Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Toad, The Rump Roast and All

We’ve finally caught up with the goings on at the latest Town Board Meeting. This is based on reports by two of our trusted sources. If they turn out to be lying jackals let us know.

Lessee, town stuff happened: talk about ponds and deputy clerk pay and stuff like that. Then John Burke announced that he’d checked with lawyers and that Darlene’s concerns that Sheila’s appointment to the planning board was a conflict of interest of some sort were baseless claptrap.

John Baranowski, posse hanger-oner (is that almost a word?), then got up and said that Sheila’s appointment to the board might not be illegal, it might not be unethical, but it was “unseemly.” The Uncle translates that as “Sheila might not be doing anything wrong, but my pals and I still hate her and have no plans to stop attacking her.”

George Sewitt, new Chair of the Planning Board and a member of the Comprehensive Plan committee got up to say that Sheila never expressed an opinion about the Brodski project until it was voted on. This contrasted with Baranowski’s own stand while he served on the Comprehensive Plan committee, which was total opposition from the get go, even before the Brodski proposal was fully formulated.

Jonathan Swiller followed with a rather emotional presentation (he looked like he was about to blow a blood vessel) stating that it was the unending attacks on “the former administration” that were unseemly. The posse’s lies throughout the campaign were what were unseemly. The false rumors about Board members were what were unseemly. The late hits, like Carol Mullooly’s misleading postcard sent out to be delivered the day before the primary were what were unseemly.

The quote of the evening belonged to the Rump Roast herself who came in late and at the podium announced: “I missed the beginning of the meeting because I wasn’t here.”

Bo was present and didn’t speak. Darlene was absent and didn’t speak. And Ralphie hasn’t been seen at all.

A few weeks back Bo denounced the people who made unending attacks on the one Democrat on the last bipartisan Town Board. While he was erroneously referring to the Republican members of the Board, they weren’t James Galvin’s attackers. We are reminded that the foulest attacks on him came from those paragons of double dealing and dirty politics: Bob Donnelly and Manny Mangual.

Speaking of Donnelly, the Toad of Woodbury, we reread a letter he wrote (or Ralph wrote for him) to the Photo News last October. Aside from repeating Darlene’s little exaggeration (oops, I mean lie) that she “administers the Public Health office in a city larger than Woodbury”, he predicted that Sheila and Gerri would postpone the vote on the Brodski project to be able to slip it past the voters. Bear in mind, when Sheila actually held the vote on the project before the election, Donnelly and his pals denounced Sheila for rushing it through – the point being that they were prepared to attack her no matter what.

Is there a point in time when this group will finally shut the hell up? Or is that just wishful thinking?


Anonymous said...

RE: last town board meeting 2-2-06
John Baranowski, while making his vicious attack on Sheila Conroy, engaged in “Do as I say, not as I do”. Did anyone notice? He was quite unseemly in many ways, but one way that the Board overlooked is that when he criticized Sheila and said that she should abstain from voting on anything relating to Legacy Ridge because she lives next to it (not true by the way). Answer this John Baranowski: Where do you live in relation to WP3? Huh, Mr. Comprehensive-Plan-committee? Mr. One-out-of-seven? Maybe you should not be saying anything Mr. Nimby!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me the WHOLE BOARD is working great with each other. I have not heard of any in fighting or seen any. I dont see anyone speaking about that. This may be the best working board we have had in years. On Monday nights they work so well as a group we just may see this town get better.

Anonymous said...

Is the Rump roast the same Carol M who stated "I don't know why I keep getting up here and making a fool of myself?"

Anonymous said...

Just to correct an inaccuracy - It was Fred Ungerer, not Darlene (or is it Darleen?) that asked about Sheila serving on the Planning Board and whether it would be a conflict. Darlene was the one who stated the 2001 audit was not finished due to the tax collector, which was untrue and corrected by the Board at the 2/2 meeting.

Uncle Betty said...

Yes, the same Rump Roast also said something along the lines of "I don't know why I keep coming up here just to bore everyone."

