Sunday, July 04, 2010

The Ladies Square Off

OK, So it's Roxanne taking on Nancy.

What are your bets and why?


Anonymous said...

It's going to be a battle, but Roxanne might just win this time. Nancy has outworn her welcome because she CAN'T get anything of any substance passed in Albany...sure she has submitted bill after bill, and where do they go-NO WHERE...tired of hearing that it's because she's in the minority. Well then, put in a Dem who will not only be in the MAJORITY, but who is a fighter, and has rarely taken NO for an answer. Roxanne, by all accounts, will do WHATEVER it takes for the good of the PEOPLE, NOT the party. Nancy comes from the good ole boys club, and would sooner settle for NO rather than cross party lines and DEMAND that something get done. Nancy's time came and went years ago-time for her to let a scrappy little bulldog have a go at Albany! I wanna see those good ole boys on EITHER side of the aisle tell Roxanne she can't move forward on THAT would be worth watching!

Anonymous said...

I've HAD ENOUGH of Nancy. Time to give someone else a try.

Anonymous said...

I second that! Tired of Calhoun's empty promises. She loves to race to the papers about what she's "going to do" but I don't seem to recall any announcements of "when it's done"! Wish I could get a hefty salary for NOT accomplishing anything that I say I'm going to do!

Anonymous said...

Nancy is all talk.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone post what Nancy Calhoun has actually done for her district in the 20 yrs she's been in Albany? I can't find anything but alot of proposed bills, and a small bit of money here and there for some pet projects. Sadly she has been very ineffective.

Anonymous said...

so on a different topic, heard the CV Pool was closed yesterday because of the dirt that ran in during the storm. Didn't the engineer take this into account during designing?

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, Can't you see this is about a political race?

Anonymous said...

What's the matter Unc. No one wants to play with you anymore? Can't seem to come up with anything noteworthy. Awwww; what a shame. Why don't you hang it up and close this rag?

Anonymous said...

So Ralphie Boy is Larkin's campaign manager, eh? Talking about belonging to one another...

Anonymous said...

I was at an event in Cornwall on a Sunday for a candidate for US Senate. I was very surprised when he was talking to someone and lost his temper! He yelled and cursed at this one person I couldn't believe it!

This guy is a local guy but he is not very nice. I wouldn't vote for him even if he was the only one running against Mussolini, and I'm Italian.

Anonymous said...

Think Calhoun needs a check-up. She's become a little delusional about who her "friends" are!

Anonymous said...

I love how the first poster talks about lets put a majority person in there who can get things done. That is a good joke. No member (not even Democrats) get bills passed in Albany unless it has the support of Speaker Silver. He and he ALONE governs the agenda in the Assembly, what bills are allowed on the floor and only if they will get passed. I don't care what a "scrappy little bulldog" Roxanne is or will be in Albany, she will be insignificant in Shelly Silver's world, an Upstate Democrat he does not need, she will just be there to pad his votes. He has the majority already just based on NYC Democrat Members.

If anyone doubts what I am saying, why couldn't our local Democrat Assemblymembers from Orange, Rockland, etc able to stop the MTA Payroll Tax?, Why can't they get bills passed in Albany giving us a much needed property tax cap? In fact, one Democrat from Westchester is the damn chair of the Real Property Tax Committee!! Why, because Shelly does not support these bills as they do not affect his Manhattan/NYC interests.

So, yes, the good 'ol boys will muzzle the scrappy little bulldog on day one.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's worth a try-I'd take a scrappy little bulldog like Roxanne Donnery (who is willing to stand up to anyone INCLUDING Shelly Silver) over the tired, lame good ole boy hound dog like the incumbent. Calhoun has admitted she's a professional politician-what does that tell you? After 20 years, she offers nothing but excuses, crying her woes about not being able to get anything done because of the Dems and big bad Silver.

Albany needs to be shaken up, and Donnery is the one to do it, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Based on how much she accomplished in the county legislature, I don't think they've made a muzzle that can quiet Roxanne! Look out Albany!

Anonymous said...

Roxanne gets things done, Nancy does not. Simple as that.

And don't talk to me about the piddly few thousand dollars she brings home...EVERY assemblymember gets money for their district.

Anonymous said...

Someone name to me one Democrat Assemblymember who stands up to Shelly Silver? Oh thats right NONE!! They are petrified to. And if they dare to (like Mike Bragman did) they get crushed, redistricted in to oblivion and have their committee positions, staff allotments everything taken away. Goshen is NOT Albany. Learn about what really goes on in Albany before you believe Roxanne will do anything. And, if she does challenge Shelly Silver, the "small" amount of money you think Nancy brings back will seem grand compared to what Roxanne brings back when she challenges Silver.

Anonymous said...

Nancy can't even get a road renamed for General Petraeus. Enough said.

And perhaps instead of trying to scare people --- oooohhhhh Mike Bragman! --- do some homework. Bragman tried to become speaker and was under investigation not once, but twice, for personally benefiting from development contracts.

As far as I know, Roxanne is not trying to become speaker and she is not involved in corruption scandals. No one knows or cares about Mike Bragman nor should they because there is no parallel.

So I return to my point: Roxanne gets things done, Nancy does not. Time for a change.

Anonymous said...

The issue is not Mike Bragman. The example is what happens when one dares to challenge Shelly Silver the way you think Roxanne will. The same fate will befall her if she dares to.

Anonymous said...

I'd still rather have someone like Roxanne who is willing to take on ANYONE if it's in the best interests of the people she represents, rather than Nancy who only seems to bemoan the fact that she can't (doesn't) get anything done because she's in the minority.

Anonymous said...

Haaaa,haaaa. Did you catch nancy's letter in the Gazette? Is she kidding? She's the one who continuously runs her campaigns from the gutter! Guess she doesn't like being called out about getting paid and not being at her job. Did anyone see how much her office costs to run a yer- $340k+ Too bad we don't get that back as a community in her district! She's gotta go.

Anonymous said...

Is she really that oblivious? She attacks Roxanne for being negative while her whole letter is just that!

Anonymous said...

Hudson Bureau Confidential: Cancun's calling to NY
When it was announced that charter flights to Cancun are coming to Stewart International Airport, it seemed like the first plane might quickly fill up with folks who were there to make the announcement.

Some promised to book a flight themselves. Others seemed to be dropping gift hints for family and friends.

"My reservation will be for Feb. 19," state Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun said.

"We have our first booking," said a beaming Susan Baer, aviation director for the Port Authority. "Excellent!"

State Sen. Bill Larkin noted the time period for the weekly flights, Feb. 12 to April 23, "takes in my wedding anniversary, my birthday and Easter."

"And the budget," somebody else present piped up.

Michael Randall


Kieran Conroy said...

Roxanne is a good woman, and I wish her luck in her race. I'm sure she could do a great deal for our state. Though, truth be told I am torn because I believe Orange County still needs her. She's been one of the best voices for Woodbury, and is one of the strongest advocates for fair governance and environmental policy in our region.

Anonymous said...

Kieran, we understand your concern for Orange County but there are others that can take her place. And we need her in Albany.

Besides, do you really want to continue with someone who just goes through the motions? At one time Nancy did care about her constituents, but now, she is more concerned with advancing her daughter in politics than doing the job.
Nancy has been in Albany for twenty years, it is time for a change!