears that:
a) many were invalid
b) Larkin knew that they were invalid and immediately challenged them.
It looks like Doles was set up.
Why aren’t we surprised?
The senatorial district is a big one. Let's hope that Doles doesn't think locally when looking for support. Kick KJ to the curb now; on all matters and go for the rest of the region.
I smell a Ralph!
Clean Up! Ralph in aisle 4!
Oh come on-be real. Doles thought he was SMARTER than the powers that be in KJ, and THAT is why he got screwed. Plain and simple. You make deals with the devil, and sooner or later you must pay the price.
Oh, and why didn't he check all his petitions before handing them in??
As far as I'm concerned, this version of the story is hearsay. Doles should have checked the signatures before he handed them in. I understand that Ralph makes a point of checking all signatures on all petitions in all elections. This is not hearsay--it's a fact. That being said--candidates, beware!
Larkin is vulnerable,and KJ knows it, so what better way to GET WHAT YOU WANT than to stroke Larkin by putting the knife in Doles back. Gotta love KJ-they got that whole manipulation, bait-and-switch thing down to a science!
If Doles didn't know he was being set up he probably is too naive to be running for office. How does this Ralph guy seem to be everywhere and get away with so much?
Diana, Phillips, Benson and Annie Rabbitt all had the SAME fraudulent signatures in their 2008' or 09' Indpendence Party petitions witness forms. The Supreme Court ruled the original signature did NOT match the witness. The judge was right. But how did Mr. Larkin know where to look for fraud.
He never even FOILED the original registration of the young school boy who stood accused. How did Caruso/Larkin not know about about the same fraud in 08and 09 with the Republican candidates.
Oh! for Caruso's benefit. John HAll's campaign has subpeonaed the SAME person who refused to show up in court for Doles' hearing. Mr. Larkin, do you think he will show up?No! Where does he live?Come on Ralf own up. And are you ready to pay the price to see Nan Hayworth thrown off the Independence Line because your race mattered most?Loyal Republican? How much did you promise KJ for the information? Whosupplied the ionforamtion? It's time that the Caruso/LArkin/KJ sham be exposed? This will be an intersting race.
Doles has cost KJ business alot of money since he pu over 6 million dollars of their tax-exempt proties on the tax roll. Guess it's time someone in KJ teach Doles that Larkin and KJ run the show
You are crazy to think that Ralph Caruso had anything to do with this.
Ralph has fought KJ even though he has worked for Bill LArkin. To say that Bill LArkin helps KJ and Caruso is somehow involved seems absured.
Sure thing. Larkin is a living saint. And when has Ralph ever said one thing and done another?
Ralph was endorsed by KJ!
What you all have to realize is that KJ runs the show. It's that simple. As Burke always says, the devil is in the details, so whoever it is that appears to come out on top is the one that's made the priciest deal with KJ.
KJ threw Doles and his wife a bone in "allowing" them to put those properties on the tax rolls. It was just smoke and mirrors.
Like I said, if you just accept that KJ runs Orange County, then the "mystery" will be solved.
why would anyone with smarts think that KJ would help them?
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