Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

The Uncle never served in the US armed forces, and the uniform that I wore in my last job was covered with medals which I bestowed upon myself, yet I offer an opinion.

I have heard a great many speeches speaking of sacrifice, bravery, patriotism and honor and all of these things need to be said and repeated, but they are nowhere near enough.

When we should honor those who died in battle - instead we hide their coffins as they return to this country as though we were ashamed of them.

When we should give all possible care to those who served and who still live among us, instead we do far too little, far too slowly.

When we should be doing everything possible for those who are still in harm's way we have denied them body armor, we have denied them protective vehicles, we have denied them the psychological care they must have and, some of us, would deny them the fullest possible benefits.

The speeches are necessary, but if that is all we have to offer then we have failed those who never failed us.


Anonymous said...

There you go again !!!! negative, negative, negative...yep you say much and throw it against the wall and hope something will stick ...YOU NEVER CHANGE...

Anonymous said...

Oh please...the first poster sounds like one of the good ole boys, who is looking at the war through those rose"bush" glasses...if you don't think we could treat our vets 1000% better than the way they're being treated right now, then sir/madame, why don't you head on over to Iraq, serve about 12 months, suffer an injury, or better yet, suffer no "visible" injury, then head on back to the good ole USA under the Bush regime and see how you're treated! Maybe then you'd lose your ignorance and understand what the hell the Uncle is trying to say.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There you go again !!!! negative, negative, negative...

So, you think it's ok to screw over our vets, but it's wrong to talk about it!

Anonymous said...

"When we should be doing everything possible for those who are still in harm's way we have denied them body armor, we have denied them protective vehicles, we have denied them the psychological care they must have and, some of us, would deny them the fullest possible benefits."

Dear Unc:

You mention that we have not provided our troops with the necessary things to keep them as safe as possible in a war zone, but I get the sneaky feeling that if we spent the money to provide these things, you would object to the cost. Hmmn?

Uncle Betty said...

Anonymous said...
"Dear Unc:
You mention that we have not provided our troops with the necessary things to keep them as safe as possible in a war zone, but I get the sneaky feeling that if we spent the money to provide these things, you would object to the cost. Hmmn?"

Inventing phony positions for me on most issues is merely laughable. Inventing phony positions for me on this pisses me off. If you think that it is acceptable to try to save a few bucks at the expense of our soldiers then say so, and be damned for it---but don't try to put such a contemptible view on me.

Anonymous said...

Well said Unk. The Ralphlings will take any position , whatever it is, to come out on the other side from you. Even if it meqans disrespecting our troops.
Ralph and his puppets don't believe in anything.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes they do...whatever is good for them and their pathetic following...

Anonymous said...

On another note, how about the article in today's paper? I think the Uncle should attend just to see what Ralphlings show up....

Taxpayers hold event to help pay for lawsuit

By Michael Randall
Times Herald-Record
May 28, 2008
CORNWALL — You don't often hear of residents volunteering to help their local government or school district with their legal bills. Most people figure: I pay my taxes. That's enough.

But a grass-roots group called Save our Schools, Save our Streams (SOS) is planning a fundraiser June 7 to help cover the legal expenses for an expected court challenge of a Woodbury development likely to bring hundreds of new students into Cornwall schools.

The Town of Cornwall, the Cornwall School District and the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson plan to file what's known as an Article 78 proceeding. They want to overturn a zoning change that paves the way for a new development called Legacy Ridge. The development of four-bedroom homes in the Village of Woodbury plans at least 287 units. The old zoning allowed only 164 units.

"We're all in the same boat," said Anthony Incanno, head of SOS. "We know it's going to be expensive, so we are trying to help out."

Opposition began with the school district, which raised concerns that it might not be able to handle all the extra students effectively in its current facilities. The affected part of Woodbury is in the Cornwall district.

The town and village, whose residents all send their kids to Cornwall schools, agreed to join in the court action.

The developers estimated there will be only about one student per home, but opponents have disputed that math — especially given that each home has four bedrooms.

