Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October Question

Is it time to pay attention to the Woodbury Town Board election yet?


Anonymous said...

No, not yet. With the exception of Aronowitz, nobody else is making an effort. Some say the only reason Mike put out signs first is because he's running scared.

Anonymous said...

I saw Lorraine campaigning in front of Jay's this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous No. 1...what is the color of the sky on the planet you live on??

Lorraine has been out there working hard all year. And...why would Aronowitz be running scared?

And yes Uncle way too late to start talking about this. Lets get moving. Look at the posts this time in October 2005 this site was on fire in the last election!!!

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is Michael Amo has defected from the Republican party and joined the Independence Party. If this is the case this means the Republicans are no longer the majority in the Legislature...first time ever. Legislature is 10 Reps 10 Dems and 1 Ind.

Anonymous said...

Mike Amo just made himself the most powerful legislator in the County. Every legislator now knows their committee seats and any other political appointment split along party lines is now controlled by Mr. Amo and KJ. Mr. Amo may now be even more powerful than the County Exec.Isn't that just grand?

Anonymous said...

It'll change come November when Townsend is voted out

Anonymous said...

What has Lorraine done for the town??

Anonymous said...

Nothing that I can really remember, she always good for a second or third on a motion end the meeting!!

Anonymous said...

Lorraine smiles a lot and throws hissy fits when things don't go her way. Mike put out signs because someone told him to.

Anonymous said...

Lorraine told him to.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vote Democratic and fill the seats with: a knucklehead (Bo) that thinks Robert's Rules refer to Bob Donnelly, and another (Carlton)who never even attended Town or Village meetings (Planning and Zoning included) before he decided to run. Yeah, that's what we should do, fill the board with know-nothings and let Ralph and Manny be the puppet masters!

Anonymous said...

"Lorraine smiles a lot and throws hissy fits when things don't go her way. Mike put out signs because someone told him to."

Speaking of "hissy fits", what about the ones that Ralph throws when things don't go his way? Doesn't anyone remember how he has acted in public when people dare to contradict him?

And by the way, the town board meetings are televised, so anyone throwing a "hissy fit" will be on tape.

Dont remember seeing Lorraine do that, I do remember her standing up for what she believes is right.

Anonymous said...

Your just upset because mike finally got smart and didn't listen to Ralph and all his bull.

Anonymous said...

Previous posters have said:

Anonymous 1:
"What has Lorraine done for the town??"
Anonymous 2 in response:
"Nothing that I can really remember, she always good for a second or third on a motion end the meeting!!"

We know that Lorraine does things that you don't understand, such as use complex tools like the law, to defend this town.
Just because you can't understand something doesn't mean you should criticize it.

And as far as a "second or a third" there is no such thing as a "third" to a motion! You not only have a hard time understanding things, you are arrogant AND stupid!!!

So why do I think that you are DON SIEBOLT??????

Anonymous said...

Wow, did lorraine just throw another "hissy fit"

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is still a better candidate on her worst day than the other three all put together!

Anonymous said...

If Lorraire is soo great, why didn't she run for supervisor!

Anonymous said...

Because Big John sleeps in the same bed as Ralph, hee, hee!

Anonymous said...

................................................still waiting for your answer genius, why dosen't Lorraine run for supervisor, after all she's sooo great!

Anonymous said...

lorraine wouldn't run for supervisor because lets face it she would get trounced, better to get re-elected for councilwomen and keep telling everyone how hard shes working for all of us then lose to big bad John and become a spectator.

Anonymous said...

Why should she run for supervisor? She's doing just fine where she is. Besides, Ralph, Manny and clowns would never allow it...they way they see it, Johns a lock for as long as they want him there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good ole Lorraine is doing just fine!!

Anonymous said...

keep tellin yourself that........

Anonymous said...

As far as Larraine throwing a hissy fit, I saw her do it in Cornwall, and I believe it is on tape. Ask them for tapes of the meetings before the village was voted on. And I've seen her several times end a meeting because she didn't like the way it was going. Check the tapes. And she also wasn't very nice at the public forums on the Brodsky project. She ended those meetings, too, before people got to speak. And then she voted for it.

Anonymous said...

blah, blah, blah, vote for me I'll never screw ya!! yeah right.

