Elections Hoorah!
Any chance more than 2% of you will get off your asses and vote?
Any chance more than 2% of you will get off your asses and vote?
If so, do so between 6 AM and 9 PM Tuesday, September 14th.
Here’s who you get to choose amongst:
Rick Lazio
Carl Paladino
Lieutenant Governor:
Gregory Edwards
Thomas Ognibene
US Senate Full Term:
Gary Berntsen
Jay Townsend
US Senate Unexpired Term:
Joseph Dioguardi
David Malpass
Bruce Blakeman
19th Cong. District:
Neil DiCCarlo
Nan Hayworth
Attorney General:
Richard Brodsky
Eric Schneiderman
Sean Coffey
Eric Dinallo
Kathleen Rice
US Senate Unexpired Term:
Kirsten Gillibrand
Gail Goode
Rick Lazio
Ralph Lorigo
Rick Lazio
Ralph Lorigo
What was the turn out?
Dunno, I haven't seen a breakdown by municipality.
Does anyone out there realize that there are a bunch of candidates running who would like to see women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen? You know, a return to the "good old days" of family values!(codeword for suppression) Where are the feminist groups? Where is the outrage? Yeah, maybe we should keep women out of the boardroom and out of the Congress and Senate!!!
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