Thursday, February 23, 2012

As Requested: Pipeline Update

In response to a posting by our most active reader, Anonymous, we turn our attention away from our attempt to come up with a new Jeremy Lin pun and look to the pipeline.

Last week pipeline engineers, under the watchful eyes of KJ attorneys, presented a somewhat brief overview of their plans to the Woodbury town and village boards.

As we already know, their plan is to put the pipe alongside (for the most part) routes 32 and 44. They'll be coming down from Cornwall, turning west at Ridge Rd and again at 7 Springs Mountain Rd.

They intend to start work in May and continue for 1 or 2 years.

What effect this will have on traffic access to those roads is not yet known.

Meanwhile, back at Route 105, the County is supposed to be working on reopening that road "in the Spring." We will attempt to get a more precise set of dates.

Left unanswered is where all the money for the pipeline is coming from.

Stay tuned.

H.T. to Anonymous.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Yes, I Repeat, No!

In Virginia a bill, HB825, was just introduced which would prohibited judges and state administrators from using any legal code esstablished outside the US in making decisions.

Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, HB1580 would require “All members of the general court proposing bills and resolutions addressing individual rights or liberties shall include a direct quote from the Magna Carta which sets forth the article from which the individual right or liberty is derived.”

Last time I checked, Runnymede was outside the borders of the USA.

The Uncle can appreciate that the Tea Party folks are made as hell, but shouldn't they try to figure out what it is they're angry about?