Thank you Desiree. It's hard to keep the attack dogs straight.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Burke needs to take Mrs. Gianzero & Ms. McNeill's advice and set forth a policy whereby the public STOPS attacking dedicated individuals like Sheila Conroy, Carol Herb and the auditor...especially when those "on the attack" have their own skeletons...need I say more???

Anonymous said...

all i know is that if there is one more lie out of darlene reveille, i am going to write everything, EVERYTHING that i heard about her breakdown!

Anonymous said...

Suit yourself, but then you'll be just as bad as they are! Haven't you ever heard the saying "Give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves"? They're doing a great job of showing just how stupid and ignorant they are, so why not let them keep dangling?

Anonymous said...

"Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves", true, but that process takes time and in the meantime a nut case might get elected because people are uninformed when it comes to voting. Let's face it, there are MANY that vote party line, even if a monkey is on the line.

So, do the voters have a right to know about a mental condition that would affect someone's decision making process? Do they have the right to know about an emotional instability in a candidate? Do the voters have a right to know that someone admits to selfish reasons for running for office? Yes, yes and yes!! Are we going to ingore that because it's "not nice" NO. There is a bigger issue here than "dirty politics". It is the welfare of Woodbury.

Just stick to the facts, don't elaborate and certainly don't enjoy the sad state of a pitiful candidate's being.

Anonymous said...

My momma always told me to take things from whence they came, so anything coming out of Bo or Darlene or Mullooly or Donnelly's storytelling mouths should be thought of as fiction. Collectively, they couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it! I think the majority of voters realize this.

Anonymous said...

"The majority of the voters realize this." Wake up!! Look at how many votes Bubbles got!! It was way too close for "the majority of the voters realize this".

YOU may be discerning enough to realize that these people have no relationship with the truth but many do not!

If she should decide to run again she does so with the understanding that not everyone is afraid to tell the truth about her.

Anonymous said...

I know its way to early, but who will run next time?

Anonymous said...

I'd run, but is the public ready to accept an anonymous candidate?

Maybe we should create an anonymous party. Uncle Betty could head the ticket.

Anonymous said...

At least that would keep things honest!!

Anonymous said...

Who WILL run? Mike A probably will but we don't know if Lorraine is. And if she isn't going to run, we are in trouble.Especially if that leaves a clear feild for the likes of Bubbles and Bo.

Anonymous said...

How about George Sewitt or Maria Hunter running for Town Council ?

Anonymous said...

Both George & Maria are certainly capable..if they want to take on the headache of a campaign. Would either get King Ralph's approval? And if so, at what price?

Anonymous said...

It's called freedom of speech for reason and if the board can't take it they should step down or get thicker skin! This is ridiculous. I don't like what someone is saying about me , so lets create a law so they can't. GROW UP!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Since the Board meetings are now "live, the Board as well as the speaking PUBLIC should be held to a degree of honesty. Sometimes mistakes are made, however there is a group that believes that if they put lies and half-truths on the air long enough, the home viewers will believe it as truth. That is what is wrong, and that is what needs to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure is Mike A is running and he will win. When his committee seat was up he won big time getting over 75% of the vote I remember reading on his blogg. Bo and Bubble can’t beat him and they would be wasting their time trying. Loraine M is a lock and she knows it, the question is will she run again? Hunter cant win she ran two many times as a Dem and the voters will not like that. Now Mike A and George S will be a fun to watch and see if they work as a team to win the Rep vote?

Anonymous said...

(1) Maria Hunter did not win when she ran BECAUSE she was a democrat. As a Republican, she would clean-up. And in case you did not know, the Reps (Ralph included) were trying to get her to run against Sheila for Supervisor. (2) Mike Aronowitz won his committee seat BECAUSE he did a mailing and it was only for one district. He got approximately 47 votes, out of the 236 register Republican voters in that district. All numbers can be verified by FOILing them from the Town Clerk. (3) Lorraine is the biggest waste of time and she should be voted out. Exactly what has she done since she took office in 2000? Nothing accept when asked if she has something to say she says "Not at this time". Exactly at what time will she have something to say!?!? Maria should run in 2007 with Mike Aronowitz. The Republican Committee is not a fan of Lorraines and would have no problem putting anyone up against her. Although, it could be Hank Sullivan and Aronowitz, if Hank tries again. (4) George is an asset to this community right where he is - on the Planning Board. It would be sad to see him run and give up that seat. Although, the same could be said about Maria. (5) If Darlene does run again, it should come out about her "incident". (6) Bo really needs to find his sheep and realize he was a pawn in the Democratic game.

