Monday, March 26, 2007

What OCEAN is worth to Woodbury

So, I asked the Pieman for an update on the fund-raising.

Seventy bucks.

That's what OCEAN is worth to Woodbury.

What I didn't say to the Pieman (why hurt his feelings) is that that's pretty damned pathetic.

SO, I made a chart (well, one of the nephews made a chart). I'll update it if it ever changes.

The $1,000 is my number. I asked the Pieman what he was shooting for and he said "whatever the people will give us."

As I said, pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Smiley is working on it, but some things take time.

Anonymous said...

I am puting a check in the mail. Listen, I don't care what anyone's political view is. I think we should all support Soca/Ocean. I remember that empty feeling I felt when Ace farm was flipped.I asked around town and was told there is nothing anyone can do. Until Soca. Now at least we're not clueless. Because someone will do the research,tell us how to fight back and give us local updates. If a check will help them out, I'm in.

Anonymous said...

OK, so for all those who say Swiller is pocketing the $$, why not catch him red-handed. Send OCEAN a check, and then see if it is truly deposited into the OCEAN account, or cashed by Swiller. (I'm certain you'll find that he does not dabble in cheating the public.) The blood, sweat and tears that the members of SOCA, SOCA at Work and OCEAN have used in trying to protect Woodbury and Monroe, while building reputable organizations would have been for naught if this type of behavior was occurring. Swiller has offered up his accounting books, what more do you want??? I say give, give more and then some!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But $20s are fine.

Uncle Betty said...

Let's see here. Swiller came up with the "Not One Inch" campaign in response to Mayor Weider saying that he was willing to negotiate as to which parts of Woodbury he would take.
The campaign pissed off the powers that be in KJ, big time.
Dear Mr "Not One Penny" do tell. Are you, by any chance connected to Mr. Weider?

Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry, it's just Don, and his motto really should be:

"Not one Brain Cell!"

Anonymous said...

Oh Don, keep having your rag tag yard sales as your undisclosed means paying for suing the town you live in. At least Swiller is on the up and up.

Anonymous said...

Alruism is lost on lesser minds and they cannot understand someone doing something because they believe in a cause!
Their MO is getting a "kickback" of some kind so they think that everyone gets a kickback.

Anonymous said...

Before I send my money can you please post a copy of the tax returns online like most non profits do? I like others will send you money after we see how its spent.

Anonymous said...

Please call me or post your name and number right here and I will be happy to have you go through our books, do our taxes and post them on line.
We sure could use the help.

Anonymous said...

In fact that goes for anyone who is willing to help.
If any of you has the time to help us do our filing please call me at 845-928-9273 or post your information here.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, it's too bad that the people questioning how the money is spent didn't question the Preservation party BEFORE they got us into this mess called THE VILLAGE!!! I hope you plan on questioning RALPH when you get your VILLAGE tax bill!! Like lemmings, you were all lead so blindly to the edge of the cliff by RALPH and company, and without question, moved that lever and pushed us all over the edge of the cliff!

Anonymous said...


If you look at the bills, Don did not sue the town. They were only a conduit to the developer. The town didn't pay one red cent to suit. However, I would estimate (and a rough one at best) over a hundred citizens paid out of their own pocket for a cause they believed in.

All in all, it was the public versus the developer with the town as the developer's shill.

Anonymous said...

Oh please...spread your bull!@#$ on Don's garden where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

Don and his pals filed a law suit AGAINST WOODBURY.
Don and his pals raised money by telling lies in Woodbury and Cornwall and by having a yardsale with signs that don't mention the lawsuit.
Now, one more time, Don and his pals want to rewrite history.

I've got a good one for you guys - the reason Ralph lost was that the people of Woodbury felt that being mayor was not a good enough job for him and they loved him so much that they all voted to keep him from sacrificing his talents on too insignificant a job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the village Ralph, just what we need higher taxes! you a-hole