Anonymous said...

I am getting rather disturbed about the rumors trying to demean Lorraine as a lesbian when it is not a demeaning issue.People let us try to have sensitivity towards our minorities in a county named for a famous slayer of a minority group called the Irish. People this is 2007 and women can vote, even the lesbians ones.I am tired of the christian right's lack of historical understanding other than that which can be found in the Bible.Please google any combination of the word "Gay" with the following words;"Christian","Republican","Conservative" or "Log Cabin" for that matter.
Most of us cannot remember when women and african americans did not have the right to vote,now look at the presidental race even though some try to demean Hillary in a similar fashion.
Historically a majority of the people involved in the women's rights,african americans' voter rights and their respectful political power movements were christians,it would make logical sense that the gay political power movement would also have some christian leaders.
If you are interested I would suggest that you also research some of the biographies of a local christian woman named Eleanor Roosevelt.She married her 5th cousin who she met when she was two years old.It is now generally accepted that Eleanor had a romantic relationship with the the newspaper woman Lorena Hickok.It is rather funny that her nickname was "Hick" but she was far from a "hick".
And if you are going to try to discuss Lorraine on this site atleast have the decency to spell her name correctly.As a matter of fact I even think Lorraine,France played a large part in christian history.

Anonymous said...

Nice try.........

Anonymous said...

She's doing better than Levine! Oh ya, who's Levine anyway?

Anonymous said...

believe me, the one thing that Lorraine is not, is a lesbian, stop your horsesh-t!

Anonymous said...

I like the writer who states "believe me, the one thing that Lorraine is not, is a lesbian, stop your horsesh-t!

First you obviously have a problem with gays or it wouldn't matter.

Secondly I think you suffer from a syndrome I like to call the "Michael Jackson Syndrome."

I have never known a person who has had a nonsexual life.I have known some individuals who have had very low sex drives.They are never Type A Personalities and are not driven to possess power.I hope you do not believe power has no sexual basis?

Consequently what you are left with
are people, who when given the choice, are either excited by Brad or by Angelina.

If you have known a person for a longtime who you have no information as to determine their answer on the Brad or Angelina question then they are making a conscious effort to conceal it.
This concealment must have at it's root some obsessive motivation and draw on an amazing amount of discipline.
What would be the purpose? Would you not find a person capable of this to be disturbed or possibly in some serious covert government agency.A person which is capable of many diguises(whether using pant suits or summer dresses).LoL

One can see the utter illogical nature of love but the sex drive is clearly under the perusal of science.
I have seen women into motorcyles.Some wear leather,some own their own bikes and some ride with their boyfriends.I have never met a loner, black leather wearing, motorcyle mama that was a world class concert flautist,but hey
everyone in America is entitled to their own delusions of being an expert on sexual behavior.

Anonymous said...

why do you choose to right such bull, whenever someone else tries to speak the truth, you win! I'm done.. have your bullshit blog spot, continue to spread lies and bash anyone who doesn't agree with your shallow way of thinking. I will pray for you at church, pray that you see the error of you ways, may god have mercy on you, for you know not what you do!

Anonymous said...

OH great!! just what we need religion.. shut up dick.

Anonymous said...

And this is supposed to be your subliminal way of destroying Lorraine?? Get a life...she and Aronowitz could win without even trying, given their lousy competition.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, most people do not know what goes on behind the scene--in other words, the politics, even in a small town.

In the 2005 elections, Mr. Burke, a man with no experience, who never offered to volunteer for any service to the Town, used the television to his advantage to win the election. His supporters, both Democrats (of which he is a committee member) and the Caruso faction of the Republican Party who threw him their support by not even endorsing a candidate to oppose him, ran a smear campaign against Conroy and Gerri so as to cover up how inexperienced Burke was and is.
They filled the audience at Town Board meetings with supporters who attacked the Board. Need proof? After Burke's election, they disappeared. In fact, almost no one even attends the meetings now.

