Sunday, November 02, 2008

Et Tu Caruso

We heard from the Pieman who was out today distributing fliers for Nancy Calhoun (he had a letter in the Record on Friday endorsing Calhoun, Delarose, Hall and Obama).

He took a ride down De Palma to check out the lawn of Woodbury Republican Committee Chairman Ralph Caruso and here's what he saw:

Just in case you can't make them out, there are signs for Onofry, Larkin, McCain/Palin and Lalor.

Missing? Republican candidate for re-election to the Assembly, Nancy Calhoun.

Bear in mind that: a) Caruso voted against endorsing Calhoun.

b) Calhoun is the loudest voice calling the bosses of KJ to task

c) Larkin never speaks against the actions of KJ's bosses and has been against Calhoun ever since she pissed off those bosses

d) Caruso is Larkin's lapdog

e) Randazzo and Caruso teamed up to sue Woodbury

Any guesses who KJ's newest lapdog would be if Randazzo is elected?


Anonymous said...

No. Perhaps you??

Anonymous said...

Damn right I do- DICK fact, he's probably already made some of those same slimy backroom deals that his buddy Larkin is known for.

Anonymous said...

From those who have been trashed by Caruso for not "doing as they are told" or rather "ordered". They understand how Caruso works.

Calhoun has always been independent and does not march to the orders of others.

So lesson 1 in backstabbing politics:

One has only to look a little deeper to see what is going on.

Caruso and Randazzo teamed up about 2 years when Randazzo, without obviously looking into the matter, joined forces to sue Woodbury over the Brodsky project. Of course, growth goes on in Cornwall non-stop with cars coming down Rt. 32 and Smith Clove Road like crazy and clogging Woodbury's roads, but let's not talk about that , Mr. Randazzo.

Instead let's join with Caruso and sue so that seniors cannot own senior housing. What you say?

Yes, that is correct. Just like John Burke, who admitted at a public meeting that he didn't really read the laws he opposed---laws that did not change density but allowed seniors to live in senior owned senior housing instead of only in rentals--- Randazzo who has seen lots of senior housing built in Cornwall, contributes financially to the law suit against seniors owning their own senior homes in Woodbury.

Since he joined forces with Caruso on this, including articles in the newspaper, what do you think he expected in return? That Caruso would use his influence on the Woodbury Republican Committee to block endorsing Calhoun and in effect helping Randazzo. Just like he has in the last 2 elections-- did not support Conroy and ran no candidate in the last election so, in effect, helping his pal John Burke become supervisor. Now he can't come right out and endorse Democrats but he can do it behind the scenes in a sneaky way which the general public would not notice.

Disgraceful. Dishonest. And totally in character--which is sadly lacking.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury citizens should resent the supervisor of another community contributing to a lawsuit against our government. Who does he think he is?

Nancy has been good to Woodbury--she has had the guts to speak out against Kiryas Joel's improper actions while Larkin and Randazzo remain silent. Block votes sure can scare some people.

Don't we need someone who is not afraid to speak up for Woodbury?

Anonymous said...

How can Caruso be chair of the Republican Committee and not put up signs for Republican candidates?

Isn't it the job of committees to support their party's candidates and help them get elected?

The Woodbury Republican Committee, which I understand usually meets in secret, should be calling their chairman in for an explanation. If the committee voted to endorse Calhoun, then he should follow the will of the majority and support the endorsed candidates. If Caruso is uncomfortable with that, then leave the Committee so other better people can work for their party.

By the way, perhaps someone can confirm something for me. I understand that during the Conroy-Burke election, one of the Republican committee members had a Burke sign on their lawn and nothing was done about it? Can someone confirm that?

Maybe the committee needs some major re-organization. It seems to be falling apart under Caruso and supporting candidates from its rival party. Perhaps Caruso is a closet Democrat. Or more likely, perhaps he simply wants to control both parties in Woodbury so he be the power behind the scenes since he can't seem to get elected himself.

Anonymous said...

Ralph For Mayor!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya right, and maybe he can get Palin in from Alaska to be his deputy!

Anonymous said...

Yes, someone from the Republican committee did indeed have democratic candidate Burke's sign on his lawn: Dancin' Hank from Woodbury's back room!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who gives a crap who Ralph votes for, or who's sign is on his lawn. The Rep Committee is a joke. The Dem Committee is a joke. The only ones who don't know this are on the committees. Get rid of both of them.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, grasshopper, but that is not as easy as it sounds...Dems Chair- Manny Mangual has three of his family members as committee people, and they NEVER attend a meeting (aren't proxies a wonderful thing!!), and then ole Ralphie boy, Rep Chair, continues to rule with an iron fist, even though he can't get elected in the real world as how would you propose overthrowing the two committees?

Anonymous said...

The people in this town need to speak up and say that they want them out. Let the committee members know the residents, Dems and Reps have absolutely no faith in them at all. They are supposed to be representing our voices. But thats the opposite of what they do.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this The United States of America. Who else do you SPY on? Get a job!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell are u talking about, SPY on???

Anonymous said...

Oh, isn't that nice. Ralph and Manny think that the residents having a say in what goes on at their meetings is spying. Just showing up means were the enemy. Were trying to "break into a secret society". That little comment says a whole lot folks.

Anonymous said...

Are the folks attending the "Open to the Public" meetings sworn to silence? What a joke. If anyone can attend these so-called open meetings, then why can't they also talk about them. And perhaps its the committee people themselves reporting on the meetings because they think their respective leaders are morons!

Anonymous said...

Ralph must be pretty upset that his pal DICK didn't beat Nancy. Poor Ralph, always on the loosing team. Take the hint already. Your reign is OVER.

Anonymous said...

Wonder who Ralph and the CFTPOW party are grooming for the Village elections??

Anonymous said...

McCain and Palin look like they might be good for Woodbury.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Citizens For The Preservation Of Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

It could also mean
Caruso F--ks the People of Woodbury

Anonymous said...

I think it means the second one: Caruso f@#ks the people of woodbury, just like his boss Larkin does.
Hey, Maybe Larkin should just out and out sue woodbury himself instead of using jerks like loser Randazzo.