Thursday, May 31, 2007

This Is Not My Cat

After all, if I published a picture of my cat, she'd be the target of paparazzi and autograph seekers.

But this is a damn fine looking cat.

My own cat woke me up about twenty minutes ago by kneading my head. She put her two front paws on the side of my face and pushed the left one into my temple, then the right, then left.

Now, you might think that being awakened from a truly fine dream (I was back in my Presidential Palace, before the sudden and ill advised regime change) might elicit negative feelings. But how can you get upset about having a beautiful animal, totally dependent upon your love (whether she admits it or not) come and gently knead your head?

It is rare that another person will gently knead your head, unless you have payed them money to gently knead your head, and that takes the spontaneity out of it.

Even one's beloved will do so only on the rarest of occasions.

But my cat does it rather often.

The point of all this is - if you have lived with an animal - and if your soul is not damaged beyond redemption - you know that animals are superior to people in almost all ways but balancing check books (and with some of us that comes in as a tie).

Animals lower our blood pressure, raise our life expectancy, and get hair all over the place. They love us, they comfort us, they even put up with us. They make vacations a hassle, get underfoot, and infinitely increase the amount of pleasure that we can find in our all too beset lives.

Go, now, or once you have put your pants on, to an animal shelter and make your life much better.

This one's my personal favorite, or you can find one of your own: Humane Society of Blooming Grove, 2741 ROUTE 94P.O. Box 226 WASHINGTONVILLE, NY. 10992 845-496-6199.


What are you waiting for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank You