Sunday, April 29, 2007

What The Uncle Understands To Be So

Some basic facts (as I understand them)

1.Under existing state law the Village must take over the ZBA and the Planning Board on June First and the Sewer and Water Department on January First.

2. The Village is not required to take over the Building Department.

2 A. It is possible for the the State to pass special legislation allowing the Town to keep the Sewer and Water department. It is not certain that this will happen.

2 B. The more that the Village leaves in the Town's hands, the harder it is to explain why four fifths of those who voted chose to form a village in the first place. The more that transfers over to the Village the more that we will have to untangle when we try to undo the Village.

2 C. Civil Service law allows the Village to assume the Town's contracts with the workers in departments that transfer over so that the workers would continue with no change - same seniority, same salary, same accrued vacation and sick time, etc. But for this to happen the Union has to agree.

3. The Union has, so far, not discussed this with the Town or the Village.

4. If there is no agreement with the Union and there is no special legislation than the employees whose departments transfer from the Town to the Village must take (or lose) all accrued sick and vacation time before the turnover dates or (if they are eligible) take lump-sum payments for that accrued time. This would hit the Town with a big pay-out and force workers to use the time or take the pay-out. Many workers don't want to take the cash or the time now (rather than at retirement) because of the heavier tax bite or because they could use the time as terminal leave at the end of their careers.

The Uncle would like to know where the hell is the Union.


If we are going to ask the Legislature to do anything, the number one request should be to change village law and annexation law so that no community needs to make what should be purely internal decisions based on the fear of external factors (yeah, yeah, yeah, like the whims of Messers Szegedin and Weider).


Anonymous said...

Please check #'s 3 & 4 for accuracy. Thank you.

Uncle Betty said...

Well, for one thing, I screwed up on the numbering so now there are 2 A - 2 C so that the above question refers to the intended paragraphs.

OK, I will double check and see if the Union has been in contact with the Town or the Village on the subject of transferring the workers' contracts from one to the other.

Anonymous said...

If the Village MUST take zoning and planning, wouldn't it make sense for them to transfer the building department as well? Seeing how things have not worked smoothly thus far, could you just imagine the havoc that would be created if the ZBA or Planning boards needed something from the Building department (if it were left with the Town)??

Why don't we move it ALL to the Village and just dissolve the Town??

Anonymous said...

Para 2B. States "the more that tranfers over to the village the more that WE will lhave to untangle when WE undo the village"
THANK YOU FOR MAKING INTENTIONS CLEAR. UB you sure think you know what the people in this town want don't you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ralph/Don like u do?? All u did was scare people in to voting for this thing. If the village is not gonna protect us from annexation than maybe it would just be easier to dissolve it. Or, maybe Don, you can hold one of your fundraisers to raise money for all of the extra tax money we have to pay for that you and Ralph and the rest of the Preservationists lied to us when you said this thing would only cost 200 grand a year.

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight a village can only exist within a town. We can not disolve the town like some ignorant people would propose.

Anonymous said...

I guess you didn't get the sarcasm...too bad. And for the record, I am far from ignorant, and you my friend should learn how to spell!

Anonymous said...

What I see here is that there is someone who obviously gets very upset over spelling. You have been critical of the spelling on this post along with the spelling on the previous posts and subjects. Why not forgive people for their little spelling errors and commend them on their input. I shiver with fear on the mentality of an individual who is such a perfectionist as to dwell on such little mishaps as spelling. I wonder how rigid you are with policy and how unforgiving you are life.

Uncle Betty said...


All is now clear as mud.

One of the following four things is going on

A. Everything is perfect and there are no problems.

B. The Town and the Union agree on everything but the Village is holding out (This is basically what John said to the Record - it doesn't seem to be the case).

C. The Town and the Village are on track, but the Union is AWOL (This is what I suggested in the main post and may well be wrong).

D. The Village and the Union are OK with transferring the workers to a new contract that leaves them with everything that they have now - but the Town (John himself?) is the problem - (this might well be what is going on - tune in for updates).

Yes, I'd love to get rid of the Village as soon as possible. I never said otherwise And I don't claim to speak for everyone (unlike some unsuccessful politicians the Uncle might name). That's what referenda are for.

And lastly, have we considered keeping the Town and the Village but dissolving the State?

Anonymous said...