All three plaintiffs have stressed they are not trying to stop Legacy Ridge altogether — only the larger version permitted by the zoning change.

The town is serving as lead agency in the suit. No timetable for filing the challenge has been announced, but Supervisor Kevin Quigley said he expects to hear from the town's lawyer on the status of the action at Monday's Town Board work session.

The fundraiser will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. June 7 at the home of Betsy and Tod Delaney, 17 Willowbrook Lane, off Taylor Road in the Mountainville section of Cornwall. SOS is asking for donations of $25 per person. For more information or directions call 534-7814.

Anonymous said...

I contributed before and I will do it again....AND I am not a Ralphing. I am a resident of Woodbury and proud to do what I can to stop those who cowtow to the developers

Anonymous said...

Dear Woodbury Resident:

Are you against hundreds of acres of open space?
Are you against everyone else in town who will benefit from the water for not only this development but the whole town?
Are you against your neighbors in Valley forge who will benefit from sewer improvements?
Are you against your neighbors in Skyline who will benefit from an emergency access, where currently there is only one way in and one way out?
The Cornwall School district has gotten a free ride for years!!! The property could have been developed 10, 20, 30 years ago and they would have had to school those children.
Just because the so called leaders of the school district did not plan well does not mean they should not accept Woodbury students, whose parents will be paying taxes in the Cornwall district.
What is the real reason the Cornwall school district doesn't want Woodbury Students?

So far, there is no legitimate reason to object to Legacy Ridge, just Ralph's reasons.

No Legacy Ridge= Ralph's Reasons.

PS How come the chicken-sh*t former councilwoman and her family aren't having a fund raiser???

Uncle Betty said...

In that you are contributing to the Article 78 lawsuit against Woodbury, I assume you know the grounds for this suit. I, for one, don't. Unless there are valid grounds then you will have thrown away your money and also cost Woodbury the legal fees needed to answer the suit.

If that's what happens, everyone will pay for absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

Uncle, please clarify something, please. It is my understanding that the Town/Village of Woodbury stands to gain quite a bit for their residents by allowing the zoning change for Legacy Ridge. First of all, the developer is going to foot the bill for the upgrade of the failing Valley Forge Sewer Plant. This means that the Town/Village will NOT have to go to the taxpayers for the money, and this is a project that MUST be done and done quickly as mandated by the county- CORRECT???
Secondly-It is also my understanding that with the cluster developing, there will be quite a bit of open space, as well as an access road from upper Skyline. (Finally all those residents will have more than one way out in the event of an emergency.) Correct??
And lastly, being such a large tract of undeveloped land, allowing it's development in a CONTROLLED manner, and applying the SEQRA process when "other" possible developers may not, insures that the surrounding established residences won't be adversely affected. CORRECT??

I find it hard to believe that WOODBURY residents would be funding an Article 78 against their own Village if all of the above is true, and yet, since Ralph Caruso and his hapless following don't appear to have the ability to use common sense, I guess nothing should surprise me.

Anonymous said...

So there are only two sides -- yours and the Ralphlings?? Not really. I'm against Legacy Ridge as it is now planned, and I am not a Ralphling nor a Cornwall school district resident. I believe the proposed development will have a more adverse effect on Woodbury in the long run. So, I will support the Article 78. I think for myself, based on what I learn. Just because I disagree with you doesn't make me a Ralphling, a moron, ignorant, a puppet, or any of the other names you call. And if Uncle shows up, he/she had better cough up the $25. Or will he/she just sneak around the property and spy? As for the cost to Woodbury, why not get the developer to pay the Village's legal fees? The last developer did.

Anonymous said...

"I am not a Ralphling, I am not a Ralphling..."

Me thinks thou doth protest too much

Anonymous said...

Does the "NOT a Ralphling, I think for myself, based on what I learn" have any idea as to the cost involved in revamping the Valley Forge Sewer plant??? Just curious to know if he/she really does their homework.

Uncle Betty said...

Anonymous said... Just because I disagree with you doesn't make me a Ralphling, a moron, ignorant, a puppet, or any of the other names you call. And if Uncle shows up, he/she had better cough up the $25. Or will he/she just sneak around the property and spy?

