Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Begging and Whining

The Uncle has received an unhappy e-mail from the Pieman.

It seems that OCEAN is currently running on empty.

Fund-raising is not one of their strong points.

Things are generally fine during a crisis. That's when donors are paying attention.

But during the quieter times, things are, well, quieter.

Obviously, bills are smaller then also.

No huge printing costs (which is apparently their biggie).

But even in quiet times they have some on going expenses.

There is their web-site (which they have now let go of).

And there is the phone bill.

That may seem minor, but it still matters to Verizon.

And up 'til now, three members of the board have basically been underwriting everything.

But they really do need help.

And when the crap hits the fan - as it will - we're going to need their help.

SO, in our own self-interest, send something-

$25 would be nice, $50 would be better still, and even $10 helps.

The bank is happiest with checks made out to "The SOCA Group"

and the address is OCEAN/ 320 County Route 105 / Highland Mills, NY 10930


Anonymous said...

Maybe the reason we don't give Swiller any of our hard earned money is because he should get it that we don't want him messing in our towns business and he should take the hint and go back to NYC.

Anonymous said...

Or we can say it this way.

Maybe the reason why we dont want Ralph being elected to anything is becuase we dont want him messing in our towns business and he should take the hint and go back to NYC.

Yeah I like that one better...

Anonymous said...

Don't change the subject. Ralph doesn't go around asking people for handouts.

Anonymous said...

That's because Ralph has his hands in ALL of our pockets anyway!! With all the frivolous lawsuits he's been behind, and the creation of this unwarranted Village, WE'RE paying for them all!! Ralph just condones getting the money without coming out and asking for it. Personally, I'd rather have a say in it rather than it just being TAKEN from me!! Ralph goes so far as to rape us of our money by getting other towns involved...but, at least with that one we got the laugh last when Nancy kicked Randazzo's butt! Ha, ha Ralph!!! People need to realize that making ANY kind of deal with you is like making a deal with the devil himself!!

Anonymous said...

Swill's Motto should be changed to: Not One Penny !!

Anonymous said...

Caruso's motto should be: I'M A LOSER!!

Anonymous said...

It's funny how every conversation on this blog, no matter what the topic, somehow turns into an argument about Ralph Caruso.

Honestly, do you have to bring him up every time? What does OCEAN asking for funds have to do with Caruso?

Anonymous said...

Well, for one thing, if it hadn't been for OCEAN and the Uncle there's a good chance Ralph would be mayor.

Anonymous said...

Ever watch "It's a Wonderful Life"??? Without Swiller and the Uncle, Ralph "Potter" Caruso would be running Woodbury!!! And our collectives asses would all be in one hell of a bind!

Anonymous said...

But you never see Ralph begging for money

Anonymous said...

Comparing Ralph to Jonathan is like comparing an evil politian to a community activist! Oh wait! that's exactly what it is.

And who cannot hear the tones of the mighty intellectual Don Siebolt, when someone says "..and go back to NYC"

Well, Jonathan has lived here for a few years now, so doesn't he have the right to say something?

And where did Don and Ralph come from? wait for it...........

And wasn't Don a NYC policeman?
And wasn't he a RAT?
Didn't he snitch on his friends (and lie under oath about it)?

So the question is Why doesn't Don go back to NYC?

And Ralph? Who is still trying to keep his hand in local politics, despite his heavy losses, why doesn't he go back to the Bronx/NYC and face the people there? Oh wait!

wait for it..........

because he might, just might, get his ass kicked or even worse, from the people that he knew there....

more to come

Anonymous said...

To the poster of "But you never see Ralph begging for money"...again, as so aptly put in prior posts, it's because he STEALS it from us under the guise of lawsuits!! He and Donnelly and Seibold get innocent people to buy into the hysteria, and then they file ridiculous lawsuits against their own town. Just wait, I'm sure Ralphie boy probably has another in the works for the Village! That's the way he operates...slithering in and out from the shadows.

Anonymous said...

Hey OCEAN- watch your mail for the smiley face. Help is on the way.

Anonymous said...

We should all dip into our pockets to help OCEAN/SOCA/Soca-at-work!

Does anyone remember the KJ pipeline? Ralph and company did NOTHING to help, but SOCA-at-work did!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words (and checks, I hope), but one clarification.
Back during the first Pipeline battle in the County Legislature, it was the original SOCA that led the fight (before SOCA at Work came about). I was co-chair, but a hell of a lot of the credit goes to the Chairman, Joe Ferguson, and to Hormoz Nazari who worked his butt off.

