Saturday, September 24, 2005

Welcome to Woodbury, where...

politics is a blood sport

democracy is a somewhat hazy concept

honest, free and open debate is on back-order

the Democratic Party is run by the head of the Republican Party

the Town Supervisor thinks that a brief answer is used only to respond to the question "jockeys or boxers?"

the traffic from Woodbury Commons, Route 6, Route 32, Route 17, Larkin Drive, Nininger Road and the New York State Throughway meet to form Orange County's finest parking facility

a new grass roots organization with SOCA somewhere in the title is born every six months

more whoppers are sold during the public comment segment of the Town Meetings then at all the Burger Kings in North America

West Point seems to do most of their loud blowing up of things

rumors are our single greatest export

if there is no street bearing your family name you're a newcomer


where the vast majority of the people living in the hamlets of Central Valley and Highland Mills haven't the faintest idea what a hamlet is.

Or as I think of it: home!

Quote of the day (though not necessarily today): "What ever happened to the Town Newsletter?" - Mike Aronowitz, Chairman of the Town Newsletter Committee.

Did you know?: Ralph Caruso is an aide to Senator Bill Larkin.
(Oh, you knew.)

Second quote of the day: "I can't keep coming up here to make a fool of myself" - Carol Mullooly, upon coming up to the podium at a town board meeting to make a fool of herself.

Did you know?: Jonathan Swiller isn't actually pregnant.

Third quote of the day: "I don't care about the town, I just care about my home." - Darlene Reveille, candidate for town councilwoman.


Michael Aronowitz said...

Wow I see your have more free time then I do

Uncle Betty said...

You always were the busy entrepreneur. Back in the day, after high school let out, most of us would be shooting hoops or watching TV or whatever, but you were already a successful salesman. What was that stuff you sold? Weed-B-Gone? It was weed-something wasn't it?