Saturday, March 22, 2008

An Occassional Rhyme; Part One

Three little meatballs


Anonymous said...

Good job Swiller, change the topic yet again, Scumbag!

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle changes the topic with each post, that's the reason for a new post.

Is this a little too hard to follow?

Anonymous said...

Three little meatballs sitting in a stew,
None of them really knows what to do,
Should I talk and look like Bo?
Or should I sit like Carlton and act like I know?
Or just refuse to answer and act like a dictator?
After all, I am not an answer generator!
Johnny Burke has that down to a science,
He doesn't believe in government compliance!
Oh Mr. Open government, what does that mean?
You are open to only those in your scheme?
Three little meatballs sitting in a soup,
Maybe you all should back up and regroup!
Give a call to Ralph and reconnoiter,
Hurry now and don't loiter!
Get some old dope to do your dirty work,
So what if L. C. looks like a jerk,
Stir things up in this Woodbury pot,
It doesn't matter if it is a transparent plot,
The people here don't really care,
Or they just are very unaware!
Three little meatballs sitting in a stew,
Whatever they do, morons, it affects YOU!

Anonymous said...

So who is behind this petition or effort to get rid of the Village? Perhaps we should start one to get rid of the Town Board??? That's the ticket, two petitions, both wasnting to dissolve the other! That way we can govern ourselves!!!

Kieran Conroy said...

Will the Town and Village boards both be meeting this week? (times and such too)

I'm hoping to spend at least some of my spring break in the hallowed halls of Woodbury, party animal that I am. Anyone care to join me?

Beer can be grabbed afterwards, I am on break, dammit. :P

Anonymous said...

There's always someone trying to stir the pot with misinformation.

The town cannot be disolved unless we become a city.

A village can only be formed within town bounderies. A village can be disolved any time after two years of it's formation.

Don't take it personally. It's not so much the Village Government that people dislike. It's the whole purpose of the Village and the way we were fooled into creating it. I for one see no benefit to the village and would like it gone ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Considering that the misinformed, power hungry, egotistical men behind the creation of the Village are now the SAME ones who want to dissolve it, I say KEEP the Village as a bitter reminder to all those who voted for it!! This is what panicked, uninformed propoganda leads to! Thank goodness we elected reasonable, patient, educated people to govern this can only imagine the mess we'd be in if the Preservation Party had taken office!!! And by the way Ralph, we elephants have long memories!

Kieran Conroy said...

Actual, recent brain scans show elephants may have some of the best memory centers of any mammal, including us. Awesomeness.

By the way, what IS in that soup? It looks like a mix of mango and cow tongue. :P

Kieran Conroy said...

I agree (as I've stated before) that we should see what works best... but alot of money has also been spent to do what the initial formation required. Think the costs and benefits need to be weighed carefully in the long and short term.

It is also a fact that we now have two governments working in opposite directions. I freely admit power is involved, you can't ignore the fact that, for better or worse the timing of a Village dissolution would have dramatic effects on our community's future depending who's in what office when. The other side knows this well

I think all options should be carefully considered... but also think its deeply unfair that in less than 2 years the same group advocated a new government that can't do what they promised, gained a Town Board majority at least in part through dirty tactics, and now wants to radically change governments yet again.

Through it all, they have not, so far as I can see demonstrated the ethics, experience, or planning needed to address the realities we face in a comprehensive, balanced way.

The most I've heard of their plans involves gutting all the work that's been done on zoning and addressing annexation strictly through expensive court fights. Given their knowledge of SECRA (the environmental laws that would be involved, and were already used to address the pipeline), and their handling of the legalities of annexation and village creation, that scares the heck out of me.

Lets think carefully about what's best for Woodbury- but realize that dissolving the village can happen at any time after a certain date. We need to weigh all the issues carefully when and if we actually do it.

Anonymous said...

Where can I sign to disolve the Village, Who has the petition!

Anonymous said...

For gods sake there is no petition. Dissolving the village now would be incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, where do you people get your facts? Or do you just make them up? Or believe everything you hear?

Anonymous said...

OK, WHY would dissolving the village now be incredibly stupid?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry you won't get an answer, some people need to protect thier phoney bolognie jobs!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if had that source of income (working on a board for a lousy 1 or 2 thou a year with all that responsibility) I wouldn't want to give it up either!!!!

you are all morons!!!!!!