Anonymous said...

Ralph never asked for our money?

He asked for money when he sued Woodbury and he asked for money when he tried to get elected mayor.

And is you say that that wasn't for himself - Swiller isn't asking for himself either. He's asking for money to keep Ocean running.
And also, I was one of the people who went to town hall when Swiller and the others helped us write our tax grievances for free when Ralph and his buddies were chargng hundreds of dollars.

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing is that Swiller gives and gives and yet Ralph, who IS aide to Senator Larkin, takes and takes and can't even get his big boss man to give to Woodbury. Oh ya, he throws us a crumb every now and then, but the big bucks go to.....................ah you know where.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure isn't asking the money for himself. How do you know?? Is his books open to the public. Do we really know what he spent his previous funds on?? All we have seen was some worn out photo copies of someones elses work.

Anonymous said...

Go back to school and learn how to write properly!

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a active investigation with the Orange County board of elections and the D.A.'s office as to him not accounting for all the funds that he solicited and received under the name of SOCA / Ocean / SOCA at Work ?? . How much money did he get from the suckers in Woodbury ???.I heard that they even have a photo of the jars full of change that were in Jay's deli and a affidavit from some employees

Anonymous said...

OK Don,Bob & Ralph-I hear there are actice investigations into the things that you guys are doing. Now we're even. Get a life, will you. We all know your rumour and innuendo worked once in getting the Village passed, but everyone, even your "supporters" are wise to you now.

Anonymous said...

What business would the BOE have with Swiller. Nice try, moron. And by the way, that would be AN active. Did you even get out of 5th grade?

Anonymous said...

No doubt The Preservationists are behind the inquiry- assuming that there even is one. I'm surprised ole Ralphie hasn't just keeled over with the way he seems to have his hissy fits when he doesn't get his way, and then turns to lawsuits and investigations to try and sneek through the back door. You really have to pity the jerk. And is it his pal Don that seems to be doing all the "investigations"?? Afterall, it's said he can find "evidence" where there seemingly is none!

Anonymous said...

Any donations given to OCEAN go directly to our bookkeeper, not to me.
In order for me to get reimbursed for money that I lay out for ink, paper or whatever, I have to hand in receipts.
The account book is available for view, just call me up and I'll arrange it.
And no, there is no investigation.
I will be happy to answer any other questions - but I would prefer that if you have any accusations that you have the honesty to sign your name.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan- Don't waste your energy on those imbeciles. They are always conjuring up some story about some phantom "legal" procedure taking place against some phantom "illegal" act. That poster is probably on of the same people that said the prior town board took kickbacks, and ballyhooed about an audit to show that money was being spent improperly. Of course nothing came of those incorrect assertions, so they need to point their silly little fingers at someone else. Not to worry though, WE are all keeping a very ACCURATE log of their misbehavior and will use it against them when necessary (like the next election).

Uncle Betty said...

"The jars full of change that were in Jay's Deli"?
There hasn't been a collection jar in Jay's deli for years, not since Ralph had Hank Sullivan send some of his friends to Colleen to threaten her business if she didn't take it down.

Anonymous said...

I remember Ralph stating (and put it in print)that the new Village would only cost the tax payers about $30-$40 bucks a year. Well folks, times that by 20 or 30 or 40 and more, depending on the price of your home. The people who voted this crap Village in have no one but themselves and Ralph to blame for blindly following him into the mess we all will be in.
Well shame on Ralph and shame on all those who voted for something they were completely clueless about. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Of course, another layer of government is just another layer of costs.

So why did people want a village?

Well, at first they thought is would stop annexation. WRONG

Then they said it would stop a village from forming in a village. True, but that was never a threat and the way this Village of Woodbury was formed was very stupid. It would have been better to form a smaller one or two, like the Village of Central Valley etc.

Some silly people actually thought that since there is now a village, no more home sales would take place. (Imagine, A government that would not let you sell private property!!)
Ah, how sad!

But this is done so let get on with what we have to do, which is to make this mess run as smoothly as possible!

PS I also heard that forming a village would stop people like Don the ankle biter from doing stupid posts, I guess that's not true either! HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Has the new Village budget been drawn up yet. I know it must cover at least 18 months of expenses. When will that nice present come in the mail, June? Anyone who has a bill of more than $30 should bring it straight to Ralph Caruso and let HIM and those deaf,dumb & blind Preservationists pay the difference!!! Better, yet, let's drop them off at Uncle Bill's office where Ralph works!!

