Saturday, March 03, 2007

Throwing Out the Baby and Keeping the Bath Water

It seems that the Pieman managed to piss off the Supervisor at the last Town Board meeting - Heaven Forfend!

The Board voted on three pieces of legislation: extension of the Water District, Extension of Highland Lakes Estates Sewage District and creation of a Storm Water District. The four council members voted in favor of each of these, and John Burke voted no.

Some background here - let's take the Sewage District because that's the clearest example - as part of the negotiations between Brodsky and the town on the WP3 project, Brodsky agreed to entirely rebuild the problematic High Lakes Estate sewer plant. He will also pay the back taxes on th old plant that the folks in HLE were paying off. This gives the people in HLE (and in Country Crossing) a lovely new state-of-the-art plant that actually works and, at the same time it, lowers their sewer bills. Nice work if you can get it.

If the town had voted no on the extension of the district, Brodsky would have built his own, smaller plant, just for the WP3 development, a major loss for the folks in HLE and Country Crossing.

But, at the previous Town Board Meeting, a few weeks back, John Burke made clear that he was going to vote against this. Swiller got up and said that when the vote did come he would appreciate it if the various board members would explain their votes. In other words, he gave Burke advance notice that he would be asking Burke to explain himself.

Now, let's make this clear - Swiller gave Burke two weeks notice that he was going to ask this question - if it were up to me, I would have blindsided the guy, but Swiller gave Burke two weeks to prepare a response.

So then comes the next board meeting, and sure enough Burke votes no. And sure enough, Swiller gets up and asks why.

And the amazing thing is, that despite advance notice of the question, Burke didn't have the foggiest idea what the vote was about or why a no vote made any sense.

Burke said that "we've been discussing this for over a year" and that there would be impact on "traffic and the schools."


Did Burke think that voting "No" on the sewer district would stop the WP3 project?

WP3 is a done deal. This vote was to accept the givebacks that the town demanded from Brodsky.

Burke was throwing out the baby and keeping the bathwater (a lovely phrase the Uncle has borrowed from the Pieman - credit where credit is due).

But Burke absolutely refused to get it - "It has something to do with WP3 so I'm against it, no matter what and don't confuse me with the facts!"

Shades of the vote on Senior Housing last year. That bill gave the same incentives for selling homes to seniors at a discount as already existed for renting homes to seniors. All that bill did was help seniors buy affordable housing.

And Burke voted no on that one too.

And when he was asked why, he said he was against WP3.

And when every member of the town board loudly explained that the bill had nothing to do with WP3, Burke did what he did this time. He absolutely refused to acknowledge reality.

And the kicker? Supervisor Burke was very displeased with the Pieman. Burke doesn't seem to feel that a supervisor should be questioned about his decisions.

This is a new position for Mr. Burke who, before taking office, acted as if Supervisor Sheila Conroy was the town's designated punching bag.

Then again, as Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds..."


Anonymous said...

Ralph Caruso is the greatest ventriloquist who ever lived. He doesn't even have to be in the same room as his dummy.

Anonymous said...

Anything that is REMOTELY, and I mean REMOTELY near anything to do with WP3 is going to get the thumbs down from Big John. Sad to say that his Democratic committee people feel the same way. Perhaps it is time for the Community Party to give some serious consideration into seeking out candidates that will give the Town a fighting chance...or perhaps the Community Party should think about throwing their backing behind Aronowitz and McNeill, as it seems both the Republicrats and the Demoplicans (what you end up with when Caruso and Donnelly interbreed) will be pushing to get them out of office!

Uncle Betty said...

I like Retrobrats myself

Anonymous said...

I agree. The best shot we have to keep the republicrats OUT is to support McNeill and Aronowitz. They all seem to work nicely together on the town board and I would like to see them continue in that direction.

Kudos to Swiller for calling John on the carpet.
What bothers me is that John did the same thing to Sheila for years. Demanding answers and action. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Keep it up Swiller!

Anonymous said...

Has anybody read the following scenerio in the KJ Voice, under KJ in the Media? Can't say for sure when it was written, but obviosuly they were a little off on the creation date...and a little off in assuming that the mayor of the Village would undoubtedly be Ralph...

Village of Woodbury, August 26, 2014

Residents of the Village of Woodbury gathered yesterday at the newly completed village hall to voice their objection to yet another proposed village tax increase. The fifth since the village was incorporated in 2004.