Anonymous said...

Hey whistleblower! You make the most sense.Maria and George are huge assests to the Planning Board, but I do not agree with you about the Republican Committee. Lorraine has some friends on the Committee including Gerri, Mike Q,Karen Q, Desiree and the Stabile's. I think she would have a chance at getting the endorsement and furthermore she does more than Aronowitz on the Town Board. I would like to see her run again.

Anonymous said...

FYI: Mike A would have backed Hunter if she ran. He does more now because John is in charge and I am sure he would back her if she ran. Mike has told me he will run for a second term and wants a good person on the ticket with him.

Anonymous said...

Mike A- why don't you post as your own name instead of "anonymous"?? Your writing is a little too close to your own ranting on your own blog over a year ago, when you proclaimed that you could win any office you run for. You are truly the weakest link on the Town Board, and after your terrible performance on the Parks and Rec commission ("let's turn CV Pond into CV Waterworld"), you never should have been given the chance to serve as a board member. You only seem to come to life on topics that interest you, which are very few, or at Ralph's command. Otherwise you are a waste of time and certainly do not represent the best interests of the entire town. You lack the intelligence to communicate, whether through the written or spoken word, and for the most part, you sit at the meetings like a bump on a log. It will be fun to see what you can come up with for a re-election campaign...but then again, with the Spin-master Ralph at your side, we better all buy some hip boots to wade through it!

Anonymous said...

Lorraine McNeill would have no problem trying to secure the Republican Committee vote. She would most likely have votes from committeemen like the Queenans, Stabiles, Gianzero, Booth, etc, and perhaps a couple of other swing votes that can go her way. Lorraine has definitely done more and contributes allot more than Aronowitz. George Sewitt and Maria Hunter would make great candidates if Lorraine decides not to run again. I would suggest the committee dump Aronowitz and put one of them up to run hopefully with Lorraine. Republicans are also gonna need a good Supervisor candidate next year. Unless, Ralph orders his brain dead lackeys on the committee, who sadly control the majority of the committee right now to secretly work for Burke's re-election.

Anonymous said...

One can only hope that some of Ralphs robots on the Committee see that the future of that Committee depends on them and getting good people elected to office. The others like Geri Gianzero and the Queenan's are already doing their best but right now they are in the minority. Geri told me that there is a seat open on the Committee and hopefully good people with an open mind and dedicated to the town will apply. Anyone interested? I'm a Democrat or else I would apply myself.

Anonymous said...

Lorraine McNeil would make a great supervisor. I heard tha tshe is runnig for that spot in two years.

Anonymous said...

OMG - I Lorraine runs for Supervisor we are all in trouble. Maybe Maria should run for Supervisor. The Reps tried to get her to do that in 2005 but she wouldn't against Sheila. Also remember that you need 11 votes on the Committee to get the endorsement. If Sheila couldn't, neither would Lorraine. Regarding the comment made about who would back Lorraine, it is my understanging that she and Desiree are not on good terms. So thats one vote on the split committee that would not go her way. And lets state some facts, neither Lorraine or Mike A do anything in this Town. Currently Mike A says he is doing so much with the website and Channel 22 when it is Mike Q doing all the work. Lorraine says she is doing all of the "Predisaster Mitigation Committee" stuff when it is actually Maria and Pete Stabile. Here is who should run in 2007:
Supervisor - Either Maria or Gerri
Council - Maria, George or someone else that will actually prove their interests are in Woodbury and not personal campaigns.

Here who is probably going to run:
Supervisor - Either Mike A or no one
Council - Lorraine, Mike A, George or Maria

Supervisor - John Burke or Charlie Serra
Council - Bubbles, Bo, Charlie or Bob Donnelly

I guess we will be waiting a while to find out.

