Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Pre-wedding melee erupts in Kiryas Joel; trooper cars pelted with eggs, plastic bottles
By Chris Mckenna
Times Herald-Record
KIRYAS JOEL — Young men shouted and pelted trooper cars with eggs and plastic water bottles Monday during a melee that erupted hours before an outdoor wedding that was expected to draw thousands of spectators.

Troopers say roughly 200 young men staged a rowdy protest as workers from Orange & Rockland Utilities removed decorative lights that had been strung from poles without permission. The lights were for the wedding of a granddaughter of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, a Satmar Hasidic leader.

Protesters blocked the company’s trucks with metal pedestrian barriers and then climbed on the trucks, troopers said. Then they used the same barriers to block trooper cars as state police tried to escort the utility workers out of Kiryas Joel.

One trooper was treated for minor injuries. No police cars were damaged.
One man was arrested and was expected to face a felony charge. His identity and the charges were not immediately available.
Some background:
Moshe Witriol is head of KJ's "Department of Public Safety." That is to say, the enforcement arm of the people who run things.

The "buchers" are the yeshiva boys who act as Witriol's insta-mob.

The State Troopers are under standing orders that Witriol calls the shots. Laws (whether real or made up on the spot) that he wants enforced, get enforced. Laws that he wants ignored, get ignored.

Today, apparently, the buchers were pelting the O and R crew with eggs and bottles while Witriol stood nearby and watched.

O and R called the Troopers and the buchers turned their attention to them.

Right after the Troopers put one of the buchers in cuffs, Witriol sprang into action. He tried to get them to let the kid go.

Generally, the buchers are to be allowed to abuse whomever they want.

The problem is, the Troopers don't believe that that extends to allowing the buchers to abuse the Troopers themselves.

Live and learn.


Anonymous said...

Why I am surprised, I don't know- perhaps because I thought in America we live in a CIVILIZED society. Goes to show that they really only live by THEIR own rules, whatever they may be!

Anonymous said...

I want to get out while people still think this is a good neighborhood. I better ask Mindy Prosperi or Iris Sandow how they did it. Or who else sold????????? Whose got the list ?

Anonymous said...

Ask Darlene

Anonymous said...

Hey, I thought CALHOUN was proposing this bill to help us be coterminous??? Did Cuomo steal her thunder??

Assembly advances government consolidation bill

ALBANY — The Assembly has approved legislation to allow local government entities to consolidate and dissolve.

The measure, PROPOSED BY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and backed by Gov. David Paterson, as well as Senate leaders, would allow citizens to petition for consolidation of governing bodies or services, such as police protection. The decision would be made by referendum.

The measure passed 118 to 26. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says the state has more than 10,000 local government entities, which can be confusing, inefficient and costly to taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

to the 12:18 poster:

Just common sense working together to achieve saving money to the taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Didn't know those in Albany knew the meaning of words like "common sense" and "working together"...especially after this week!

Anonymous said...

I did a little homework and found out Calhoun and Larkin both voted NO for the legislation!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeh. I bet there was a good reason.

The Town and Village of Woodbury are looking to consolidate without disolving the Village. The bill was basically supporting disolving Villages and that's NOT in our best interest.

Once again get your facts straight moron!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so are you saying that another bill just for Woodbury has to be passed? Has that been crafted and proposed yet? Haven't heard the Village Board discussing it lately.

Anonymous said...

This is the moron, what facts were wrong? On the legislation being discussed here and was passed 118 to 26, I understand Calhoun voted NO. If that is wrong and she voted YES, please tell us how she voted.

Anonymous said...

do you even know what the legislation actually is? If you rely on information on this site it could be about rubbing pickle juice on your front door and you would not know it

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

It is time to dissolve this Village and get back to one government the way it was. Petitions to start soon.

Anonymous said...

So what was this whole Village thing...just an experiment at the taxpayers' expense?

Anonymous said...

It was just Ralph having a bit of fun. But we would be in favor of dissolving the village depending on who gets on the town board this November. If the immoral pig Palermo gets on the board then we better keep the village so that Woodbury is not totally destroyed.

We hope someone like Sandy C. is running. Even though she lost the village election we think she would be good. And she could definitley beat Palermo. At least Sandy is involved in the community and cares abour Woodbury, unlike Frank who just is concerned about himself and his select cronies, like the town/village clerk.

Is Palermo still working in the city or is he just living off the selling of candles that he makes in his home?

Oh! is his house zoned for a home business/manufacturing?

Anonymous said...

I think frank is less dangerous than appointing another real estate person to the planning and zoning boards. Doesn't anyone else think there is a problem with the recent appointment? Sounds like hiring a fox to watch the henhouse to me.

Anonymous said...

Do the REpublicans have ANYONE at all running in November? Some democracy we live in in Woodbury when we don't even get a choice!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who doesn't think that Palermo is bad for Woodbury should just check his record when he was in office.

And then check what he has been doing since then

Anonymous said...

Not to mention Palermo is really a Republican and only unregistered and sought the Dem endorsement because he's at odds with Ralph and had no chance of getting their backing ever since they ran against each other in a primary in 2001.

Board vacancy interviews are this Tuesday...there will be many unhappy people (myself included) if Palermo gets the nod.

Anonymous said...

Why would someone in real estate who has been appointed to the zoning board be an issue? Ask Neil or Robin, they have it in for anyone who lives in Woodbury that doesn't bow to them or follow their way of thinking.

Enough with the sour grapes people regarding appointments or election winners.

The bigger issue/concern now is coming together as one with neighboring communities in fighting this KJ water line!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, if Palermo is such a weasel then why did the Dems hop the party line and endorse him, and why now is he interviewing for the vacancy? What has he promised Mo, Larry & Curly? (Geri is a lame duck so she no longer even counts.)

Odds are since Palermo is so disliked, they'll put him in office now so he can run as an incumbent in November, as James has a strong enough following and is the Dems money-maker so he'll easily win in November, even if Ralph can half-heartedly muster some opposition to make it look legitimate. Also gives James some time to keep attending meetings and gain some "experience".

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have someone with a little less experience (looking at some current and previous board members, haven't we learned that experience is in no way related to efficacy?) and knows the issues/has good-intentions than the other way around.

Hope James or John gets the seat.

Anonymous said...

What better way to put someone who CAN'T get elected into office- simply appoint them! Guess your timing was pretty good Frank!

Anonymous said...

P pals with KJ
A Assine thinking
L Liar
E Election fake
R Right never wrong
M My way or the highway
O opinion of self very high

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the seasonal residences at Ranaanah Park? has there ever been a ruling?

Anonymous said...

Palermo is a snake in the grass. Why are the Dems backing him? What the hell has brought him out of his hole in the ground. Doesn't attend anything for years, and now like the friggin Terminator, he's back!

Anonymous said...

How can Don and company be saying that the road to Rananah Park should have a snow bond in case emergency vehicles need to get in there during inclement weather. Are they really that concerned about the care taker and Johnathan Swiller all of a sudden? I doubt it. But if thats the case Don, then you better also be screaming for a snow bond on every private road in Town. Roads like Spring Lake Road for instance. Hey Neil Crouse lives on that Road. You better buck up Neil and Robin. If Don and you (Neil) get your way you also need to put up a bond. How interesting that I haven't noticed Dons concern for any other resident in Town that lives on a private Road. Are you in love with Mr. Swiller Don? There are over 50 private roads in Town. Why only Rananah?