Many residents openly admitted that they were hoodwinked in 2004, into supporting the creation of this village. “We were warned by many level headed officials that this village will do nothing more than feed the egos of some self-centered individuals. We didn’t want to believe them so we’re finding out the hard way instead,” they angrily stated.

Indeed, from the then County Executive Diana on down, almost all elected officials cautioned Town of Woodbury residents to take a long hard look at what they are being told would be the advantages of a new village and whether the statements were verifiable. As it was, caution was thrown to the wind. The fear-mongers carried the day. They got themselves elected mayor and trustees simply by repeating their mantra “A new village is the only way to stop Kiryas Joel.” (This is where I assume they meant the Ralph and company got elected)

We were so caught up in this battle cry that it never occurred to any of us to ask; “stop Kiryas Joel from doing what? And why the Village of Woodbury would be better able to accomplish this than the Town of Woodbury. Or at what cost to us this would be accomplished. As it turned out, the only thing the village of Woodbury managed to accomplish was to add yet another layer of bureaucracy into our lives. We’re still paying Town taxes and we now also pay village taxes. Did this village stop Kiryas Joel? Heck NO,” the spokesman for the group said, on the condition of anonymity.

When questioned why he refused to reveal his name the spokesman responded; “because tomorrow the mayor will be quoted in the press claiming that I sold my soul to Kiryas Joel."

Josh Oberstock, another village resident was a bit braver. “The mayor can say what HE (again another assumption that Ralph was going to win the election) wants about my soul and it won’t matter. The fact is that the village is nine years old and it accomplished nothing! They dragged us into a costly lawsuit with Kiryas Joel and in the end Kiryas Joel did annex land from The Village of Woodbury. The irony is that this helped keep village taxes from going even higher,” he said bitterly.

He continued: “This mayor was conveniently forget to mention an obscure state law that when village boundaries are coterminous with a Fire District, the fire district falls under the jurisdiction of the village. Now, thanks to that honest oversight our once great fire district became the political football of this administration. I had enough,” he said as he walked away in frustration.

He then did a quick about face and asked; “is it still possible to undo what this guy did?” His question was met with a loud and boisterous round of applause.

Anonymous said...

"I agree. The best shot we have to keep the republicrats OUT is to support McNeill and Aronowitz. They all seem to work nicely together on the town board and I would like to see them continue in that direction." I also agree, Mike I would like help you and make sure you win! The last thing we need is to let Raplh's team get a seat on the board.

Anonymous said...

Who are Swillers people going to back for the next election? So far in Woodbury they have won seven out of eight times, their only defeat was backing Shelia and we all knew she was going to lose. If Aronowitz and McNeill are going to win they will need his help so JS will you back them?

Anonymous said...

It's a little premature to talk about backing anyone. We don't even know who will run for supervisor.

As in past elections, when the slates are announced the Executive Board of OCEAN (with input from the much larger advisory board) will decide on whom to endorse.

Usually one or more of our board members will interview the candidates.

Anonymous said...

You mean one or more your Board members will be PAID by a particular candidate. Or does Brodsky shell out for that too?

Anonymous said...

Sour apples Ralphie?

Anonymous said...

Get over it WP3 is in the past and thanks to the great board more people have water and sewer at a lower rate. All because Mike A voted yes!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is also shows why having "private" or "gated" communities is not in the best interests of Woodbury. Doesn't anyone wonder what type of deal was done under the table (like all the deals dealing with WP3) was done with the Highland Estates trustees to buy off on having the town take over the sewer and water districts? Without that drug deal, WP3 probably wouldn't have happened.

I want my cut TOO!

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

The Ralphlings always talk about bribes. They've done it for years, just like poor old crazy Charlie, and they've never given one tiny piece of proof.
It's obvious that the Ralphlings believe that government functions through bribes, and that's the way they would do it. Thank God they have no power in this town.

Anonymous said...

The HLE HOA Board has been asking the town to take over their water and sewer system since the late 1990's.
All Brodsky did was make it affordable to do so. Of course he benefits too, but so does all the people in that sewer district, which includes not only the people in HLE, but also all the people in Country Crossings.
Get over it anonymous! And DO NOT MAKE ACCUSATIONS UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You do have to admit that the timing is suspect. More than likely Brodsky and his cartel had probably been talking with THAT BOARD even back then. Perhaps one should ask Lorraine. She may even be the money girl seeing she might might need after her court date vs. Charlie. Do we really want someone in office who will perjure herself in court??