Anonymous said...

Since Ralphie boy loves lawsuits so much, I think we all should deliver a class action suit against him and the cult followers who started the whole Village petition thing in the first place, and include the Preservation party for the LIES and BULLSHIT they printed and passed out about the cost and the need of a Village!

Anonymous said...

You can only blame the people who sit on the village board is they submit a big budget.

Anonymous said...

No, you can blame the people who stampeded us into creating a village, by scaring us about annexation, lying to us about a village preventing annexation and giving us phony projections about what a village would cost.

Anonymous said...

Ha,Ha,Ha..."You can only blame the people who sit on the village board if they submit a big budget."...Ha, Ha, Ha. Oh is that your new strategy Don, Carol, Bob & Ralph? Oh that's a good one. Blame the REAL cost on the SANE people who were elected to try to bring YOUR mess under control. Figures- you dimwitted fools would have some lame excuse for anything that doesn't go your way. You've been at all the meetings (Ralph via his lackeys), so you KNOW the TRUTH. But go ahead, show your true colors and behave like the lunatics we know you all to be. When the good people of Woodbury get their tax bills, they'll understand what a line of CRAP Ralph was handing to them all along. If you think for one minute that your "You can only blame the people who sit on the village board..." battle cry is going to hold any water, I have a wonderful bridge to sell you...of which you can all hold hands and promptly jump off!!!

Anonymous said...

effective result oriented lEADERSHIP

determined to make our VILLAGE strong!

* Work closely with theTown Board
* Minimize all Village tax impacts, costs & expenses
* Maintain exsisitng Zoning
* Support & Respect our Town Employees

* Keep all Town Services intact & fully functional
* Support our Fire Companies & maintain current protection levels

* Competently & diligently defend against all annexation attempts

* Seek out & obtain various Grants to further reduce taxes

* Pursue affordable senior and work force housing solutions

Anonymous said...

Speaking of money, has anyone read the THR today and seen what our infamous Uncle Bill makes and spends? Of course, once again I ask, what happened to Woodbury? How about answering THAT one Mr. Caruso!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, even though a village may annex land from another village, people thought that having a village would be another layer of protection. It is NOT. Look at the law. When a village files annexation papers how many governments can respond? ONE. So if our neighboring village files annexation papers, who repsonds? NOT both the town and village of Woodbury. 1800 people signed the petition to create a village. We should get copies of those petitons and drop our tax bills at their door!

Fear gets people to do very dumb things.

No matter who is in the village governemnt, Ralph's preservation party or the people there now, another layer of government is another tax!!! So when Don and Raplh say "See, you shouldn't have voted in those people, we wouldn't have raised your taxes" they are lying.

1800 people signed the petition
2000 people voted (500 against)

So less than 2000 out of 10000 decided the fate of this community.
8000 people ought to be ashamed of themselves. and those 8000 better not open their mouths to say anything about this village crap.

Who said it is not important to Vote?

Anonymous said...

I am forming a new committee: "Citizens for the Commitment of the People of Woodbury"

Woodbury: You are ALL nuts and should be committed. Committed to a mental hospital.

Anonymous said...

Signed- Your Neighbors!

Anonymous said...

No really, you are nuts and we are glad that we no longer live there.

What do you do in Woodbury?

Listen to, and take seriously, a man whose picute should have numbers underneath it.

Form a village then complain about taxes going up.

Moan and complain loudly about things you don't understand and don't even make an attempt to understand.

Have an attitude that you have to do nothing yourself to make things better, that everything should be done for you (for example, by your government) which makes us glad that we are not your parents.

Use your blind ignorance to worsen your own situtation and then turn around and blame everyone else but yourself.

Some of you actually voted for an unbalanced, lawn-prancing woman for a town position just because she is a Democrat. (She should be pitied, not elected)

And you are also the same people that vote for and elected, time and time again, the fat pork Senator from Cornwall.

Yes, that is what it means to be a Woddbury Village/Town resident. We see no evidence of anything else.

Anonymous said...

Now, now..........

Anonymous said...

if the folks who sit on the village board really do have our best interest in mind, they'll move to dissolve this crappy village idea as soon as possible! yeah right, like every other politician most will become power hungry or corrupt, give them time, i'm sure they'll make us all unhappy and dissipointed that we voted for them.

Anonymous said...

I agree, only one of the five that make up the village board is worth a crap, hopefully he won't quit when his term is up!