Anonymous said...

Dear Whistleblower (or should we say Don Sieblow?)

Nice try with your divide and conquer game.

Anonymous said...

Talking To Yourself

In old movies, if you wanted to show that someone was really crazy
you'd show them talking to themselves.
Even if they were only doing it mentally,
it was supposed to be a sure sign of mental illness.

What's really bizarre about this is that the act of talking to ourselves
is actually a sign that we are self-aware
and that we seek insight into our own actions.

Talking to ourselves mentally is actually a hallmark of being human
and proof that we are a higher species.

We all have mental conversations with ourselves.

Self-talk is so constant that meditation groups, relaxation tapes, and self-help books
focus on just trying to get us to be able to
stop all the self-talk for a few seconds of deep relaxation.

But, in a sense, we can measure our degree of psychological pain
by checking out our self-talk.

It's not whether we do it,
it's what we say to ourselves that matters.

Anonymous said...

Mike Aronowitz would NEVER win if he ran for supervisor. I would make sure what we did to Ralph, would be done to Mike. He is not only incompetent but also a weasel.
The only votes he got for his committee seat came from his own block. Check out how many Republicans live on Sutherland Drive. He can easily be beat.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would like to see someone totally void of any political agenda and political aspirations run for office. Wouldn't it be nice to have people up there that have no favors to call in or do, no animosity towards another member who didn't vote for them or their idea, and no baggage? I wonder if those people even exist? I think we place too much emphasis on the candidate who is "endorsed"...especially when you consider who the hell is doing the endorsing!! We need some mustangs in there who care about the Town, and ONLY the Town...not what political backing they have...oh well, it's nice to dream I guess.

Anonymous said...

Seems that someone has hit a nerve with Mr. Aronowitz and his Message Board. A few days ago, someone posted a topic asking him why brings up Mr. Aronowitz's site. A reply was posted about Mr. Aronowitz and his foible when he put his karate school as a link on the Town of Woodbury's site. Mr. Aronowitz promptly removed the topic. Then there was a second posting questioning why Mr. Aronowitz had removed the topic instead of answering the question (Censorship??), which prompted more postings stating that the domain names of and ALSO lead you to his site. Someone even asked him how much he is charging for those domain names. Well, you guessed administrator of the site, Mr. Aronowitz quickly removed that topic as well. Is he ashamed of what he does, or is there some ethical question that he doesn't want to answer?

Anonymous said...

He's got a bunch of them, including Monroe, Cornwall and New Windsor. I wonder how much he's actually charging if one of the towns wants their domain name at a .com address?

Anonymous said...

Desire backing Lorraine, or anyone for that matter, just depends on what mood she is in.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever notice how Desiree always interupts the board to give her opinion or what she thinks is legal advice. She always has something to say, and I think it is rude and she should shut her mouth and do her job.(which is to take minutes)Let the town board do their job too. That's what we elected you all to do. YOUR JOB!

Anonymous said...

yeah, i noticed how desiree interrupts the board all the time to give advice. did you know she asked burke if she could be deputy supervisor. imagine that, what a mistake that would be. why not just hand her the keys to the throne. she thinks she runs this town anyway. desiree is one dangerous chick. she is all about herself and how much power she has. did you know that she tried to make a deal with the highway supervisor to get her loser husband a job (remember he used to work for the highway dept, sued the town, then quit - yet he wants to come back again). she unduly tried to influence the highway superintendant to hire him. she kept bothering him and bothering him, not once, but over and over. she even tried to arrange a deal with him. then the bubble burst for her, the board did an anti-nepotism law and that drove her crazy. she is still trying to come up with ways to get the town to hire him. i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't quit her job herself as town clerk just so her husband then could get hired. afterall, his job as a highway guy would be a civil service job and he couldn't get fired. she on the other hand is elected and lives term by term.

