Sunday, March 07, 2010

Invisible Writing

Can you run a write in campaign without telling anyone?

If you're Ralph Caruso the answer may be: "yeah, well, sort of."

Ralph is that rare creature who would be more successful as a candidate if hardly anyone knew he was running.

Here is how it would work:
First, you have your herd of zombies memorize how to spell Ralph's name.

You keep mum about the whole deal.

On election day you cart all your zombies down to the voting booths and have them write in Ralph and make sure they don't also vote for anyone else.

Then, when it turns out that hardly anyone else got off their butts to go vote --- you win!

Why keep mum?

Well, aside from the zombies, pretty much no one else wants to see Ralph on the village board.

If folks thought there was any real chance that Ralph could win they might actually drag themselves down to Village Hall to vote for someone else.

Low turnout + dedicated zombies = Trustee Caruso.

Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

a little paranoid aren't we?!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ralph's ticket barely lost in last year's Village election, so if he's gonna try it, now is definitely the time.

Anonymous said...

Does he have 2 people who are going to be write in candidates?

Sounds interesting...

Uncle Betty said...

With Ralphie a little paranoia goes a long way.

And he wouldn't need or want two candidates, he would want to be bullet voted.

And the beauty part is that if he tries it and it doesn't work, he never actually ran so it wouldn't count on his long last of consecutive defeats.

Anonymous said...

If Ralph can rally his 400+ troops to come out and vote the way they did last time, or even half that amount, he'll win hands down.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything to this or is it pure speculation?

Anonymous said...

Pure speculation. It just gives us something to fret about like windmills and the sky falling.

Uncle Betty said...

Social Notes From All Over

Ben Meyerers and Fred Ungererer have been making the rounds and glad handing the populace.

Are they the sub-rosa write-ins?

One week to go and then Zorro removes the mask.

Anonymous said...

Remeber morons there are 3 e's in Kelemen!!

Anonymous said...

kelleweed!! kelleweed!!

Anonymous said...

Remeber? Nice spelling skills bunghole!!! Now who's the moron? Another Woodbury sophisticate!!

3 e's in Kelemen said...

Have another doobie John! Maybe you can roll up some sour grapes with the pot! idiot!

Anonymous said...

"My experience, dedication and my independent voice are the reasons to vote..."

Lorraine is all about herself, "me, me, me" "I did this" or "I did that"

Was she ever a team player on any board or committee she was a member of?

Her attendance has not been 100% and she leads you to believe that only she did the work.

Is she really an "Independent Voice" or will she be a part time team player?

Anonymous said...

Don't all candidates tell you about theselves in order to win your vote?

Isn't that the central idea of campaigning for office?