Friday, January 20, 2012


Coumcilman James Skoufis; Action Alert!

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

We in Woodbury are continuing our strong push to make the Route 32/Thruway improvement project happen and happen on time but we need your help. It is critical that our state and federal representatives hear from as many residents as possible about just how important this is to our quality of life here in town so please call the elected officials below and spread the word to your friends to do the same.

When you're done, please fill out this quick response form so I know how many people called and what the response you got was: Survey

When federal and state reps hear from many local residents, it makes a *huge* difference - so, if you're fed up with the traffic on Route 32, please call the list below. And thank you very much for fighting for a better Woodbury for us all.***

Senator Chuck Schumer: 914-734-1532Thank the senator for coming to Woodbury yesterday and fighting on our behalf and encourage him to do everything he can to pass Senate Bill 1813, also known as MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century) and get Albany the funding to begin our improvement project in 2013, not 2017.

Congresswoman Nan Hayworth: 845-206-4600Encourage the congresswoman to introduce a version of Senate Bill 1813 in the House. It's believed that passage in the House will be difficult so it's important you explain to the congresswoman's staff how important this project is to you and Woodbury.

Senator Bill Larkin: 518-455-2770Encourage the senator to do everything he can to lobby the Department of Transportation to put Woodbury's improvement project back on the 2013 schedule and make it a priority.

Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun: 518-455-5441

In today's news, we found out that Assemblywoman Calhoun is working against our interests and is pushing for an alternate improvement plan that a) would start us back at ground zero in a process that has taken us a decade to get to where we are and b) has already been looked at by the Department of Transportation and deemed unfeasible. Tell her to back the plan that every local official is supporting and not go on a renegade mission that stands no chance of becoming a reality.***

If you need some background information when calling these offices: After about a decade of work, the Department of Transportation approved a plan that would construct a ribbon loop out of Woodbury Common directly onto the Thruway, eliminating the need for Common traffic to exit onto Route 32, eliminating the need for those left hand turns, and eliminating a number of traffic lights. This work had long been planned to start in 2013 until, just recently, we found out that the DOT has slated to push it back to 2017 due to lack of federal funding. Given the tremendous amount of sales tax both the Town of Woodbury and Woodbury Common generates for the state, this is simply unacceptable and we residents deserve better.

Again, when you're done, please take the very quick time to fill out the survey so we can track how many people have called and what kind of responses we are getting:




Anonymous said...

What is Calhoun doing??? Does she think her genius idea of a back-of-mall exit ramp hasn't been pushed before???

She HAS to go!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to contact Senator Gillibrand as well. She can be reached at (845) 875-4585. We all need to apply pressure to Washington and the State of NY to get this done.

Anonymous said...

Off course Nancy has to go and so does that useless senile old fart Larkin!

Anonymous said...

Useless to whom? Certainly not KJ.

Anonymous said...

That is all the senile old fart is good for! that and lining his pockets!!!

Anonymous said...

There once was a man named Eddie
Whose truth was not too steady
And what did he do?
He closed Valley View!
All because he got too heady!!!

Anonymous said...

The Uncle is dead
Rest in Peace

Uncle Betty said...

Just napping.


Anonymous said...

Well then Uncle, if you are still around, what do you think of the delay in the road improvements around the Woodbury Commons?

Anonymous said...

Shhh! the Uncle is still napping. Or is it that he is comatose?

Uncle Betty said...

Dealing with the State Department of Transportation can readily induce coma (and the Thruway Authority is even worse), but I still like the Pieman's idea of roundabouts at the north and south ends of the 6/17/32/Thruway/Common interchange/mess with no left turns.

Anonymous said...

That is too simple, it is a very good idea but the DOT engineers need to make it more complicated that that.
Score one for the Pieman!

Anonymous said...

Is Pete the ex highway super working for The Depart. of Transportation????? Favors Favors Favors!!!