When I am called ignorant by someone that doesn't take the time to spell correctly, well yes, I do get annoyed. That shows me that you, and people like you, are willing to overlook details. In my estimation, that is what has gotten us into so much trouble with the Village fiasco. Had Ralph and his playmates taken the time to outline the Village completely, with all the DETAILS, I believe the outcome of the original vote would have been much different.

As they say, "it's all in the details"...and now it appears that our supervisor, Mr. Burke, following in Ralph's footsteps, is neglecting to point out certain details to the rest of his own board, the Town employees and the public. One must ask, is it intentional or a mere oversight? You be the judge.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY reason a village was created was to protect the town from having multiable villages. Now, we have a town with one village. The Junction cannot create its own village. Central Valley with most of the ratables cannot create its own village. Highland Mills cannot create its own village and so on and so on! The village has served its purpose!! Repeat I voted yes for the village so as NOT to have multiable villages within The Town of Woodbury. Plan and simple. How the village officals serve Woodbury is the problem.

Anonymous said...

OPOMake no mistake...the ONLY reason to create this G..for saken Village was POWER AND CONTROL! Ralph and his merry men (and women)had all intentions of cleaning house as far as the employees are concerned. Where would your services be then? Once again, it bears repeating - while State Law dictates that a village cannot be formed within another village, IT DOES NOT AND WILL NOT STOP ANNEXATION! Thank goodness Jonathan Swiller and his group were successful in taking the annexation proposal OFF the table not too long ago. How long do you think KJ will wait to file again.
Boy, were you and 2,000 other people sold a bill of goods. If there was ever a time to work together, it's NOW!

Anonymous said...

"The ONLY reason a village was created was to protect the town from having multiple villages. Now, we have a town with one village."

So, did you think that was it? Did anyone ever suggest to you that dissecting the Town in order to comply with NY state law would be difficult, at best? Of course not. I believe you, like the other 2000 people, must have subscribed whole-heartedly to Ralph's overly simplistic (and quite deceiving)view of the creation of the Village. Sadly, we are now ALL left to deal with the laws, statutes and COSTS of Ralph & Company's haphazard and ill-conceived notion- The Village of Woodbury.

The only comforting reality is that we have five intelligent, selfless, caring individuals working hard for us ALL!! (And I am not related by blood or marriage to ANY of them!)

Anonymous said...

The smaller village is the way IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE. Like in Blooming Grove. The people in the area most affected by KJ created a village in a smaller part of town that does not affect EVERYONE or throws everything in Blooming Grove in to disarray. The people in the far northwestern portions of Woodbury should have formed a village as those were the areas under greatest threat from KJ and annexation or from KJ people wanting to buy land and build in those parts of town. This town wide village does not serve the interests of people outside those areas. If people in other parts of Woodbury wanted to form villages they would have done so already.

Villages aren’t just formed for the sake of forming villages. They were formed to provide a certain service that was not provided by the town. If the town did not provide police, fire or sewer services, etc a village would be formed. Villages are corporations not municipalities in the sense that towns are. The theory that smaller villages would form is BS. There was never a need for villages in the Town of Woodbury as the town provided all services already that a village would. Mini villages never would have sprung up.

Anonymous said...

Desiree, I hope your not getting too comfy in the fact that your name isn't being mentioned in these last few blogs. Don't worry honey, we haven't forgotten about you or the salary that your not worth. Imagine, a FILE CLERK makes more than the Town Supervisor. You know that must not doesn't sit too well with Burke? I hope you like the suprise come election time. Just ask some of your so called friends.

Uncle Betty said...

Latest Version

OK, it now appears that the Union, the Village and the Town are all saying that the transfer of the workers under the existing contract (or a new one which says the same things)is a go.

So guys, sign the right papers and get this done.

Anonymous said...

Des- Word of the jobs you were elected and hired to do, and don't stray from those positions. There are times when you must be reminded that you're not a member of either board, nor are you their legal counsel or special advisor. I think that is why there is such hostility towards you at times, because you appear to want & try to run the show.

Stay on task, and do your jobs, and just let the others do theirs. If you can do that, with a pleasant and respectful attitude, then I think those posting warnings here, and talking behind your back should be ignored. Take care!

Anonymous said...

