Saturday, January 28, 2006

Must See TV: Bubbles and Bo

OK, the year’s second Woodbury Town Board meeting has hit the airwaves and 2006 is becoming the year of Bubbles and Bo.
Not at Town Board work sessions on Mondays, mind you. No TV coverage Mondays so why should they bother?
But on the first and third Thursday of the month, there they be.
Getting it to the people, getting it on the air and, most of all, getting it wrong.

Bo said that this is the first two party board in ten years or so.

Actually it’s 4 years.

And, he said, back then the majority (Republican) board members beat up mercilessly on the single Democratic member.

OK, that one’s wrong too. The only regular attacks on the Democrat, James Galvin, came during the public comments, from members of his own party. Some of the regular Galvin muggers were Bob Donnelly and John Burke (whatever became of those guys?)

Bo then threatened some unspecified retribution against any board member who dared be mean to Johnny Burke.

Guesses as to what Bo had in mind are welcome.

Bo ended by asking that the Town do an audit and make it available to the public “unlike the previous administration.”

Not only was an audit already done, it has been available at Town Hall for all to see for close on to a year.

BUZZZZZ! Sorry Bo, you lose, but thanks for playing and please enjoy the home version of our game.

Our next contestant is a home-wrecker – oops, sorry – home-maker, from Highland Mills, Ms Darlene Reveille.

Darlene reported that she had, in fact, FOILed the audit and that it was incomplete.

This is interesting for a few reasons.
First, the audit was only put out to the public after it was completed (in early 2005) it was never available in partial form.

But even more interesting,

this past year Darlene has repeatedly mentioned
documents that she had FOILed from the Town
–and yet –
a FOIL for a list of Darlene’s FOILs

(boy this is getting complicated)
showed that as of November 2005, Darlene hadn’t FOILed
ANYTHING! Nothing! Zip! Zilch!

Wow, there must be some perfectly rational explanation. Probably one along the lines of Darlene saying “I managed the Department of Health in Garfield, NJ” as short hand for “I somehow managed to hold onto my job at the Dept. of Health in Garfield, NJ.”

Stay tuned.

This is gonna get real old, real fast.


Anonymous said...

I do not recall Bubbles and Bo ever getting anything they say correct. It is fairly obvious that everything that comes out of their mouth is political and Bo should really watch who he threatens. It always comes back tenfold!
I'm glad the four Republicans on the Board had enough sense not to comment on Bo's threats.
Mr Burke will soon be critized for the words of his posse.

Anonymous said...

If they plan on running for office in the next election they will not have a chance of winning. Mike A and Lorraine will win if they run. Bubbles & Bo are why people vote for Republicans!

Anonymous said...

What pisses me off is that a hell of a lot of us know about Darlenes little psychotic episode, but were all so nice and fine and never mentioned it, all the while she is lying her large ass off over Sheila and the others and proving that she meant it when she said that she didnt care what happened to the town.
people kept saying that it wasnt nice to say what happened to her and that there would be a sympathy vote for her. well I think that voters deserve to know about the people running aned whether or not they are in control of themselves. At the same time that she was telling the Democratic Committee that Sheila was on the take (a LIE!). We were all quiet about what happened to her. Well there is n more sympathy vote she can get, and it is up to her if she wants to keep making attacks and liing to us all. But if she keeps it up I plan on writing everything that I heard about that night. And I mean EVERYTHING!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The people have a right to know if someone running for office has a condition that prevents them from doing the job of that particular office. Darlene does.
If anyone wants to know what she did just FOIL the police reports and blotter entries from the Town Police.
By the way, she claims her weird , abusive and disgusting behavior was due to a mix up with her medications. Isn't she a public health nurse? Thats a mistake that she should not have made.
Unbalanced? yeah. Just what I want deciding the big issues for the town.
And she actually got votes. Scary!

Anonymous said...

Do you really think those two think they can win?

Anonymous said...

Why is all of this being rehashed again? SHE claims it was meds, so leave it alone. If she runs for office again, scrutinize her then. If she grandstands at a televised public meeting, and doesn't speak the truth, then call her on THAT...but rehashing what you THINK you KNOW is nonsense, and not proving anything.

Anonymous said...

Rehashed? It was never "hashed" in the first place. What happened?

Anonymous said...

Those who THINK they're "in the know" wish to keep bringing up personal info re: Darlene, almost as a way to keep her in check. It was a tidbit of info that floated behind the scenes during Darlene's campaign, but never truly hit the headlines, and frankly there is no need to stir it up at this point in time.

Anonymous said...

Bo knows!!