Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Your Tax Dollars Down The Toilet

The Uncle has returned from the false spring of Los Angeles, where the unreality of the weather seems to be echoed in every smile. A company town, Los Angeles has some of the Western Hemisphere's finest neo-Stalinist architecture and some damn fine taco wagons too. None-the-less, I am back in my almost warm enough home nestled into the rolling hills of the once proud -now non-existant-hamlet of Woodbury Falls.

The weather report says that the temperature is 10 degrees below normal. In that that's been true of the past three winters, when does the new normal take hold?

But that's not what I returned from the world's largest potemkin village to discuss. No, rather it is the latest hijinx by the Ankle Biter.

Don Siebold, Caruso's right hand foot, has filed suit against the Town of Woodbury.

On what grounds, you ask.

Go ahead.


I'll wait.

Well, he says that when Brodsky cuts down trees on Brodsky's own property, it will spoil Don's view.

And so, young Counselor Bacon has come down from Paltz (the new one) and laid papers upon the town.

This is going to cost money to deal with.

Your money.

It will also cost Don a bunch. Where is he getting it? Who wants Brodsky to have to sell his land? Any Guesses?


Anonymous said...

I thought Siebold lives off of Roselawn...what "view" does he have now?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we can get Don to take his head out of Ralph's ass the view might be much better.

Anonymous said...

I believe it has to be surgically removed. Don is deciding whether the removal of his head from Ralph's ass is the best alternative or should he just keep it up there, because if he choose to do so, then Ralph may have to consider removing his head from Larkin's ass. It could really become a big mess.
Looks like Mike Aronowitz had a double head from ass removal. One half was up Ralph's ass and the other half was up Don's ass. Maybe Don should ask Mike how long the recovery period is.

Anonymous said...

I think Mike is still in recovery....

Anonymous said...

Nuh uh, I think Mike's in denial.

Anonymous said...

Just shows you Conroy has blown the whole project. Now its a pissing match between the county and the town and the county always wins. I looked up the laws, they have 30 days how could she have not know that. The county always has the last word now here comes $$$$$$$$$ of tax dollars spent because she made another mistake. How did she ever get that job, you never know what will happen once you go to court! All she had to do is wait a few more days and the town could have been saved. Now I am sure Bill will sell the land and we will see it go to the hands of the Ace farm owners. THANKS CONROY

Anonymous said...

Dave Church (Co. Planning Commish) is a good man, but remember who he works for...Eddie Diana...Diana comes from the wing of the GOP dominated by the Larkin-Carusoites and others equally loyal to the KJ bloc vote. So, i am not surprised that the county is taking a negative view on the project. I think there is also some dispute of when this "30 day" period started. I believe it is the opinion of the town that it started in June. And if by some chance that the developer has to sell the land and it goes to wont be Sheila’s fault...she didn’t bring this ridiculous lawsuit. Blame Ankle Biter, Caruso and all their KJ friends. Remember Caruso wants his own KJ bloc vote...this lawsuit isn’t about saving anyone’s "view" of some nice trees and picturesque scenery...this is about saving Caruso's plummeting political career.

Anonymous said...

You'd think a smart businessman like Brodsky would choose smarter bedfellows. First the Three Amigos blew the ACE farm deal when WC outsmarted them, now his astute lawmakers don't know the law. 0 for 2 Billy! Hey there's still 14 shopping days til Xmas, plenty of time to buy some competent cohorts. Caveat emptor!

Anonymous said...

There is no pissing match between the Town and the County. The lawsuit was brought on by Don Siebold and Company. They are the ones suing the town, not the county. The county reviewed the plan, made their comments and now that is over. They questioned the 30 day period,but it doesn't change anything. The town board had a super majority vote and they moved forward. Story over.

The truth of the matter is Ralph Caruso is on a witch hunt because he blames Sheila, Gerri and Mike for losing his election.
When he ran against Roxanne four years ago and lost, he blamed Sheila, Gerri and Holly for taking up all his time and not allowing him to work hard on his own campaign.
When will he realize HE lost his own campaign. He does not have a pulse on the community. His views are outdated (like his clothes)and he tries to committ character assination on those who do not agree with his antiquated opinions. STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN LOSS MR CARUSO!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You may be right about Ralph, but no matter how you look at it Conway may have cost Bill an ton of cash and he may never get to build his empire. I see him taking the cash now and selling out, who wouldn't. Now that the county says they put 20 hours on this it will be a battle and Big Ed will not be on the Woodbury side. Its very clear she went to the vote to soon the county would always wait till the end just call them and ask them like I did. It looks like Bill may be on the ropes and WP3 may now rest in peace!

