It becomes more and more apparent that the Uncle is like an air raid shelter. It's the place to head when crisis approaches.
The rest of the time it's just a dusty room in a basement, visited occasionally for a game of ping pong.
So be. When disaster looms, the Uncle will be here.
Meanwhile, feel free to drop by from time to time for a quick volley.
I'll be here ...talking to myself.
(mumble mumble)
I might drop by if I knew who the Uncle was or where he lived!
Name: Uncle Betty
Address: MeetUncleBetty.blogspot.com
No news is good news in our sometimes turbulent Town/Village of Woodbury.
Like most winters, things are dormant for a certain period, but like spring, they will awake with a vengeance! Be patient dear Uncle...we will need you again.
Hey Unc, I've got one for you. When the dictator, oops, I mean Ralph was trying to rule the Village, he kept a tight gripe on the domain name Village of Woodbury. Now it appears that no matter what you type in after Village of Woodbury, whether it be .net, .com or .org, it brings you to the Town of Woodbury website. Why? Did Ralph make a deal with John, and why doesn't the Village of Woodbury have their own website? Will the Village have to buy the rights to the domain from the Town? Seems like the thing that Mike A has going on with his website, so that when you type in townofgoshen.com, or townofnewwindsor.com, or a multitude of others, you get his website. What is that all about??
Forget about that stuff. So it appears that Mr. Aronowitz is running for re-election. Is Ms. McNeill? Any word on who the Dems will run? How about the Conservatives?
Hey, I have some gossip.
At the last republican committee meeting Jimmy Booth raised the issue of having open meetings. Meaning the public would attend their meetings and possibly ask questions at the end of their meeting. We the Democrates have been doing it forever (just about). Anyways, from what I'm told Mr Caruso basically asked for it in writing. So Jimmy Booth put it in writing, but I was just forwarded a e-mail sent to one of the Republican Committee members from a Russ Ferdeco (who never comes to any of the meetings)who thinks they have open meetings now! Is this guy from another planet or what. He states in his e-mail that the Republican Committee has open meetings now and two or three people come and they speak! Wow must have misssed that one. They have members that have NO idea what's going on because they never go to a meeting.
Also he goes on to state that he doesn't understand why Jimmy put together a whole proposal and mocks him by comparing the committee to Congress. HEY RUSS IF YOU ATTENDED THE LAST MEETING YOU WOULD KNOW YOUR BUDDY RALPH ASKED FOR SOMETHING IN WRITING.
I hope they have open meetings. I might even change my party so that I could attend instead of getting everything second hand.
On another note, things are quite. I don't know if thats good or bad.
Ralph is still in Woodbury?
I don't know why Mike A would run again knowing that Don and Ralph will do everthing they can to make sure he does not win? Ms. McNeill I heard is going for Johns's seat this time because shela is not going to be in her way. Stay tuned....
Oh God I hope not. She hasn't done a thing in her 8 years!!! Please vote out McNeill!!!!!
I hope everyone is strapping on their seat belts, as it looks like it will be a very bumpy ride again! Can't wait to see who the Dems endorse! Will they cross endorse again (albeit the last time it was done silently? Will Mike A go it alone, or will he allow Ralph back into his camp? Will Lorraine be satisfied with another term as councilwoman, or will she really try to edge out John? Either way, she needs Ralph's blessings...does Ralph still hold the power? This could be interesting!
Anonymous said...
"Will Lorraine be satisfied with another term as councilwoman, or will she really try to edge out John? Either way, she needs Ralph's blessings..."
She's never had Ralph's blessing and she's done just fine.
Oh God I hope not. She hasn't done a thing in her 8 years!!! Please vote out McNeill!!!!!
9:51 PM
Whats the matter Don, did she scare you?
Hey, don't pick on Don. Everybody knows he's frightened of women.
Is Ralph still wielding a big stick when it comes to the Republican committee? Does he still have loyal followers (I mean other than his drone Don)? Will he really have any power over the candidates this time around?
He is looking for people to run so they can beat Mike A and Ms. McNeill?
Sadly Ralph still has allot of control over the Republican Committee and controls many members or puts the fear in many others that may want change I am starting to find it a reality...Ralph will always be there...becuase those willing to do something about him number too few.
Seeing how there is so many complaints about the Republicans and Democrats in this Town, I think it's time for the Community Party to put up candidates for the Town Board. Seems like those people at least believe in open and honest government.
This is what Mike A put on his web site so I guess he is running?
As a member of Town Council for the past 4 years, I have worked to transform our
visions into reality. I am proud of the progress we have made over these 4 years
and ask for the opportunity to contribute further for the next 4 years.
Three principles have guided me as a member of Town Council:
Open Government where decisions are made in full view of public processes,
Honest Government where anyone can speak to me about any decision and get a
full and complete answer, and
Participation Government in which all citizens can become a part of decision
If you would like to help out in the upcoming 2007 election please email me @
Let's have the Community Party come up with town candidates. Maybe Maria Hunter will go for it herself. That way, we all can watch her implode into a nervous breakdown everytime she has to make a responsible decision. Worker bee she certainly is but queen bee...no way Jose.
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