Let's see, you are against name calling and then you decide that I will show up and sneak around and spy. You base this on...?

By the way, since you support the Article 78, what are the grounds for the law suit? Surely you don't support something without knowing what it is.

So, please, tell us the specific grounds for the suit.

If there aren't any legal grounds for the suit, it will just be dismissed and people on both sides will have thrown away money for no reason.

Anonymous said...

God bless our troops where ever they are. Next year, take some time out of your bitching schedule and come out to the parade.

Anonymous said...

From my vantage point, marching with the ambulance corps, it looked like a good part of Woodbury did come out for the parade.

Anonymous said...

Spiraling downward towards Hades' core,
We sight the world's biggest bore,
Latching onto souls as he plunders down,
Never releasing his awful frown,
His glare is black, like his soul,
He is glistening with sweat, black as coal,
Who, pray tell, can he be?
Who is this that frightens children at your knee?
A dark one that plummets to Satan's lair,
Who is that guy with the hair?
His face is dark like the psyche he bears,
His mouth is full of curses and swears,
His eyes are riddled with a certain glare,
As he destroys all good with a stare!
He did all he did for his lack-morals boss
Who sold what values he had with a toss!
This darkness plummets at a mighty rate,
Taking with him Woodbury’s fate!
Because if we don’t smile and acquiesce,
He will destroy us all with little finesse!
With getting his opponents, he is not content,
He wants them too, to be hell-sent!
Leave us! take with you your deadly murrain!
You have caused Woodbury enough pain!
Take with you your lack of fashion sense
And all the morons who straddle the fence,
We appeal to the powers that be,
Rid us now! Of his monstrosity!

Anonymous said...

Man you need HELP get a life

Anonymous said...

You're just jealous!

Anonymous said...

While it may seem to take a long time,
to come up with some kind of rhyme,
but let's get to the nitty-gritty,
If you're the slightest bit witty,
You can create even if it's not sublime!

But to the likes of yourself,
who leaves literature on the shelf,
you will hem and haw,
and sometimes caw,
Because your brain-size belongs in an elf!

Anonymous said...

You deride the elf,
But what about yourself?
You sit and blog
Like a bump on a log!
We're hard-working creatures
With adorable features.
We love the Village
And keep at bay those who might pillage.
We ask nothing for our work.
OK, maybe a small perk . . .
How about flowers
For those with magical powers?

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle is not the poet.

Anonymous said...

With quite a quirk,
you came up with good work,
with a semblance of order,
you become the literary marauder!
so what to do in this battle of the word?
How to be fun yet not absurd?
How to lend meaning to all that is Woodbury?
To inform and discuss, yet still be merry?
Let go on a sojourn of the word!
And amuse those who think outside the herd!

Anonymous said...

Who IS the poet?

Anonymous said...

Once upon a midnight stark,
Whilst Ralph was plotting deep and dark,
It came upon the souls nearby,
That this guy was not so sly.
With eyes cast downward to his Beau,
He looked towards where he would go,
Twiddle dum and tweedle dee,
Look at Carlton on Ralph's knee.
John is boring in his malaise,
Occasionally he comes out of his daze,
To comment on how much he seems to do,
But we all know that is simply not true!
Puppets three we see the strings,
We hear you talk but it is Ralph who sings!
We've got your number, you silly Ralph man,
We will watch out for you whenever we can!
Shoving what you say is best for us,
Down our throats plus plurus!
So since we have had quite a taste,
Perhaps your efforts are just a waste,
Go back under your dirty rock,
While the rest of us take stock,
Of things that truly are good,
And so we can live like we should!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok poet(s) are you just ONE person doing all of this writing; or two or more people all responding to each other? Maybe you could take nicknames like poet 1 or master poet so we can tell you apart.

By the way, some of these poems are really entertaining, keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Loves Poet(s) You should also get a life ....

Anonymous said...

"You should get a life"
Is your advice to help avoid strife,
But think we must,
and create or go bust,
so why don't YOU get a wife?