Monday, March 10, 2008

Curing Insomnia

The Village Board meets Tomorrow (Tuesday, March 11th) at Village Hall (above the shop at the Highland Mills Fire House) at 7:30 PM.

Be there or be elsewhere!


Anonymous said...

The Village board seems to be doing more than the town board, so it should be a little more interesting than watching John snore, Carlton being a bore, Mike roar and little Bo peep!

Anonymous said...

Rumor is swirling around that John Burke is client # 10, Elliott Spitzer was client #9

Anonymous said...

Can't be, John Burke is too dumb to be client #10

Anonymous said...

Swiller and Crouse were rejected for showing no balls at all.

Anonymous said...

why do you want to see swiller and crouse's balls?

Anonymous said...

because he doesn't have any

Anonymous said...

Getting back to our beloved Governor...word is he WILL NOT be announcing his resignation in public, rather will only issue a written statement on Monday. This begs the question, is there some secret handbook that Democratic men receive when running for or being elected to office, stating that no matter how badly they act that they do NOT have to address their public? Come on- our local 3 Musketeers think they don't have to answer for their lies and manipulation, and now the State's Top DOG (and I do mean that literally) won't have to face the public!
What arrogance they all display. I wonder if any of them have mirrors in their homes???

Anonymous said...

Stop talking about things that outside Woodbury, Don't you know Uncle Swillers rules, only Woodbury garbage on this site. But I do agree, Swiller talks a tough game, but has no balls!! or class!

Anonymous said...

are, sorry!

Anonymous said...

To the idiot that posted "Stop talking about things that outside Woodbury"...didn't you get that the 3 Musketeers are Burke, Haviland and Levine?

So, it looks like Spitzer at least made his resignation in person. The sad commentary remains the same for hime and the 3 Musketeers- one set of rules for themselves, and an entirely different set of rules for the rest of us. Just shameful on all accounts. Can't we get Burke, Haviland and Levine to resign?

Anonymous said...

At least they pay you if you get screwed in D.C. Here we get screwed for free.

Anonymous said...

I thought that 3 musketeers was a candy bar!

Anonymous said...

Hey at least our Governor was caught with a woman!!

Anonymous said...

or brains or courage or leadership ect. ect. ect. And uncle betty is in the same boat !!!
I wish that boat would sink.

Anonymous said...

So do I but I'm afraid it wouldn't so any good....Wood floats

Anonymous said...

You know what else floats? Shit!

Anonymous said...

then I guess that you dont know shit!!!!!

Anonymous said...

nah nah nah nah sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never.....

Anonymous said...

Hey, my last minute flyer came in, it has a picture Richard Jackson and that little troll Neil Crouse on it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle- obviously the little "pp" (preservationist party) gophers are having a difficult time understanding why their narcissistic leader, King Ralph, couldn't find anyone to run for Village trustee. Well little morons, perhaps the "PP" (Pied Piper) is satisfied for the time being with the fact that the Town Board's majority is made up of his liars. They seem to be resting comfortably now, thinking that no one cares, and that all is forgotten....ah, the calm before the storm....

Anonymous said...

Yea, the village government will save us! the only decent person on the village board decided not to run, good luck puppets.

Anonymous said...

Yes Mike is a good person and was an admirable trustee...BUT...the remaining trustees and mayor are just as admirable. Together the five members have done a wonderful job, and hopefully Rich will fill Mike's shoes, and bring even more creative thinking to the board. For the poster who is bent on foaming at the mouth in trying to discredit the current Village Board, what have YOU done for the Village lately?, other than pollute it with your bullshit?

Anonymous said...

And what have YOU done for either the Town or Village, Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. Anonymous?

Anonymous said...

nah nah nah nah I've done more than you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I doubt it, mature anonymous.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor is O.K.
Joann Stabile is O.K., but needs to do a little work once in awhile
Pat Kinney is a waste
Thank god Mike Kling is leaving
Neil Crouse is a person who has managed to piss everyone off. Between his constant talking and his inability to move forward I don't know what's worse.

The village board complains that they have so much work, but the reality is if they would come to meetings prepared and stop tableing things they could clear up their agenda's.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that Crouse's and Jackson's signs have a black background. Black for a bleak future. Black for the death of this community. Black as in mourning for those that vote for them.

Anonymous said...

Neil needs to shut his big mouth, it gets worse after a couple of drinks, somebody please keep Neil off the sauce.

Anonymous said...

The flyer I received said that Richard Jackson is a retired police officer from woodbury, but an article I read in the photo news a little while back has Richard Jackson listed as a member of the Harriman police department P.B.A. is this a typo or does Richard jackson work in harriman as a policeman. Is this the same person, just curious!

Anonymous said...