I am really getting annoyed. I live in this town and I voted for the village. I have always understood creating a village did not protect us from annexation. It protected the town from having multible villages each with its own zoning code. And that is the same reason Blooming Grove became a village. REPEAT it protects the town from having multible villages each with its own zoning code. Can you imagine The Junction petitioning the town of Woodbury to become its own village and then their elected officals decide to create an even higher density zoning (something similar to KJ). What a disaster we would have on our hands. WE no longer have that worry BECAUSE we are a village. Just keep the cost down and personal favors out of our goverment.

Anonymous said...

If the prevention of the creation of multiple villages was such a persuasive argument it would have made sense for the Committee for the Preservation of Woodbury and the South Blooming Grove Homeowners Association to have made that their central argument. Instead. both groups tried to convince voters that forming a village would prevent annexation.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with both the Preservation Party and the Community Party, neither party ever said forming a village would stop annexation. That kind of talk leaves me to beleive all you are is a POT STIRRER.

Anonymous said...

There go the Ralphlings, oversimplifying again. Ya, like all these little HOA's would try to form their own Villages. A) It's not that easy, and B0 Like anyone is really going to want to deal with that headache!

Ralph, once again you and Don and your little entourage are trying your best to weasel out of the awful things you have done to all of us. You all should be tarred and feathered, and run out of Woodbury!

Again, we are all fortunate that we have a strong, smart, cohesive beacon of light guiding us in those that were elected to run the Village!

Anonymous said...

Srry...that should have read A) and B)...wouldn't want to drag poor BO into this mess.

Anonymous said...

Why would the people in the Woodbury Junction want to create their own village when all the land surrounding them is Town property? They could never annex the land into KJ or anywhere else.You cannot annex over municipal land.
Please stop misleading people.

Anonymous said...

Like I said, the Ralphlings' only defense for their irresponsible behavior is to continue to misguide and confuse the public, hoping that people will either forget that THEY got us into this whole mess, or try to spread rumours and lies about the people that are trying to guide us through this mess.

The Preservation party and their followers should be SUED! Could we do that? I wonder if Ralph figured that into his budget??

Anonymous said...

"smart, cohesive BECON OF LIGHT GUIDING US in those elected to run the village" That light or lights are the same ones who ran their campaign... aka BUILDERS, SWILLER(AKA kj) or simply put $$$$$.

Anonymous said...

Reference "land surrounding them is town property" - That was the drug deal the board made with Brodsky. However, has it actually happened. My last review of that situation was that it HASN'T. I would be quite surprised if that deal is in writing anywhere and without it in writing; who is going to legally enforce this so-called deal???

Anonymous said...

Do you want to discuss why people in this town voted for a village or not? Or do you want sidestep the issue and just insult anyone and everyone. The village vote passed because people in our town did not want a town with multiblle villages and high density zoning. It's not just The Juntion I speak to. It's other large parcels of property in town. The village serves its purpose. Lets keep cost down and favors out of our government. Please don't get so nasty

Anonymous said...

"multiblle" you mean multiple???? Did you personally poll the voters after they voted? How do you know why they voted as they did? I can say I've spoken to at least 25 "yes" votes, and they all said they voted that way because they believed Ralph's "kit", and that it would stop annexation. And they alsoo said that knowing what they know now, they NEVER would have voted yes!!!

It had nothing to do with what you morons want to call "high" density zoning. Your nonsense about corrupt boards, etc is just that, IGNORANT NONSENSE, and you newly created crap about personal favors is also that, CRAP.

Move on and realize that you and your pals LOST the election. That's about the only plain and simple aspect to this whole Village nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Straight from the garbage can fiction by Ralph Caruso....

Anonymous said...
"smart, cohesive BECON OF LIGHT GUIDING US in those elected to run the village" That light or lights are the same ones who ran their campaign... aka BUILDERS, SWILLER(AKA kj) or simply put $$$$$.

9:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Reference "land surrounding them is town property" - That was the drug deal the board made with Brodsky. However, has it actually happened. My last review of that situation was that it HASN'T. I would be quite surprised if that deal is in writing anywhere and without it in writing; who is going to legally enforce this so-called deal???

9:11 AM


Anonymous said...

Multiple Villages were never , ever a threat in creating this crap Village. Your just grasping at a pathetic straw to justify your complete lack of imformation when you voted yes. You voted for the Village because Ralph lied to you about annexation, and nothing else. Admit your an idiot! A sheep that would follow that jerk Caruso right into the slaughtering house, because you were too stupid to get the facts.

Anonymous said...