A anonymous flyer filled with misinformation about the 5 laws was mailed to voters the day before the election so that correct information could not be provided or a response given. Cowardly and the usual dirty tricks. And who benefited from this---Burke and Caruso once again. Begin to see a pattern? Now we have attacks on experienced people to once again distract voters from the no names who have not done anything for Woodbury, but now want your vote. Wouldn't it be a test of someone's sincerity that before they run, they actually volunteer to do some real work for Woodbury and can be held accountable for that work?

People pushing the village misled people about the creation of the village of Woodbury which will not protect against annexation. In fact, it is dishonest that Burke and his ticket have annexation on their campaign literature. With the creation of the Village of Woodbury, the Town has nothing to say about annexation since the Village controls this issue. At the hearing this summer regarding an application to annex land out of Woodbury into Harriman, Burke sat in the audience with the rest of the general public and not at the table with the Village of Harriman and Village of Woodbury officials. That alone should have educated him that he has no say over annexation. What a shame that Burke, who is running unopposed, and Caruso are not held accountable for all the misinformation they dished out about creating a village. Almost everything in their Preservation Kit has proven to be untrue. I say their Kit because Burke wrote a letter supporting that party, with his daughter running with Caruso. Behind the scenes, Caruso controls both the Democratic and Republican parties. The warning about too much power in the hands of too few is alive in Woodbury. And we do not even have a choice for supervisor.

Think carefully before you vote for inexperienced people when Woodbury is in the need of experienced people not tied to politics which is controlled behind the scenes by one or two people. Don't be dubbed again by the same people.

Anonymous said...

What the heck were the Dems thinking though in having Bo & Carlton run? They honestly think they've got a snowball's chance? Come on, be real.

Anonymous said...

are you talking about inexperienced Village Board members or inexperienced John Burke?? whats the difference, your statement is dumb!

Anonymous said...

Dumb & Dumber- I hear that's Bo & Carlton's bio when it comes to what they know about the Town/Village, and being a board member!!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Mike is a lesbian

Anonymous said...

Too bad there wasn't some sort of prerequisite test that all candidates had to take PRIOR to running for office, to measure exactly how much they knew and understood about local government. Perhaps in lieu of a "test" we could see some televised DEBATES between the four boardmember candidates??? How about it...we could all be amazed at how Bo talks in circles and we'd FINALLY get to meet the infamous Levine!!!

Anonymous said...

"And this is supposed to be your subliminal way of destroying Lorraine?? Get a life...she and Aronowitz could win without even trying, given their lousy competition."

I do not think there was anything subliminal in the post regardless of
which definition you are using.How
does the word have the same root as "sublime" ?
I thought the expression was, "the truth will set you free" and not "destroy" you.

I believe that Lorraine is the best person for the position.I agree with you that the choices are limited.I have no control over how you wish to interpret my thoughts.I believe I was consciously aware of my conscious writing(as opposed to “automatic writing”).One person's conscientiousness is another person's “Con” I would guess.

I person who could take their sexual energy and sublimate(used as a psychology term) it into their political action would be very productive. The interaction with the hasidim is one of the major issues facing the town.Their society is extremely patriarchal and abusive towards women.I would preferably want an individual
who could be personally motivated
to fight this type of society.

I do not believe the hasidim can be stopped from controlling this county.I believe it is a function of time and reproductive sexual behavior.I will go on the "anonymous" record and state
that within 20 years all the counties property values will be negatively effected.They are exploiting one the basic tenets
of this country obviously the freedom of religion.The issue has
similarities with the laws which govern our new technologies.They must always evolve with the novel
activities generated or else there would be anarchy.

"Lorraine smiles a lot and throws hissy fits when things don't go her way."
I believe the common metaphorical tale is when children are playing sports and it is not going as one player would wish it to.
A child makes an ultimatum.
To relate the common tale to Lorraine it would be as her saying " I am going to take my balls and go home"

Anonymous said...

Again...your "message" is quite clear amidst all your babble. Come 11/7, you'll find that McNeill and Aronowitz will still have kicked ass.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! Carlton Levine DOES exist...at least so say the signs that recently popped up in Woodbury. Have there been any sitings of the elusive Mr. Levine? I've heard he's knocked on a few doors. Is there any info on him at all?

Anonymous said...

Whomever wins, just do us all a favor and collect all your idiot vote for me signs on November 7th 2007, the town/village will look much better without the signs ruining the view.