Rich Jackson is retired from the woodbury police, he works in Harriman and a another police agency part time. Rich is a good man and will try to do the right thing for woodbury.

Anonymous said...

The person who posted that they just received a flier from the 2 candidates missed the whole issue.A lesson about fliers in Woodbury:

The fliers that everyone is objecting to are those that contain lies about their opponents and that give those opponents no opportunity to respond with correct information. During Burke's first run for office, a lying flier was sent out misrepresenting development in Woodbury. It lied on so many levels---talking about a hastily called regularly scheduled meeting---implying that something was wrong about holding a regularly scheduled meeting by inserting the word "hastily" and hoping (correctly, unfortunately) that people would not see the contradictions in that statement.

It included a copy of a newspaper article that was too small to read and misrepresented what that article said.

And it had bold print that claimed incorrectly that thousands of acres in Woodbury were being rezoned for high density housing---both untrue. The funniest part was that the rezone that was being considered was for lots the same size or larger than the ones on which most of the people behind this flier lived.

And it came out 1 day before the election without any signatures but clearly benefiting John Burke.

In the last Burke and team election, a lying flier about assessments came out also shortly before the election--- totally lying about the Republican opponents. Although signed by Levine and Haviland, nobody has really taken responsibility for it. Burke sort of did at a public meeting but then said he didn't approve it, write or distribute. So we still don't have anyone really taking responsibility except to brush it under the rug.

Burke, Caruso and their surrogates also lied about the village and what it could and could not do. This is especially disgraceful since Caruso works for Senator Larkin who has had to introduce bills to allow Woodbury exceptions from what Villages do in hopes of keeping things in the Town's hands, especially since Caruso's friend Burke now has his corrupt majority. Why didn't he ask his boss what Villages can and cannot do before lying to people? One can only assume he did not want to know the truth so that he could mislead people.

The fliers that just came out simply tell about the candidates' backgrounds.

Hope this lessons helps. I have seen both of the lying fliers and am disgusted with how dirty politics have become in Woodbury---driving out good people and putting our Town in the hands of those who lie and cheat to win and say it doesn't matter. As long as we let them get away with this, it doesn't seem to matter enough to get straight answers from the "Democratic majority" that Burke urged Woodbury to vote for. They hope everyone will forget and that they will not be answerable for their lies. They seem to have convinced themselves that they have done no wrong--proving that they have very minimal moral compasses.

Anonymous said...

OK, so what was the rush for the hastily called regular meeting? Why couldn't the business have been done at the regular time? Looks like they had something to hide, even if they didn't. As far as the zoning change, it has nothing to do with what the zoning is and was for those who were opposed to it. The opposition was to changes. When they bought their houses, their zoning was already in place. Just because I live on a 50 x 100 lot doesn't mean I want everyone to live on that size lot. The opposition was to the increase in the number of homes -- adding much more burden to the already weak infrastructure of traffic, water, schools, etc. It remains to be seen if the changes will benefit Woodbury, but do you think Brodsky cares? He threatened to sell to another bidder (I wonder who), the town panicked, and now we have opened the doors for other developers to do the same. Mark my words, Legacy Ridge is a done deal, even though the majority of people speaking at Village Meetings have been against it. Public meetings were held to conform with laws, not for real input.

Anonymous said...

"He threatened to sell to another bidder (I wonder who), the town panicked, and now we have opened the doors for other developers to do the same. "
Now that's the pot calling the kettle black...what you panicked on was the creation of the f!@#$%g Village in order to prevent annexation!

And to the poster who states the mayor and Joanne are "ok", but then trashes the rest of them, do you even go to Village Board meeings? Do you even have a clue? Sounds like you're listening to someone else...the self-righteous ass who has attended approx 3 meetings, and only to stand up and proclaim that he's correcting the board on procedure. Those who have attended on a regular basis will know who I mean....sadly, you probably won't.

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight, I did not vote for the village to prevent annexation.

Anonymous said...

wow, touchy, touchy.

Uncle Betty said...

Anonymous said...
"OK, so what was the rush for the hastily called regular meeting? Why couldn't the business have been done at the regular time?"

Ah, the Uncle despairs. There is no such thing as a "hastily called regularly meeting." A regular meeting is just that. There was nothing hasty about it.

But the Carusovian lies, echoing down the years, stll have the power to cloud men's minds

Anonymous said...

I know exactly who you mean.

If you attend the meetings you will know what I say is true. Neil talks and talks, everything gets tabeled because of him and lack of research and very little actually gets accomplished.
Pat Kinney hasn't a clue because he isn't involved at all.
Mike Kling stirs the pot.
Joann should start acting like a deputy and help the mayor with daily operations.
Neil acts like he knows alot, but actually is wrong 70% of the time, and can't make a decision.(As proven true from the last meeting) He also can't shut up and listen. He thinks he's always right.
Stephanie shows the most flexabilty and insight. She may not be the most educated, but at least she listens and learns. Neil should take some lessons from her.