If you have proof that someone on the town board received money or favors or ANYTHING from Brodsky, please let us know.
But for years the Ralphlings have been saying that with NO PROOF AT ALL.
They hoped it would stick if they said it enough, but the people in Woodbury are to smart for that.
Again where is your proof?
If you have any go to the state attorney generals office and have them do an investigation. Otherwise shut up!

Anonymous said...

It's always the same MO with Ralph and his tagalongs. Spread the seeds of lies and hope your field of weeds grows. Sadly, it did just that with approval of the Village.

Anonymous said...

The only tags or seeds of lies I have been seeing are from those that resent the fact that their opinions are being questioned. As evidence; look at the statement from "...straight from the garbage can fiction..." - No logic, no supporting info to contradict what was stated; just plain talk that one would expect from a four year old....Oh sorry OCEAN/SOCA I didn't mean to offend. I probably should have said "nappy headed hoe"

Anonymous said...

Look in the mirror moron...there's your proof!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Caruso is not on my buddie list, but enough is enough. Blame the 2000 people who followed him blindly and voted this Village in. Shame on them all for not doing their homework! You can also lay blame on the the rest of the registered voters who didn't care enough to vote either way.
Not one of the bloggers have offered any solutions other than dissolving the Village. Anyone working on that?

Anonymous said...

Three posts up a Ralphling idiot says that calling a post garbage is a lie because there is " - No logic, no supporting info to contradict what was stated"

The garbage reference was to a post that said "Swiller (aka KJ)". So according to the Ralphling saying that Swiller is KJ is fine, but calling that garbage requires proof.

Thats pure Ralph Caruso!

Anonymous said...

Reference "land surrounding them is town property" - That was the drug deal the board made with Brodsky. However, has it actually happened. My last review of that situation was that it HASN'T. I would be quite surprised if that deal is in writing anywhere and without it in writing; who is going to legally enforce this so-called deal???

You better go back and check because the land has transfered. You really do not know what you are talking about.
The supposed "Drug Deal" regarding the land is in writing. Check the developers agreement that has been signed by our supervisor John Burke. Why don't you ask him?

Before you post you should really do your homework. How can we take you seriously when your info is not up to date or incorrect.
Or you are just trying to spread misinformation? It will not work here. We know to much and are much better informed than you!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when the Village election is going to be?

Anonymous said...

Let's all understand one thing, Ralph and his gang will NEVER go away as they live and breath power and control!

Now that we have that cleared up, it should also be understood that he will never stop trying to wrap his tentacles around those in power, such as the Town board members, in order to get power himself. John is already his pal, so now he just has to work on the others. History has shown that some of them were on Ralph's side of the fence at least once during their tenure, so it's not that big of a stretch to suspect that he might try to get them back there again (assuming that they did actually make the jump to begin with)...this being an election year for two of them, Ralph's campaign to sway them may already have started. Let us all hope and pray that they learned their lessons, and that they will reject the "dark" side!!! Yes, the two incumbents ARE Republicans, and will have to ask Ralph and his committee for it's endorsement, but remember that if the Rep Committee says no, they can always walk petitions and force a primary. What we all need to be mindful of is that if the two incumbents ARE endorsed by Ralph, we need to make sure that the endorsement isn't being given with a price tag attached. By that, I mean if endorsed, we need to keep track of the decisions they are making and their attitudes towards the present situation we have in Woodbury with two layers of government, and the cooperation level between both boards.

We also need to be watching what Manny and the Democratic committee does.

Anonymous said...

To last the poster, your insane to think that Raplh will ever support any board member other then John.

Anonymous said...

Well YOU would certainly know that, now wouldn't you...

Anonymous said...

Ralph does not own the republican committee and at least half the committee does not like or respect him or his word! Stop giving him so much power.
Why would the two board members up for re-election jump in bed with a man who can't win his own elections or get the people he supports into office!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you take a little walk down memory lane and examine exactly who Ralph wanted and GOT into office. Him not winning his own elections has never stopped him from getting his people into office, and then manipulating them and the situations like a master puppeteer.

Don't you remember the ticket of Ralph, Shiela, Gerri & Holly?? True he proved to be the forever loser, but the rest of them got in. Lorraine, Mike A & Mike Q have all been or may still be on the Republican committee, so they have all had their own involvement with Ralphie boy. And then there is John...hmmm...Ralph and his committee chose not to back Shiela, AND chose NOT to endorse a Republican at all...that speaks VOLUMES as to who Ralph wanted in office as supervisor, don't you think?