Anonymous said...

Bill may be on the ropes but let's not count him out just yet. Don't forget he still has Gerri on the Town Board and George is sure to replace Mike as Chairman of the P.B. With Ralph Caruso being forced off the ZBA by the new Ethics Law they will get to appoint two new members. With control of all three boards Bill's troops will find a way to get him what he wants.

Anonymous said...

He may have Gerri and George but I hope he has deep pockets to fight the county.

Anonymous said...

Also JB is now in charge, I am betting on Bill to sell ASAP. Garden Apartments here we come!I told you Johnny boy we will get the land last I heard he was getting ready to deal his shares.

Anonymous said...

this won't cost bill brodsky a penny. the lawsuit has nothing to do with him. this will cost the taxpayers of the town of woodbury a pile of money to defend it. you can thank ralph caruso and his lap dog, don sielbold for your taxes going up. this lawsuit is nothing more than sour grapes on the part of ralphie boy. it is almost commical to think that don sielbold spent any of his own money on this. if you know don, you know that he is tighter than tight and meaner than mean. he wouldn't spend a penny on defending a lawsuit against himself, let alone front the cost for this one. this is ralph's baby hiding behind Don. probably done pro bono as a favor to larkin. just do a little digging. the board acted properly. the county's vision for woodbury is more growth, more business and more taxes for them (on the back of woodbury residents). I applaud the board for having the cojones to stand up against the county. the town is perfectly within its' right for self determination. unlike the county, the board thinks in terms of whats in the best interest of woodbury and woodbury's residents. The only improper act is a bunch of pissed off wannabee's taking their revenge out on the town. Their lawsuit is nothing more than an attempt at tyrrany. They think that those who scream the loudest should get what they want. Sorry boys, it doesn't work that way. Your good old boys' network is slowly crumbling! Why don't you Mr. Siebold and Mr. Caruso just sell your homes and get the hell out of Woodbury before you destroy it for your own selfish reasons.

Anonymous said...

The above response is correct. Because the Town had a super majority vote, meaning three plus one, the County cannot change anything, by law the County can only offer recommendations, not pass down judgments or rulings. the Town decides for itself.

Anonymous said...

But if the Judge makes you vote again will you have four votes?

Anonymous said...

That's wherein the problem lies. The Town Board did not stand up to the county, they voted before the county issued their response. They made a calculated decision to take the vote before the election. Problem is the law is clear, they did not wait the 30 days for the county's response as required under GML 239-m. Now the laws will be voided by a judge and sent back to the board, only this time with Sheila gone and JB behind the pole there will be no super majority. It's true that the county's decision is not binding, but to override a negative decison from the county you need a majority plus one.

Anonymous said...

don, that's where you are wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. again, you and ralph keep playing pseudo attorney. just because you keep saying it over and over, doesn't make it so. don't you think that the board made damn sure that they dotted their i's and crossed their t's. quite frankly, it was the county who screwed up and not the board. however, regardless, in nys there is the supramajority. so keep spreading your propaganda and bleeding the town dry with your pointless lawsuit. oh, yes, let's not forget my suggestion and "get the hell out of here!"

Anonymous said...

If ignorance is bliss, it appears you're quite ecstatic.

Anonymous said...

To one and All:

Why are certain people talking about what the county wants? If anyone actually took the time to read ALL of what the county wrote, the would see that the county also recommnened that Niniger Road be only an access road for KJ!!!!!
Thank you Conroy and the rest of the Board for having the courage to stand up for what's right!

Cousin Louie

Anonymous said...

I see its ok to have 450 new homes as long its not going to KJ. Need I say more.

Anonymous said...

i would have to say that 450 is definetely better than <4500>, wouldn't you?

Anonymous said...

