Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Meeting of the Bored

Masochists and insomniacs take note: The Woodbury Town Board will meet tonight (Thursday, March whatever) at 7:30.


Anonymous said...

Agenda for Town Board Meeting of March 6th 2008:

1-Check for flecks on the new floor
1b-Make a new law requiring everyone who enters the building to remove thier shoes
2-Check John for breathing
3-Check Bo Peep for brains
4-Check Carlton for vocal chords
5-Check Mike for patience
6-Check Gerri to see if she can keep her sanity working with this crew
7-Admonish employees for drinking coffee and eating lunch
8-Approve new windows, doors and ceilings in the town hall(to go with the new floors and carpets) then seek grant monies to build a new town hall
9-Insist on not answering questions
10-Make a new law that makes it illegal to voice your opinions at the town meetings
11-Commission a statue of Ralph Caruso to be made in honor of all of his work for the benefit of the town
12-Issue and edict canceling the village elections (Now that "we're" in power, who needs the village?)
13-Give the town supervisor and the town clerk a raise to bring the salaries up to real full time pay, even though those jobs are now part time.

Anonymous said...

What's with checking the finance books??????????????????

Anonymous said...

WHAT are you taking about????

Uncle Betty said...

I believe that an audit in under way.

Anonymous said...

audit for what? Town? Village?

Anonymous said...

So what exciting things happened at the town board meeting last night?
Did anyone check John for breathing?

Anonymous said...

The audit is for the Town. It doesn't make sense to do one for the Village as they haven't had the Building, Water/Sewer, Fire Departments for a full year yet.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit this site sucks! bye

Uncle Betty said...


Anonymous said...

March 29th 2015:

IN late breaking news today, Persephone Euclid, sister to Mary Oberstock, was arrested by local police, when during a "routine traffic stop" the arresting officer observed a handgun on the back seat of the car.

"I don't know how that got there!!!" exclaimed Persephone, when asked about the gun. "I have never even touched a gun in my life! I can't believe this is happening."

When asked if she thinks she will receive a fair trial in this town/village, she stated that she will ask her attorney for a change in venue.

"I cannot be assured of a fair trial in light what happened to my sister and her husband and the cover-ups."

Judge Seibold, who was quickly appointed justice when NO-ONE came out to vote for the justice position earlier this month, could not be reached for comment. Calls to the other justice went unanswered.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah

Anonymous said...

Shelia, Lorraine, & Maria on the Woodbury Planning Board, talk about busisness as usual!! Giving all these instructions but they never double back to see if any of their dreams come true. I can't take all the smoke and mirrors. Let's make a deal? The town/village planner & engineer should have to take some kind of oath. I wonder how much money they make on each project. Can anyone foil this info.

Anonymous said...

Are you jealous that the planner and engineer make alot of money?

I hate to be the one that breaks the news to you, but most do. If you don't like your income go back to school and become a professional. Otherwise understand that most of us couldn't give a rats ass what other people make.

God bless successful people. More power to them!

Anonymous said...

Hey idiot - most items fall under FOIL.

Research information before you speak or write.

Anonymous said...


Is this a new word?

Anonymous said...

Previous poster writes:

"Shelia, Lorraine, & Maria on the Woodbury Planning Board, talk about busisness as usual!! Giving all these instructions but they never double back to see if any of their dreams come true. I can't take all the smoke and mirrors. Let's make a deal? The town/village planner & engineer should have to take some kind of oath. I wonder how much money they make on each project. Can anyone foil this info."

Just throw alot of garbage out there and see if something sticks. Sounds like the mental muscle of a Donnelly or a Siebolt. How intellectual (not!)

Anonymous said...

Breaking News... Spitzer involved in a Prostitution Ring..May step down as Governor! Or will he???

Ok, so here we have another Democratic male who can't seem to get what he needs from wifey. So, what does he do? Hires an ultra expensive prostitute, in Washington, who's wired by the Feds for sound!! Smart move. What's even worse, is his news conference today, and I quote...

"I do not believe that politics in the long run, is about individuals; it is about ideas, the public good and doing what is best for the State of NY."

So, like his local Democratic pals (Burke, Haviland & Levine), does that mean that it doesn't matter what they, as individuals do or how they act?? And that it's OK for them to lie, cheat, etc, just as long as they believe that the end result is good for the people?

There's no difference between distributing a lying flier to manipulate a vote, or sleeping with a hooker and lying to your wife- the end results in these cases are the same- they've betrayed the public.

Hopefully, unlike his local Democratic pals, Spitzer WILL do the right thing and step down.

(Wonder if his little roll-in-the hay was added to his expense account??)

Anonymous said...

After what happened with our town and with Gov. Spitzer, I am changing parties.
When does the New Republican Club meet and where???

Anonymous said...

Is it total arrogance that lead these Democratic men into believing they are above all laws, morals and values?

Uncle Betty said...

Nope, just jealousy at all the nooky their Republican colleagues are sneaking on the side.

Anonymous said...

Uncle I know it makes you mad that another Dem got caught with his pants down and you can say that the Republicans just don't get caught but then that means that the Republicans are a hella lot smarter then the Dems. To add in the Reps are having nooky on the side is not fair to say without proof. So don't say it unless you are willing to prove it.

And another thing the last time I checked prostitution is illegal in NYS. So Spitzer not only cheated on his wife but he did something illegal. He needs to resign.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Betty for Governor.!!!!!

Uncle Betty said...

Well, for starters there's Bob Barr, Bob Livingston, Newt Gingrich, Rudy GiulianiGeorge H W Bush, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, John Bolton, Helen Chenoweth, Jeff Miller, Jim West, Strom Thurmond, Bob Packwood, Bob Allen.

But, if you think the Uncle is in the tank for the Dems, you may have missed a word or two I have had to say about our very own Town Board members.

Anonymous said...

To the posting that Planning Board members--interesting that only the women are singled out--- go about business and issue orders and don't follow up on dreams?

What was that all about? It didn't make any sense twice.

Sounds more like someone has a personal beef with those 3 people.

Anonymous said...

cruel, insecure and not very intelligent people often have a problem with others who are not cruel, not insecure and are intelligent.

Anonymous said...

NO we just have a problem with shitty politicians!

Anonymous said...

Aren't they all??? Perspective my friend, perspective.

Anonymous said...

Now it's time for the March Sleaze-O-Meter! Topping the list this month, of course, is Eliot Spitzer. But, wait, there's more, plenty more!
The number two spot is held by David Paterson, and not just for his little sojourns to the Days Inn but for using campaign monies for personal use.
But the State government holds no record over our own sleazy elected officials and our top five local lists are as follows:

1- John Burke
2- Amidee "Bo" Haviland
3- Carlton Levine
4- Michael Amo
5- Desiree Potvin

For Committee seats, Republican and Democrat, whic are elected, in case you didn't know, we have some very special ones.

1-Ralph Caruso
2-Don Siebold
3-Ronnie Querica (Deputy Village Clerk in Harriman)
4-Desiree Potvin
5-Jeannette Caruso

1-Manny Mangual
2-Bob Donnelly
3-John Burke
4- Bo Haviland
5-Carlton Levine

SEE? Sleaze has nothing to do with political party, it's everywhere!
And what do we do to the non-sleazy politicians? Why we vote them out of course! Think, Sheila Conroy, Lorraine McNeil and Mike A.