Saturday, August 09, 2008

Scoring the Scoring

The Rielle Thing?

Sure they all do it (OK, almost all), but it's the little extras that set apart the true over-achievers in adultery (and if you're too young to remember 1969, Google "Chappaquidick").

In John Edwards' case you have to give extra credit for the fact that while he was cheating, his wife was sick with inoperable cancer and that if he'd won the Democratic nomination, the race would now be in a very interesting place.

He earns extra, extra credit for using the phrase "stripped bare" in his public mea culpa.

So plain old adultary won't get you on the list, but if you can come up with just that little bit more you deserve to be mentioned below:

Bill Clinton Adultery, Lying
Extra Credit:
C’mon, you know.
Extra, Extra Credit:
Creative use of tobacco products.

Newt Gingrich Adultery, Lying, Abandonment Of Sick Wife
Extra credit:
Led the House in Clinton's impeachment while continuing to do exactly the same thing Clinton had done.
Cheated on his first wife with the woman who became his second wife, cheated on her with the future number three.
Extra, Extra Credit:
Is reported to have used the same good-old-boy rationalization as Clinton (and many high school juniors): b.j.’s ain’t sex.
Extra, Extra, Extra Credit:
Cheated on, then divorced his first wife while she was ill with cancer (and then refused to pay alimony and child support).

Larry Craig Arrested in men’s room gay sex solicitation sting
Extra Credit:
Anti-gay rights voting record.
Voted to convict in Clinton’s impeachment.
Extra, Extra Credit:
Had his wife and family stand next to him as he denied everything.
Extra, Extra, Extra Credit:
Pled guilty, then tried to withdraw his guilty plea.
Announced his resignation from the senate, then withdrew his resignation.
Began his “I am not gay” statement with the phrase “Thank you very much for coming out today.”
Extra, Extra, Extra, Extra Credit:
Said: “The American people already know that Bill Clinton is a bad boy, a naughty boy.”

Mark Foley Sent lewd Instant Messages to Under-Age Senate Pages
Extra Credit
He made fighting pedophilia and child exploitation central issues in his Congressional career.

David Vitter Prostitution
Extra Credit
Strong backer of abstinence only sex education and denounced same-sex marriage as a threat to marriage which he called “the most important social institution in human history.”
Extra, Extra Credit
Had his wife stand next to him as he admitted he cheated on her.

Eliot Spitzer Prostitution
Extra Credit
Ethics was a central theme in his run for governor.
As Attorney General he prosecuted prostitution cases.
Extra, Extra Credit
Had his wife stand next to him as he admitted he cheated on her.

Gary Hart Adultery, Lying
Extra Credit
Denied that he was having an affair and dared the press to follow him – they did, he was.

John McCain Adultery, Lying, Abandonment Of Crippled Wife
While he was a prisoner in North Vietnam, his first wife Carol, a former model, suffered a crippling and disfiguring auto accident. After he was freed, McCain entered into a series of affairs leading up to his affair with Cindy Hensley, then 25 (18 years younger then McCain) and daughter of a multi-millionaire. A year later he divorced Carol and married Cindy.
Extra Credit
In his book "Worth the Fighting For," McCain lied about when he started seeing Cindy. In the book he claimed that he began seeing Cindy after his 1980 divorce was finalized. In fact, he started the affair in April of 1979, while he still lived with Carol.
Extra, Extra Credit
He applied for a marriage license to Cindy while he was still legally married to Carol.


Anonymous said...

Do farm animals count?

Anonymous said...

Please tell us why all the parkland fees were spent on something that does not work? Thanks John, Mike and Gerri

Anonymous said...

John Mike and Gerri?
don't you mean John, Carlton and Bo?

Anonymous said...

Getting to the topic of this thread, which the previous three posters seem to have missed: Unk, you are missing one big politico in your list. Why haven't you mentioned Obama? And don't say that he didn't, because if you do your homework, you will find out he did.

Uncle Betty said...

1. Still no Uncle, but we're holding down the fort.
2. Googled Obama and adultery and didn't find anything, but we're more than eager to hear what you've got.
3. Remember, plain old adultery is always worth a giggle, but to make this list you need extra credit

And speaking of extra credit - Edwards also went above and beyond when he claimed that he had been "99% honest" - and- the minute that he brought up willingness to take a paternity test it became very, very, very likely that he had worked out in advance that Rielle would say no and so his offer was a no risk option - what a Scuzz!

Anonymous said...

Yeah and what about one of his staff saying the baby is his? Can anyone say scapegoat?

Anonymous said...

Hey what about Ny State Governor Paterson? He admitted to many an extra fling.

Uncle Betty said...

We felt that Paterson lacked the extra-credit needed to make the list. However we did have a back office debate on whether or not the fact that he and his wife did a simultaneous Usa Culpa and that he shared the info that his half of the Culpa took place at a Day's Inn might just have earned him a mention.