Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Over the Transom and Under the Heritage Trail

An email from the Pieman:

The story, so far, as I understand it.

The powers that be in KJ have a well on or near Larkin Drive that they want to hook into their water system.

An unpaved section of the Heritage Trail passes between the well and the Village, so the pipeline has to cross the trail.

The proper way of doing things is to get an easement from the county before crossing the trail. But contractors began work without the easement. The county DPW found out and stopped the work.

The contractors then applied for the easement. The normal course of events would send the matter to the Physical Services Committee and the Rules Committee of the legislature.

The Physical Services Committee meets on the third Wednesday of the month.

Committee Chairman Frank Fornario finalizes the agenda the previous Thursday.

In afternoon of the Monday before the committee met, Eddie Diana asked Fornario to add the easement to the agenda. Frank explained that it was too late for July, but that it would be added for August.

Last Friday the matter was brought before the Rules Committee, which sent it to the floor of the Legislature.

Legislators are being told, that they follow their own, normal procedures it will take too long and hundreds of thousands of dollars will be wasted as the contractor waits.

That may or may not be a real number. But even if it is, where does the fault lie?

Too often the current political leadership of Kiryas Joel has acted as if they felt that getting forgiveness after they have done something is easier than getting permission before. You will recall the illegal sewer line hookups off route 44 just last year.

The Village leaders and their contractors are well aware of the need for an easement

But by the time that the contractors were ready to cross the Heritage Trail nothing had been done to secure that easement. And once the County had halted work there, suddenly, it was the legislature and not the village leaders or their contractors who were to blame for time being wasted.

I do not feel that the Village of Kiryas Joel should be subjected to any greater rigors of enforcement than any other municipality.

Nor should they be exempted from that enforcement.

The easement will be voted on by the Legislature tomorrow, Thursday, August 2. The session takes place at 7 PM.

I hope that the Legislature follows its own procedures, tables the matter for one month, and allows the Physical Services Committee to do its job.


Anonymous said...

Why is one ENTIRE committee being TOTALLY bypassed? I am so sick and tired of the RULES being changed, avoided, disregared, etc for KJ. 9 out of 10 times, the powers that be in KJ act before they get permission, and then they react when caught by using scare tactics, unsubstantiated hardships, and threats. When is enough going to be enough with the KJ administration? Amo needs to grow a set and realize that he does represent another part of a separate municipality (Woodbury), and that if the shoe were on the other foot, Woodbury's proverbial feet would be held to the fire! Diana needs to stop kissing A*# and make KJ follow the rules that the rest of the county does, or we might just end up with total anarchy when the rest of the municipalities start ACTING WITHOUT PERMISSION!!! Maybe we should all give it a try????

Anonymous said...

As many Woodburians as possible should show up at the legislative meeting tonight to voice their concern over this, and the KJ request for ownership of the raod issue. KJ & Bob Lawrence need to be made to follow the rules.

Anonymous said...

oh ya, like anyone really gives a shit!