Thursday, June 22, 2006

One For Two

Two decisions came down the pike today.

One made the Uncle happy.

One made Caruso happy.

The County Legislature's Physical Services Committee considered Eddie Diana's request that the Legislature take steps aimed at putting two KJ water towers into Gonzaga County Park. The committee voted not to send the request to the floor - killing it (for now).

As Eddie saw that his gambit wasn't going to succeed he backpeddled faster than Wylie Coyote noticing that he's 5 feet beyond the cliff edge. (Wow is that a labored analogy?)

"I just sent the request here for a yes or no vote," said our County Supervisor. "I don't care if you vote yes or no."

Committee requests for certain studies were not answered. Eddie explained that he was dilligently guarding the County treasury and that he wouldn't spend money on studies for a project that might not go forward.

Or, as Spencer McLaughlin summed it up: "Questions, asked in order to reach a yes or no decision will not be answered until we reach a yes or no decision."

Roxanne Donnery asked: "Is this what we want to do with our parkland?" And Michael Amo answered yes. He explained that if KJ built the water towers that would serve KJ in KJ it would be an ugly blight (right in the middle of beautiful downtown KJ) and so it was solely to preserve the natural splendor that is KJ that KJ wanted to hide them from view in a county park."

Ya gotta love the guy for trying!

As for Caruso's win -- at the moment it seems that Elaine Slobod, generally one of the best judges in Orange County, may have bought a line of bull from Caruso's lawyer on the Woodbury vote that would allow the Brodsky project to go forward.

We're still waiting for more info, but Slobod may have bought the argument that the County Planner is supposed to get 30 days after Brodsky's Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) to comment on Woodbury's proposed local laws.

In fact, under state law the planner gets 30 days after he is notified of the pending laws.

What Brodsky's FEIS has to do with the timetable is unknown.

But, if this setback convinces Brodsky to throw up his hands and sell the land to the highest bidder, than KJ's Vaad haKirya gets to scoop up a huge parcel that sits right next to ACE Farms. This is apparently what Caruso (and Larkin and Donnelly and Siebold and Ungerer and Seyferth et al) have been pushing for.

If Brodsky hangs on, Slobod's decision will be overturned. But how long will that take?


Anonymous said...

Dearest Uncle, you forgot one huge name in your list of those beaming over Slobod's decision...our very own current Supervisor- JOHN BURKE!!! Where can we read this decision in full?

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts on the law suit:
Four Stars winners
• The former Supervision gets four Stars because when she is know as the Queen State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) and not getting her dates right.
• The Town Attorney’s who allowed this to happen so quick and not knowing the dates either.
• All the town consultants who are billing big bucks on this project and losing the article 78 because of incompetence.
• The town board for being in such a hurry and tiring to box out the county
• The great Eddie D for making sure Woodbury always gets screwed!

So now we are left with the land being sold to KJ because of incompetence maybe the board should clean house and get some real experts rather then using the same consultants and Attorney’s for the last twenty years who are clueless and got beat by a one man show from upstate New York.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2 should learn how to write properly before he/she tries to print his/her "thoughts"... of which make NO sense anyway! Sheila has more knowledge of SEQRA than the entire current board, Caruso, Siebold and Donnelly all put together! This whole thing is far from over, so I wouldn't be jumping to too many conclusions just yet!

Anonymous said...

the real question is why some county legislators are against EVERY attempt for kj to get water for their residents

it's not about the impact of the various project ideas

it's about giving NOT ONE INCH of orange county real estate to hasidic jews

and that, my friends, is against federal law.

Anonymous said...

To Anon No. 4

No, moron, its called "responsible planning" why does KJ build BEFORE it has answered the greatest question...where is the water going to come from to support this development or any development??

See, the corrupt leadership is so used to getting what it wants, it just figured, oh we will build and build and build and we will just get the water we want when we want...we'll turns out the community around you wised up a bit and showed the elected officials that there is strength in our numbers too and we can play the block vote game as well..suddenly those elected officals are listening to us, and all you can do is claim bigotry

Anonymous said...

"I've been upfront and made no bones about it," Burke said. "I am not in favor of increasing the housing density in Woodbury. I will vote accordingly."

OK Mr. Burke- next question- where is the $$ going to come from to stop KJ from annexation once they buy the property from Brodsky?? Are you willing to bankrupt the town to prove a point? Perhaps you had good intentions, however your plan was ill-advised in the big scheme of things. Is Slobod going to be there to help Woodbury out when KJ takes over? Doubt it!!! It will be interesting to see how you approach formulating the town's budget from here on out!! Or will you too will start having weekend yard sales!