Welcome To Woodbury
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For once, I had a good chuckle over something Uncle Betty posted. Welcome to our Blog!
Thank you, I think.
It does have a ring of truth to it, but if WE put up a sign, we would just be prejudiced.
Lighten up. Woodbury is not putting up the sign! This is meant to be a statement.
How about adding, "If you would like to live here, we welcome you. We ask only that you observe our zoning laws and come to our Town or Village Board if you have any problems. Please do not even think of annexing any of our land, as we will fight you tooth and nail till the end. No secret land deals are allowed in Woodbury."
How about this on a sign:
Try to use the annexation issue as your platform all you want Ralph, we still know who you really are.
Ralph thinks that he is going to run for office again. That guy never gives up! and gusee what? he still is not qualified and still is a jack@ss!
Cute Uncle B. This one might make it to my facebook. :P
You may enter only if you vow to leave any independent thought at the border. You must pledge to believe anything that is repeated often and you must believe anything that is printed in the mystery weekly newspaper that neither identifies the editor/publisher or the writers.
You must also believe anything that is posted anonymously...
The mystery weekly newspaper is no mystery. It clearly identifies the editor and publisher and many authors are identified or a source is listed. But, some people will believe anything--especially if it's written on such a credible site as this one.
the photo news does the same thing, and it's not a mystery. you people need a life.
tongue in cheek -- hello!
I believe everything on this credible site, because Uncle Betty and his friends would never lie!
This site sucks
mazel tov
praise be to allah
what did i miss
who did i offend
it is amazing the there is a masthead all of a sudden in the weekly newspaper and, no, not all articles are identified as to who the author is.
It is a weekly newspaper that is pretending to be a weekly news source but it is even more biased than the extreme right wing Orange County Post. Just read the ranting of the "Editor".
It is ok to be a ultra right wing lunatic, but just own up to it!
Nor are they identified in any other local newspaper. Don't read it if it offends you and your left-wing commie friends. Or, read it and learn something. We could all just agree to disagree. That's what makes America great! Sorry, did I offend you?
Ralph thinks that he is going to run for office again. That guy never gives up! and gusee what? he still is not qualified and still is a jack@ss!
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