Then we have maria hunter. whoever th inks that maria hunter should run for office is out of her mind. she already lost so many times in this town. all for a very good reason. have you ever noticed any of the committees she was on. she was on the ambulence, rosary society, 911. now she is on the beautification and planning board. guess what they all have in common, IN HOUSE FIGHTING. There isn't one committee that she hasn't been on that almost came to war because of her. Why don't you ask the other members. Each unit almost dissolved due to Maria Hunter, "it's my way or the highway." If you want to end a good thing, put Maria on it. I can see it now, Maria Hunter and Desiree Potvin on the Town Board - god help woodbury.

Anonymous said...

I just saw on a neighboring website that there is a survey about garbage cans. mr. Aronowitz, you have to be kidding me. Is this why we put y ou in office? Who do you really think you are? Let me get this straight. You don't want to vote for a law to change the zoning to protect this town; but you want to create a law against your own citizens for leaving their garbage cans out. Who appointed you God. There are some people out there who can't carry the cans back to their property. There are elderly people who can barely walk, yet, you want to write a law. let me clue you in on something. You were not elected to push forward your own agenda. Your own poll indicated only 27 people responded. Do you think 27 people speak for the whole town's interest. To me, it is 27 people who have nothing better to do in their lives than read your website. Your job is a job of great power. As such, you should not abuse your power. Writing laws because something personally bothers you, is an abuse of power. You were not put in office to put forward your own agenda. You were put there to put forward OUR agenda. And sorry to say, a law about garbage cans is not in the best interest of the town of woodbury. However, I might see how it could be the sole point of interest in someone who has nothing going on in their life. Do yourself a favor and drop this ridiculous notion. Maybe you would like to write a law about the color purple. Maybe noone should be allowed to paint their house purple because you and 27 other people don't like it. Hey if your really anxious to be writing laws, why not write a law about vehicles being parked on the street overnight. Im sure that has more merit than bothering the elderly about bring in their garbage cans. Instead of going after your own residents, why don't you offer to bring their cans in for them - like a good neighbor should!

Anonymous said...

All of this speculation and positioning is interesting, but unless the people of Woodbury take back their political parties it is meaningless.

Ralph Caruso treats the town Republican Committee as his private club. The meetings are secret, no one but Committee members may attend and it is impossible to get the minutes of the meetings. Registered Republicans have no way of knowing what their own Committee is doing.

The Democratic Committee is at least open to registered Democrats. Unfortunatesly, few of them go. This has allowed Caruso's puppet Bob Donnelly to run things as Caruso sees fit.

All this gives us a one party town. Worse yet, it gives us a one man political dictatorship.

Unless Republicans and Democrats choose to get involved and take back their Committees there is no point in speculating about candidates. Caruso will tell us who they are.

Anonymous said...

So who is the "anonymous" that has such insight into Desiree and Maria? Sounds like you are a real "pot stirer", and only want to make trouble. I'm not a big Desiree supporter, but after years on the job, she has earned the right to "interrupt" as you say, and CORRECT Mr. Burke and the board when they are wrong about motions and procedures. Have you ever noticed that everytime she "interrupts", she has been right, especially when it comes to Mr. Aronowitz??? When Darlene and Bo get up and start spewing about the audit, and the tax collector "illegally" keeping records in her home, Desiree has a right to speak up and protect the position and her mother, as protocol has NEVER said that Carol was doing anything wrong. If the board has a problem with past procedures of Carol's, then let them change it, and I'm sure she'll adhere to it. As far as Maria goes, I'm not a big supporter of her either, HOWEVER she has dedicated many years to this town, and like it or not, she has valuable knowledge, and tries to get the job done. Yes, she has a strong personality, and sometimes is hard to work with, but for the most part, I do believe her heart and interests are in the right place...for the TOWN. There are others, like Mr. Caruso, Mr. Aronowitz and Mr. Donnelly, who ONLY want to advance their own political futures, and THAT is why they are there. Sadly, Mr. Caruso won't take the voters' resounding NOOOOOOOOOOOOO for an answer, and persists at perfecting his game of manipulation and lies. Mr. Aronowitz and Mr. Donnelly have egos the size of the Grand Canyon, thus ignoring anything that remotely resembles criticism. Where do they find mirrors large enough to view their swollen heads??? And Mr. Burke, well, he is an enigma. Talks about saving the Town, and yet signed onto and promoted the whole "Village of Woodbury" deal, which presently has cost the TOWN thousands of dollars in lawsuit defense, and will probably be in the hundreds of thousands before it's all over. Wonder if he is also one of the "unknown financial backers" of the newest lawsuit brought by his buddies Seyferth, Ungerer and Siebold? Too bad THAT information can't be FOILed!! One thing is for sure, the politics in this town sure do keep people interested!