Anonymous said...

OK, now we know who is talking about bribes.
Charlie Serra, I thought that you were leaving town.
It's time, go already.
I've heard you accuse at least 5 different people of taking bribes, and whenever I asked you to back it up you just started to shriek and foam at the mouth. You are too damn psychotic and my heart goes out to your wife.

Anonymous said...

And they claim to be our "friendly" neighbors! And the creation of the Village did WHAT????

Kiryas Joel sues county over sewage
By Chris McKenna

Times Herald-Record
March 06, 2007
Kiryas Joel — Kiryas Joel officials are suing Orange County to stop it from selling off capacity at its sewage treatment plant or force it to admit that it has plenty to go around.

The lawsuit could — at least temporarily — stop neighboring Woodbury, Blooming Grove and Monroe from buying more capacity at the Harriman plant, which had more sewage than it could handle until its expansion was finished last year.

That would mean less sewer service for future homes and businesses in those three towns and more for those in fast-growing Kiryas Joel.

Woodbury has already agreed to buy 319,000 gallons of daily treatment capacity and sent letters offering sewer service to more than 100 property owners who have waited as long as 20 years for connections.

The lawsuit is the latest salvo in a simmering conflict over Kiryas Joel's growth and its mounting water and sewer needs.

More than two years ago, the county sued Kiryas Joel over its proposal to tap New York City's Catskill Aqueduct, throwing the controversial water project into legal limbo. An appeal of a ruling siding with the county is pending.

In that case, the county accused Kiryas Joel of brushing aside important questions in its environmental review, notably how to treat the added wastewater that its 13-mile pipeline would generate.

Now, Kiryas Joel is returning the favor by accusing the county of doing no environmental study before offering to sell 1 million gallons of daily treatment capacity.

It's also attacking what its lawyers believe is a major inconsistency: How, they ask, can the county whine about limited sewer service for the aqueduct project and then offer 1 million gallons per day to towns outside the county sewer district?

Orange County Attorney David Darwin didn't return a phone call for comment yesterday.

Anonymous said...

here are the court papers

Uncle Betty said...

Doesn't KJ itself lease its excess capacity to other municipalities?

If so, why can they do it but not the county?

Also, if they do have over-capacity, isn't that due to the fact that they were given their own plant while still getting a major share of the Harriman plant which they are then free to turn around and lease?

Who paid for the KJ plant?

Am I missing something here?

Anonymous said...


this is a better link

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


read for yourself

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Swiller for calling John on the carpet.
What bothers me is that John did the same thing to Sheila for years. Demanding answers and action. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Keep it up Swiller!

Of course, unlike John Sheila brought answers back to every meeting, and he has yet to provide any besides "WP3 BAAAD!" Which, given how misinformed John's questions were back then, shouldn't surprise any of us.

Perhaps John could try out in those new Geico commercials? After all, its so easy that those Neanderthals can do it...

Anonymous said...

Can we move on, the past is the past.We need to make sure the Town and Village get along, look at what is going on in Monroe. The Community party need to step up and back Aronowitz and McNeill because they both will work with the Village. Aronowitz and McNeill may have some baggage but they will always keep the taxes low and do what is best for the Town/ Village.

Anonymous said...

BAGGAGE?? They must be ocean liner steamer trunks!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah, keep trying to cast doubts about good people, repeat something often enough and people will think it's true.

Hey, why don't we try this mantra?
Read and repeat, repeat repeat, and eventually all of Woodbury will believe it:

"Don Siebold is a nice person
Don Siebold is intelleigent
Charlie Serra is not crazy
Charlie Seraa is not a bully...."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Charlie does it as a hobby,
Yelling in the town hall lobby,
Maybe his riot,
Is because of his diet
He should try some wasabi!

His behavior, Dear Uncle, is rude,
At least, that's how it's viewed,
That glinty eyed squint,
May be due to some lint,
But it would be funnier if he were nude!

Uncle Betty said...

You hope to amuse me I take it
But to smile now I'd have to fake it
For the image you draw
I can only abhor
Lord, the thought of old Charlie naked!