What I would say is this:
Racism is the belief that people of different races differ in value, that these differences can be measured on a ranked, hierarchical scale, and that result in the social, political, and economic advantage of one group in relation to others. The belief that the character and abilities of individuals are correlated with their race is not necessarily racism, since this can be asserted without implying an inequality in value. Racism as a term is usually applied to actions by a dominant group in a society on others. Weaker groups are unlikely to practice racism publicly on a more dominant or powerful group, as they would effectively be unable to. This highlights the difference between oppression and repression.

In general, racism separates groups of people on the basis of race with the intent of viewing one race as more valuable and others as less valuable. The belief that the character and abilities of individuals are correlated with their race is not necessarily racism, since this can be asserted without implying an inequality in value, though whether or not all racialism implies racism is a matter of some dispute. But the application of this belief in dealing with members of that race, especially with little regard for variations within "races", is known as racial prejudice. Granting or withholding rights or privileges based on race or refusing to associate with persons based on race is racial discrimination.

Anonymous said...

hey thanks for the definition. But this is math class and it's pretty simply, 450 or 4500. I don't care who lives in them, it's simply a number, moron.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who truly knows Sheila also knows that she ALWAYS does her homework. I'm sure the judge will find that the Town Board's timeline for the 30 days was absolutely correct, and Mr. Siebold and company will be sent off with their tails between their legs once again. The "unknown" here is how much the Town will have to spend in legal fees to defend this ridiculous action. For those of you who don't attend or watch the meetings however, rest peacefully in knowing that Sheila has already had the foresight it takes to address the possiblity of the lawsuits that will be brought on by Mr. Burke's incompetence and Mr. Caruso's sore loser mentality, and has successfully had the board move additional monies itno that line item of the budget...which should be renamed "stupidity insurance" on behalf of Ralph and company!

Anonymous said...

You have to say this for the ankle biter,
he surely is a bullish fighter,
he does what he's told,
because he not smart just bold,
yes, in brains he definitely is lighter!

You have to say this for the senators aide,
he hasn't stopped his crusade,
he won't go back under his rock,
or stop talking his crock,
even when his plans are not best made!

You have to say this for the watchers of soca,
they surely don't change what comes out of their boca,
the same old sayings,
the same old brayings,
their mindless repetition is driving me loca!

Anonymous said...

As long as the three stay nice and tight,
Old Johnny and Mike A will have quite a fight...
For no matter how much Ralphie might rage,
The three amigos will control Woodbury's stage.
Lorraine is mighty and stands by her word,
Geri jumped ship after Ralph's lies she heard.
Queenan's the one who will keep them together,
For Ralph's revenge is what they'll need to weather.
And Johnny will realize the job's not so easy,
And Thursday nights may leave him a tad queasy.
Then there's Mike A, who thinks he's real smart,
Thinks HE got the money for the sign at Wal Mart.
We will need to watch closely in 2006,
And make sure Ralph and Don can play no more tricks!

Anonymous said...

as long as we're posting rhymes (as distinguished from poetry) here is the beginning of a children's story that i'm working on.

In the land of Might Have Been
Lived a princess tall and thin
With hair of gold
and eyes of green
and skin of silk
named So Serene

And on the island of Not To Be
In a castle by the sea
There lived a prince named
I Can Dream
who loved the princess So Serene

Anonymous said...

Keep your day job, Swiller.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the rhymes already. Even the one about the Man From Nantucket is better than this stuff.
Merry Christmas and Happy Whatever You Celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Candy canes refer back to the Old Testament and represent the beginning of G-d's work with humans. They harken back to the story of Cane and Abel and remind us that we should not think of ourselves as being better than anyone else especially to the point where we exercise physical action against another.
Why would anyone object to that?

Anonymous said...

candy canes dont refer to cain silly

they are a reference to the shepherd's (jesus) stick directing his flock

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to all, whatever you choose to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

In other words, candy canes can mean whatever you want them to mean.

Anonymous said...

Candy canes refer to the type of walking stick used in old age and not specifically to the staff of a shepard. It signifies the respect that most culture used to give their elderly and should now give. Candy canes are non-demnominational and should be seen that way.

Anonymous said...

Don Sieboldt is not as bad as you say on this site. He received a medal of valor for saving his captains life. Yes, his capt was being attacked by a tsi tsi fly and brave Don smashed it with a rock. This fly posed a particular threat since it was infected with a virus known to cause mental defects if its bites.

Obviously this had some serious effects on our hero and hopefully he will be cured someday