Ralph Nader was just on Wolf Blitzer's show. Wolf didn't ask him about his repeated insistence that there was no real difference between George Bush and Al Gore.
Nader dismissed the effect his 97,500 votes in Florida might have had on the final count which gave the state to Bush by a 543 margin by saying many of them might have stayed home or voted for Governor Bush.
He then said that if Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee he would consider entering the race to keep her from winning.
Any thoughts?
Just think how much better off we'd be if Gore had rightfully been in the Oval Office the past 6+ years. At the very least, more than 30% of the people would approve the job he's be doing.
Nader is an idiot. To hear him mutter ideas like Gore is no different than Bush was and still is complete lunacy. The guy is a moonbat with an ego the size of a football field who single handedly enabled Bush to win Florida. He claims most would have stayed home or voted for Bush? C'mon. Yes, some would have stayed home, but Gore only needed 500 of the 97,000+ that went to Nader. He makes me sick.
Thank god for Nader because if it weren’t for Nader than President Gore would have been too busy declaring war on corporations for his war against capitalism (i.e. green environmental communism) instead of waging war against islamists terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan which means more helpless innocent Americans would have lost their lives again (i.e. 9/11) I am sick of all the Bush bashing...to date there has STILL BEEN NO ATTACK ON THE US...the members of the Islamist community are too busy fighting us in the middle east that they cant fight us here. Now I hope he runs to stop this commie angry evil witch Hillary who would only be worse. She is more dangerous than Bill. GO NADER GO!!
Oh right, how could I forget that the 9/11 terrorists were Iraqis...
In fact, if you would do something besides spit out right-wing talking points (ala "We haven't been attacked since 9/11! Bush is a Godsend!"), you would have noticed the studies and reports that all show our presence in Iraq has actually spurred the creation of more terrorists than before. Likewise, a recent poll shows that Bush has now officially surpassed Ariel Sharon (who has been in a coma for about a year now) as the most disliked person in the Middle East. Second place? Sharon at 10% (Bush is over 40%).
I'm not the biggest Hillary fan in the world, but let me tell you, a blade of grass would've made a better President than the Scrub.
I am happy that our President is the most unpopular person in the Middle East...means we are getting the job done with these terrorists...and again...yeah maybe the Iraq War has formed more terrorist groups...but i repeat again...they are too busy over there not blowing up stuff here.
Off topic, but here goes...did everyone get their 2007 Woodbury Residents Recreation packets?? Am I crazy or has the price of an admissions pass sky-rocketed???? Wasn't it just $10 per photo pass last year??? What has changed so drastically that we are now being charged $25/pass...so for a family of 5, if all 3 kids are 14+ it will now be $125???? Maybe I'm living in a cave, but that just sounds like a huge leap? Inflation isn't even that bad!! Anyone agree? Where's Ralph Nader when we need him???? Is this how we're paying for the CV Pond renovation??
Re Park Passes
How do you think they pay for the bands and activities that everyone enjoys?
It comes from the park pass fees.
Wait a minute...are you going to tell me that going from $10 to $25 is the least bit reasonable??? Please! You're talking about +100% increase!!!!! Who the hell needs those no name bands anyway??? You call that entertainment???
sombody should look into what is being paid for these bands you will really be pissed then...
Anything other than the original intended use of the facilities (swimming, laying on the beach, playgrounds) should be a "pay as you go". Those who want to see the bands, play those stupid Gilda games, and sleepover at the rez should have to pay for it themselves. Increasing the park pass fees for that is BULLSHIT!
i heard that she had paid 10,000 dollars for a band a few years ago...
The Parks Dept better not turn around and say the hike in the park pass is due to the CV Pond! They said, "We have plenty of money in Park Land Fees to pay for the pond. All the money was already there". The raise in the park pass is insane. I don't know who the mastermind behind this was, but i'd sure like to know. Hey maybe its to pay for Gilda's sore back. Shes been out on comp since the beginning of last summer. Bad back my ass! As soon as John Burke told her to do her job and stop jerking off, she hurt her back, (that very day), A little convenient if you ask me. The Park has plenty of money, check the records. We are being robbed. $25.00 for a pass, give me a break.
Gilda being out on comp, is no different than Gilda being at work. She was never around, couldn't be reached. Sat at home "supposedly" doing work. Got paid for only working maybe 4 months out of the year, and constantly screamed for raises. I agree the park pass raise is highway robbery, but don't blame poor Gilda, she never did her job anyway.
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