Anonymous said...

the facts are the facts. desiree is the town clerk, - a record keeper. she is not the town board. and yes, she tried to use her position to get her husband a job. that is a fact. absolute power corrupts and yes POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. again, as for maria, the facts due speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Nobody said she IS on the Town Board, but she sure does know procedure, and when those that ARE on the Town board don't know when or if a motion needs to be made, then it's a damn good thing that someone DOES know, and right now, that someone happens to be Desiree. As for her husband, that type of stuff has been going on for years and years, and at every level of government...just ask Ralphie boy. Right now, with the new ethics laws, IF the present board chooses to observe them, then nepotism has been effectively remains to be seen if John and company will abide by them however, since the new rules also apply to Ralphie boy. As far as absolute power corrupting absolutely, again ask Ralphie boy about that one too...he's the one ruling with an iron fist!! You either march as one of his loyal soldiers, or you're out on your ass, and that is a FACT!!

Anonymous said...

highway superintendant and town clerk did make a deal, do you know about that too?

Anonymous said...

Seems YOU "know" alot...what deal?

Anonymous said...

Desire's job is to be town clerk and she is not the only one who knows the procedure. John B may not know it but give him a break, he has been in office for what?, 2 months, 4 meetings? Desire just likes to make it look like she is the only one who knows what is going on. And Ralph? he should just crawl back under the rock that he was under and take his buddy Desire with him. She is on the republican committee and she has made deals with Ralph durin her last campaighn. And if you thinki she is not helping him now you are a fool.

Anonymous said...

Desiree is going to help Desiree. Translation- whoever can keep her in office is the one she will help, or align herself with.

Anonymous said...

Funny how when the HEAT is on Aronowitz, the subject ALWAYS changes...time to get out of the kitchen Mikie!

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous: If your going to talk smack about me at least get it straight. First I never sued the Town of Woodbury. Second I am not ( and it can't be stressed enough) trying to get my job back with the town. I have moved on and so should you. You have some nerve calling me a loser, at least I have the guts to sign my name. It is one thing to talk about elected officials but to write on here about someone who has nothing to do with the town AT ALL is just plain looking for a fight. Any more problems you need airing out, my number is in the book. If not I suggest you keep me out of your delusional theories. Oh and if you need any help getting a life I have some great hobbies for you to try out.
I appoligize to anyone else who had to read this but this was the only way for me to respond to the anonymous coward. I was going to put coward in caps but you don't deserve that much respect.

Timothy Potvin

Uncle Betty said...

You've got nothing to apologize for Tim. You put your name out there and that makes you one of the few.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Tim...let's see Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous sign their name(s) won't see that happening too quickly. It's easy to accuse when you don't have to back it up.

Anonymous said...

Tom Potvin has said that he did not sue the town, but that doesn't mean that he did not put in some kind of claim against the town. So he hasn't been exactly truthful now has he? And as far a loser, most of us are nice enough not to say that but we do think it's funny that when someone attacks him, his wife Desiree rushes to defend him, when someone attacks her, Tim doesn't say a word to defend her, he talks only of himself. Loser? you be the judge.

Anonymous said...

First of all, isn't his name Tim?? Secondly, looks like YOU have already judged him, so why not be so "brave" and "righteous" as to use YOUR name instead of anonymous? Live in a glass house?

Anonymous said...

it is funny that someone who uses anonymous is making fun of me for the same thing so cut the brave and rightous sh#$

Tim, Tom whatever! and what I said is true.

I am anonymous because I do not want any fall out. I am a town employee. And believe me there would be fall ou6t!

Anonymous said...

