Thursday, July 19, 2007

Don't Blame Me!

Nothing Is Happening In Woodbury!


Anonymous said...

Hey Unc,

Did you read todays editorial in the Times Herald Record! The only thing wrong with this article is that it states that the Officials should admit they made a mistake in forming a village. You should let them know other than John Burke, the other officials in Woodbury were against the Village formation!

It takes a village to raise the cost
July 19, 2007

Stop us if you heard this before, but the decision to create a town and a village occupying the same space is continuing to be an uncomfortable fit.

On second thought, instead of stopping, join the movement that says New York already has too many layers of governments, many of them dedicated to the perpetuation of those who collect public money in salary and benefits, so that dismantling the structure will take massive outside influence.

And in this case, the case of the two Woodburys, there is a new and intriguing question. If the state is interested in doing away with this duplication, and it certainly is since the governor set up the Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness in April to take names, why is the state not helping?

The latest idiocy concerns the need for the Legislature to step in and help the town and village negotiate a truce between the competing town and village water, sewer and fire districts. The area needs only one, but has created the potential for two by having dueling governments.

The Senate passed a bill last month to — follow this closely now — bypass a mandate that the three town districts be dissolved in deference to the creation of the village, which would have its own districts. The village and town leaders, who must be uncomfortable sharing the same chairs, asked the legislators for permission to keep the status quo to avoid unnecessary costs and keep control of the fire department out of village politics.

If you make a village, its officials get responsibility for the fire department, taking it away from the independent fire commission, which wants to keep control over equipment and training without having to wade into local politics.

But the Assembly has not followed the lead of the Senate because a lawyer has advised that local officials stick to the letter of the law, which requires that special districts be dissolved if they fall within the boundaries of a newly incorporated village. If you're a village, the lawyer says, act like one.

It is time for the officials in Woodbury to admit that they made a mistake, that the costs and complications are not worth the illusory zoning control they sought and that they could use some state help to untangle this mess. And it certainly is time for the state to speak with one voice about these issues and help the taxed taxpayers in Woodbury for a start.

Uncle Betty said...

That's the Pieman's territory.

I avoid talking to the press myself (force of habit).

Anonymous said...

It is not the officials that made the mistake, it is the people that listen to the bull**** from ralph and his merry ass***** . ralphie used his scare tactic's and caused alot of un-wanted cost to the tax payers in Woodbury. If only people would vote with thier heads and not thier hearts,we would not be in this mess. You Know this can be Un done also. Start a petition!!!

Anonymous said...

No one is going to start a petition because they are going to wait to someone else does it or they will start to think "oh this doesnt mean much to me, I will still have fire protection and water, sewer and other services, etc.
Well, you will have your services but it IS going to cost you more, because you have to pay the tow layers of government!