Tuesday, September 27, 2005

John Burke is the Democratic candidate for Woodbury Town Supervisor. His running mates are Darlene Reveille and Amidee Havilland, both candidates for the Town Council.

John Burke's wife is a Republican. The Republican Candidates for these three positions are Sheila Conroy, Geraldine Gianzero and Mike Queenan.

Pretty boring so far, huh?
Stick around.

Parenthetical Henry (Hank) Sullivan is running for the Town Council on the Dancing Carnivore ticket or something.

Ralph Caruso, head of the Town Republican Party is not out there talking up the virtues of his party's candidates (and a virtuous group they are). His heart belongs to the man with the parentheses: Henry (Hank).

So, does John festoon his lawn with signs for Darling Darlene and Amiable Amidee? Does John's wife insist on equal time for her parties champions Gerri and Mike?

No Siree Bob! Here's what one sees:

Now to be fair (and Uncle Betty is always, always, always fair) this picture was taken before the primary. Is the sign still up? Dunno.


on Woodbury Day (After the primary mind you) John Burke was handing out (Hank)'s flyers at the Democrats' table.

Ay Caramba Johnny Boy, this is not a good thing. It is called "Selling out your running mates" and in many parts of the world it is punishable by making shame shame finger motions in the general direction of the guilty party.

I fear that we must put a big, red Does Not Play Well With Others into Johnny's permanent record.

And, while you may be displeasing your running mates, your party's officials and the finely tuned sensibilities of the Uncle, who the heck do you please by doing such a mean and rotten thing?



I get it.

piece # 2


Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Betty, talk about Johnny the Hypocrate (oops..did I say hypocrate?..i meant to say Democrat) would you believe Johnny voted the next day at the democratic committee meeting to not chalenge the republican judical seat in Woodbury,(even thought there was a democratic candidate James Galvin, applying for the nomination) thereby giving Dave My Nose Is So Brown Hasin a judgeship?

Anonymous said...

is'nt funny how judge pompus ass went to the democratic comm. and asked them not to back anyone, and also, for his salary, would fill in for Judge Kelleman for the remainder of his term. Arrogant dave is looking out for #1 ,not the Town. Where have all the Good Men gone? write in James Galvin on election day.

Anonymous said...

I agree - It would have been nice for the Reps to have endorsed a candidate in June when they are walking petitions. Instead, they lay down and let Dave L get the seat, again. Now the Dems have the chance to get two Dems in the seat of Justice and instead, lay down to the Rep Comm - i mean Ralph - who runs a majority of the Comm - as is proved by Sheila and Geraldine not being endorsed back in June. WRITE IN JAMES GALVIN on NOVEMBER 8 - don't know how, ask one of the ladies that work the elections - they will show you.

Anonymous said...

Is John Burke a member of the Democratic Committee?? If so someone on the committee should move to have him brought up on disloyalty charges for having Dancin Hank's sign on his lawn....and handing out his propoganda on Woodbury Day

Anonymous said...

Yes - John is a member of the Democrat Committee