When it comes to power and control, people tend to act strangely. All I am trying to point out is that we all need to keep a sharp eye on our governments, especially on the local level and wherever Ralph is involved.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you really fear the man. Swill, your last two post reveal exactly when you become anonymous. THE SWILL HAS BEGUN STIRRING THE POT ...

Anonymous said...

You said "Ralph and his committee chose not to back Shiela, AND chose NOT to endorse a Republican at all..." To set the record straight there is a vote by all committee members; Ralph only gets one vote so blame the majority that did not vote for her. I was told she only had five out of twenty.

Anonymous said...

Then why not actively seek out another candidate? Sounds like he was backing John. (Of course all those late night meetings between the two was a little more convincing though!)

Anonymous said...

Ralph was always backing John...the plan was for Ralph to become Mayor and John would step aside. Ralph was fueling the fire between John and Sheila the entire time she was on the Town Board. Well their plan backfired and they have no one else to blame but themselves.
Now that the Village is here and not run by The Preservation Party, John has changed his tune and refused to give over control blaming others.
My bet is that this coming Town Election will see every

Anonymous said...

What an imagination. I hope your therapist can cure you.

Anonymous said...

The committee did reach out and try to find someone to run for supervisor but no one was that dumb. Who would submit themselves to such abuse from all of these posters every day, just look what they did to the town clerk. There are only a few good people left in this town that really cares; some are sitting on the town and village boards and a couple decided not to run again. The town could not even fill five seats on an ethics board, why because of all the negativity in this town/ village. They ridicule people who volunteer and character assault any elected person and most of the time it’s from the same group who supported them. So why any would smart person run for office or volunteer for anything in Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

What's with you people? Does anyone think John Burke is not doing a good job? It seems to me the only major disagreement between the town board and the supv. is Brodsky project (THE JUNCTION) and that's all behind them. I think the Town Board signed all the necessary papers for the Fire Dept.

Anonymous said...

"It seems to me the only major disagreement between the town board and the supv. is Brodsky project (THE JUNCTION) and that's all behind them." Boy are you naive...what about Legacy Ridge and any other project that may need to ask for a zoning change of some type? John seems to rubberstamp DENIED across anything having to do with zoning, including senior housing! He finally had to admit that he didn't completely understand two of the five zoning changes. Don't bother trying to understand, just vote no. That's competence for you!

Anonymous said...

Come June 1st, John Burke, Supervisor, will no longer have jurisdiction over zoning matters and that's probably killing him.
The Village will have ALL the control! Fancy that, Ralph!

Anonymous said...

That's probably at the heart of the matter. Ralph NOR John will have any control over the zoning issues, so.......this whole Village creation was for naught boys! Looks like you'll have to try to get some unsuspecting sap with no known connection to either of you to be appointed to the new boards or keep trying to manipulate those already there...either way, you've pretty much lost control!

Anonymous said...

It will be a sad day when all zoning issues are transferred to the Village. The people in there all supported the zoning changes and for what? A piece of buffered land that has not been handed over yetand a chance to sell of few more houses. Some people can be bought off cheap!

Anonymous said...

To the last poster- you seem quite proud of your ignorance. You really should try to educate yourself better before posting your nonsense.

Anonymous said...

"It will be a sad day when all zoning issues are transferred to the Village. The people in there all supported the zoning changes and for what? A piece of buffered land that has not been handed over yetand a chance to sell of few more houses. Some people can be bought off cheap!"

Again if you have proof of any wrong doing or illegal activities let's hear them, but you better have proof. Documents, video recordings with sound etc.
I really think that you should stay on point and discuss the issues Don, instead of making up lies about some of our past and present elected officials.
It didn't work then and it will not work now! WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU UNLESS THERES PROOF! Put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

Like the boy who cried wolf, just about everyone in Woodbury is wise to Don's ravings. And the few that are not wise to it, they will be.

How does it feel Don to have a whole community look at you with disgust?

Anonymous said...

I think he's hot!!!

Anonymous said...

To those who think I am ranting (and apparently Don {not}), why don't you check for yourself and become educated. Or do you wish to remain in your little (heavy on the little) cyber world and keep thinking you know all. Again...NOT!!

Anonymous said...

OK, "Not Don", show your proof.

Anonymous said...

Make a call to the Town Hall slick and ASK!!!