Goshen has a downtown, Chester has a downtown, Washingtonville, Cornwall and Monroe all have places where you leave your car and walk from restaurant to store to cafe.
What about Woodbury (and no, I don't count Woodbury Common)?
Can Woodbury have a downtown, a shopping district, a place to stroll with maybe even (dare I say it) a gallery or a bookstore?
Is the area around Smith Clove a likely target?
Do we want one? Do we care?
It's a nice thought. But it is too late for that to happen to us. Rt.32 traffic is already too heavy and is only going to increase after the newer developments are built. And small shops will never survive against the mega stores. Small town USA.. NOPE But it was a nice thought
I agree... a drive through downtown Cornwall or downtown Monroe shows that...cornwall's problem (just like anywhere we would have a downtown in Woodbury) is off 32. Monroe also like with Woodbury has all of the big time stores coming in. We would have to be in a place where that type of thing is well established like Warwick or Goshen.
I think it can be done! Maybe not to the extent of goshen or Warwick, but it can be done. So what Smith Clove is off Rt 32. Are you saying people would not go to Smith Clove because they want to aviod Rt 32? That doesn't make sense. Everyone travels Rt32 to get to where they want to go. What does the projects Have to do with anything? Is life going to stop once Woodbury Junction becomes developed? No life in Woodbury will continue.We had traffic problems long before that project and we will continue to have them. Why don't we get on New Windsor's and Cornwall's case. They continue to build and build. Should we ignore their development which directly impacts are traffic?
I say let's try to make Woodbury our little village. A Village square would be great and where theres a dream theres a way!
Someone got up on the wrong side of the rock.
Main streets in small towns are a thing of the past. Small stores have trouble surviving, just look at Lake St in Monroe. Like it or not, big box stores and shopping malls are what rules the landscsape in todays world
Is the last post from Woodbury's planning board?
It's not from George, it's spelled correctly.
Are the last 2 posts from Ralph and Don- Ralph said no to EVERYTHING and his lapdog nodded in agreement! If they had their way, there would have been an iron fence constructed around the TOWN back in the 70's, with no more people, businesses or cars allowed in, and time would have stood still! And Ralph would be the sole gatekeeper, deciding who, why and how people could come and go.
What i mean by "off 32" was that it is just that off 32 i did not mean anything about traffic i mean that Smith Clove is not as heavily traveled as 32 it is off the main throughfare like Main Street in Cornwall. Meaning allot of traffic is missing the downtown
You know we do have spell check! A phrase "like it or not" or "big box stores and shopping malls are what rules the landscape".
I think it can be done, I HOPE we can somehow bring a "village" feel to some area of our town.
If the powers that be could work with the DOT to get the speed limits lowered on Rt 32 that would be KEY.
What happened to all the traffic calming ideas of days gone by?
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