Please Swiller stop already we all know you are the one behind this site. Be a man and show yourself!

Anonymous said...

So I can't believe I am wasting my time on this but here it goes, and yes it is Tim. If someone attacked my wife personally I would defend her all the way, but the attacks on here are about politics which I stay out of. Your right I did bring a claim against the town, well the union did on my behalf and the town was willing to settle but since I was quiting I felt it was a dead issue.This was in no way a law suit, its what happens when you belong to a union, thats their job to step up and defend a member when they are being wronged by their employer. Even though it really is a dead issue and nobodys business I hope this clears everything up. And your right Anthony you should not sign your name because there would be a big fall out over it, your better off cowarding behind your computer screen in your little dark room alone.
I hope everyone here sees this site as an opportunity to try and improve the quality of life here in Woodbury and just not a forum for throwing mud and writing their delussional fantasies.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't the one cutting Tim down, just making an observation about YOU finding some need to condemn, but unwilling to use your name. If you're so big and bad at this site, and you feel you're being wronged, then stand up for yourself. If you're right, why cower. Like I said, it's easy to point fingers and talk about others from some dark a man or woman and stand up for yourself....or, is there yet another excuse as to why you "can't".

Uncle Betty said...

A note to Anonymous # 4,876,736 who writes: "Please Swiller stop already we all know you are the one behind this site. Be a man and show yourself!"
The Uncle (whom you are certain is Swiller) notes that Swiller signs his own name and you (Don Siebold?) don't and you accuse him of hiding.
How risible.

Anonymous said...

I think its Ralph not Siebold.

Anonymous said...

If you had any guts Betty you would make users sign in to post and you will see you and AKA Swiller are the only ones posting!

Anonymous said...

Yea Uncle Sissy!!!!!! Come clean stand up and show your face.

Anonymous said...

Because of its origins in a feminine nickname, sissy is also a pejorative for a boy or man to indicate or imply that he is like a sister, that is, effeminate and fails to behave according to the traditional male gender role. Generally, it implies a lack of the courage and stoicism which are thought important to the male role. It might also imply interests seen as strikingly un-masculine. This pejorative may be given to anyone as an insult. Several variations, such as "sissy boy" or "sissy baby", exist and any term can become pejorative or insulting if preceded by sissy and applied to a boy or a man.

Anonymous said...

Look who's talking...again you're telling people to sign their names when you, yourself don't have the "guts" to do it. Try looking in a mirror you enjoy posting as "anonymous" just like everyone else. I can tell you, I am not Swiller, so there goes your theory right out the window! I'm sure your motto is "Ignorance is Bliss"!!

Anonymous said...


whaaah! the union brought a claim against the town, not me whaaah!!!

Someone calls my wife names, but it's politics so I wont do anything whaahhh!!!

Dead issue, my wife made a deal to get me hired again whaah whaah waaah!

Someone is not being truthful

Anonymous said...

why do you want to stir up trouble?
why are you suing the town? what do you and ralph want?

Anonymous said...

Wonder who the "unnamed" financial backers of the Siebold/Ungerer/Seyferth lawsuit really are? Ralphie, Johnny?? I wonder if "Whistleblower" has that info too? Could you imagine if that was ever uncovered and the above WERE actually found to be the moneymen? I guess it's not that much of an exaggeration though, considering both Caruso & Burke were founders and promoters of the "other" lawsuit involving the creation of a VILLAGE!! That would be pretty sad, a sitting supervisor invloved in 2 lawsuits against his own Town, and a past chairman and current member of the ZBZ also involved. Kinda makes you feel like the two of them have both hands in the taxpayers' pockets.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mikie A, how much did the rioller rink cost? Mikie spent a year questioning the Town Board about the cost of the roller rink, yet as chairman of the P&R for 2 years and a councilman for another 2 years, you have yet to figure out the cost...

Maybe you can make that your campgain issue once again. It would give yah something to do, other than picking your nose at board meetings

Anonymous said...

Hey how about that super bowl! there's something alot more important then this bull.

Anonymous said...

yep, your right, Steelers had one heck of run!