I am a fan of none. Just a non political bystander.

Everyone reading this post will know that what I say is true. Just calling it like it is.

Anonymous said...

Gee Unk, John, Maria: Looks like your loyal following lemmings are being intruded on. Hee Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

To the last poster -

John who?

Lemmings? Is Woodbury infested now?

Kieran Conroy said...

A few points I have to note. I share concern about these burdens, my family lives on the same roads and water-shed as Legacy. But things aren't as simple as some of those last posts make them out to be.

The clustering laws do not open us to "unrestricted development." Anyone wanting the cluster has to go through a case-by case application, and the village gov't has to see serious benefits to even consider it. There are only 9, MUCH smaller lots even possible, analyzed in Legacy's posted paperwork.

This isn't just about developers trading land for more houses (much as I value open space). Legacy is also paying to make serious sewer infrastructure to replace failing systems in Valley-Forge (legally required in the plan, as many were tricked by verbal promises of another builder). Its meeting additional needs, saving existing taxpayers a serious expense, and installing new environmentally high tech. The whole community gets higher water levels, and we're making them service new roads privately.

Don't forget a boost in taxes, here and to the schools for high-value homes. It remains far more cautious, environmentally and fiscally than Cornwall's recent condos and true high-density growth.

IF is approved, there are still specifics the planning board can control/adjust(landscaping, tree cutting etc), as I read the plan. It it would be phased in over several years- giving time to see how things are working (traffic, environmentally, etc), and keep the builder accountable. This is vital, and something I for one intend to do.

I can only speak for the 2006 meetings, but the newspapers and friends tell me the Jan. meetings have been what we had then- a mixture of people who were critical and people who seemed to understand the value of these things.

Kieran Conroy said...

As a note, I was referencing deception of Valley Forge buyers in the sale practices of an old builder... sewer "upgrades" were never written into that approved plan. This plan hinges on clear, mandated infrastructure at the builder's expense.

Kieran Conroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks for always speaking up and questioning things Neil and Mike. And kudos to the rest of the board for just getting along with one another. To the poster who is trying desperately to show a deep division, you're full of crap. It's evident that you "think" you're an insider, but you're nothing more than a wanna be, and you're beginning to show a little too otherwords, it's pretty damn clear who you are.

Anonymous said...

I haven't made as many of the village meetings as I'd like... but these folks promised to question everything carefully. They ran on a platform, not as veteran officials, but on trying and be honest and cautious.

Sure, they aren't perfect. But this seems better than the reverse.

Anonymous said...

The only people opposed to leagcy ridge are the residents from Cornwall. Boo Hoo. Did they give a damn about Woodbury when they approved over 2,000 building lots over the past year? where the hell do you think all that traffic winds up? They didn't care about us, now we are supposed to care about them? Suck it up Cornwall.

Kieran Conroy said...

I share the concerns of some Cornwall residents about stream-quality issues... but feel its unfair to place all the burden on Woodbury when other communities are developing even more rapidly and causing the bulk of the burdens.

The recent reclassification of the Trout-spawning in Trout Brook is important to watch. I grew up seeing baby fish in that stream, and don't want to see them get driven out by sewage, salt or fertilizer. There are issues I think we should work together on, but in a spirit of equity and fairness.

Attending a meeting, blaming Woodbury for all of your problems and then leaving before citizens can even reply to you, as the Randazzo's representative from the board did in 2006, is not the sort of leadership that can accomplish this. But I've been hearing there are other activists, citizens and concerned groups speaking in a more fair way.

Anonymous said...

The people from Cornwall are not the only people opposed to Legacy Ridge. Weren't you at the village hearings?

Anonymous said...

"The people from Cornwall are not the only people opposed to Legacy Ridge. Weren't you at the Village hearings?"

Yes I was, and listened to a few Woodburyites who got up to the mic several times to share irrelevant, misinformation and out and out lies.

Anonymous said...

oh, Why don't you shut the hell up already, know it all scumbag or is it swillerbag

Anonymous said...

Your ignorance is exceptional...when you can't argue with fact, resort to using disgusting language...ya, that's it. What a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the arguments of a true intellectual, "Name-calling"!!!
(Sarcasm implied, for those of you who are as stupid as Don Siebold)

Kieran Conroy said...

Ah, the joys of watching nameless people insult other nameless people when they run out of arguments.

I am still, in all seriousness curious to hear serious environmental and other concerns posted here, so we can consider them thoughfully.

Though I'm probably a damn fool idealist to think that's going to work. :/