The Pieman emerges from his slumber to inform us that there will, in fact, be a debate.
All four candidates for town council seats - Ralph, Frank, George and James - have agreed to meet on Wednesday, October 28th, 7:30 PM at the Central Valley Elementary School.
The debate will be sponsored by OCEAN and moderated by Gerri Gianzero.
The Pieman asks that people come at 7 PM to write out their questions for the candidates.
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»I will go just to check out Gerri.
She's hot.
Let's be real, Ralph has a record of being a no show at debates.
Spread the word and ask the tough questions.
I'm curious to see how James does - other guys have done this many a time.
Lets see where the questions REALLY come from and who knows about them in advance. What a joke.
Ralph & co have ABSOLUTELY no excuse to try and delegitimize the debate - Gerri is about the most fair moderator around AND SHE'S A REPUBLICAN!!! If anything, the Dems would have a reason to think things might be biased.
So, to the last poster, get a grip, take off your Ralphie blinders, and look at reality for once.
It will be uneventful to say the least.
The questions will be submitted in writing by the audience and read by the moderator (Gerri) just as in the other debates we have sponsored.
By all means think of probing questions for all the candidates.
Can questions be directed at specific candidates or must they be asked of all candidates?
The format and content will be up to Gerri.
Gerri was a great choice because all of the candidates know that she will be fair.
no one has "deligitimized" the debate. is there even such a word?
Umm calling the debate a "joke" is indeed trying to delegitimize it. And yes, it is a word, professor - google it.
Will the questions be "screened" like they were in previous debates?
who called the debate a joke, Professor?
Gerri was picked by Swiller as she is his only political friend stupid enough to publically get involved with him
From 9:11 on Oct 8:
"Lets see where the questions REALLY come from and who knows about them in advance. What a joke."
Are you really that stooopid?
Gerri stupid? could it be that she just doesn't get caught up in all the bullshit? Just because YOU don't like Swiller doesn't mean she and others don't like him. I bet Gerri couldn't give a rats ass what other people say.
She's still very well respected in the community. I think it's a good choice for a modirator and I hope people come to see the show.
I doubt he will show because you know Ralph... his way or the highway.
hi. just an average monroe voter with little knowledge of the names on the numerous signs all over. who's running for what and who stands for what? can anyone just give me a straight answer? i would like to vote but i'm not going to waste my time if i don't know anything about the people running. they all sound the same in the newspaper.
The only contested race is for town council, where two seats are up for grabs. Skoufis currently holds a seat that he was appointed to a few months ago while the other seat is open. Those running are:
Frank Palermo (D)
James Skoufis (D)
Ralph Caruso (R)
George Pederson (R)
Caruso and Pederson's website:
Skoufis' website:
I suggest you come to the debate in a couple of weeks to learn more about the candidates and make a knowledgeable judgment.
Holy hell, we finally have a choice!!! John Keleman as a write in candidate, thank god! someone with a brain that doesn't smell like a dirty old bastard! Good luck John, you have my vote already!
Keleman has mine too.
People need to spell his name correctly on the write in for it to count: John KELEMEN. Last name can be tough to spell, so just remember three E's...one after each consonant except the last one-KELEMEN.
Why didn't he just circulate petitions and get on the ballot a couple of months ago? What has made him want to run now as opposed to then?
A write-in campaign consisting of putting up some yard signs with 3 weeks to go before Election Day doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding.
I guess you three will be the only three voting for Kelemen....
what a joke. he is a dirt bag loser who smokes way too much pot. please let's be serious.
It's America-we deserve a choice rather than the dictatorship Burke has provided!
Well this snowball is running a full campaign and is intent on winnig. I hope I am invited to the debate. See you all on the Woodbury walking tour
John Kelemen
What's wrong with a little pot!
Legalize it, regulate it, and tax the crap out of it, then we all could smoke it without fear!
Oh and by the by, make that 5 votes for kelemen, the other three bloggers,my wife and I. I can't vote for Dictator Burke, too bad there is no write in candidate for Town Clerk!
Are you gonna go out and vote for him or are you gonna go out and help him try and win? He's not gonna do it all alone.
While Gerri and I are in favor of hearing from as many candidates as possible, we feel that it wouldn't be fair to include you in the debate.
The four men running for Council seats went through the entire petition process in order to get onto the ballot.
Also, while you have put out signs asking for write-in votes, any number of people can declare themselves to be write-in candidates - would they also have the right to be in the debate?
I hope that you understand our position.
You suck Swiller, all of a sudden Mr. Rules guy, I thought if anyone in Woodbury would be happy and do all they could, to see Hussain... I mean Burke go, I thought it would be you! but yet again you have proven to be all bark and no bite.
My very public complaints about certain Woodbury politicians and also about the people who currently run KJ were because they ignored the rules whenever it suited their purposes.
There has to be one set of rules for everyone. You can't change the rules simply because you are unhappy with the outcome.
Thank you Jonathan and Gerri for not allowing a debate between John and John. If JK followed the rules like everyone else in carrying petitions then I could see him invited to the debate.
On a side note check out the lawns Jk's signs are on. Very interesting in the political world.......
Is the town clerk helping her friend?
Based on the conversation, I am gleening the theme that Kelemen is going for the position of Supervisor. Why didn't anyone just say so?
Hey Swiller, your argument that John Kelemen can't participate in the debate holds NO water, and shows you and the rest of the people you're backing as true cowards. YOU talk about rules, and yet YOU broke them by living in your home illegally. Once you got caught, you had to go through the proper process to make it within "the rules".
John Kelemen isn't breaking any rules- write-in candidates are ABSOLUTELY 100% allowed by election laws, as long as they meet all the qualifications, and his name is spelled properly in order to have the vote count. I like the idea that as a write-in candidate, he hasn't had to kiss anyone's ass for their endorsement, and he owes none of them anything!
So, what the hell are you AFRAID of? That he'll make the rest look like idiots? That he may be able to persuade people to vote for him? What happened to the American way, where people are allowed to dream, and dream big? I'm looking forward to hearing his platform, because at this point, ANYTHING has to be better than the one-sided, "DO AS I SAY", ruling with an iron fist attitude of Burke!
Have you forgotten the under-handed means that John Burke used to get Levine and Haviland elected? And now you're going to be so righteous as to let Burke walk into office unopposed, withouthaving to utter a single word in a debate? You really have gotten soft Jonathan...and to think I actually thought you had a back-bone. Guess it goes to show that even you can be bought.
Based on John Kelemen's track record there are two reason's why he didn't get a petition going.
First: he is just too lazy
Second: he knew he could never get enough signatures.
John K please stop trying to make yourself into something respectable. Everyone is laughing at you.
I agree with Johnathan and Gerri. Had he done it the right way then by all means... but let's not distract from the real elections.
Ohh O.K. I am going to buy some signs and run against the town clerk.
Can I be invited to the debate along with miss snot?
John I know that's you rambling on about how you should be invited to the debate.
I am not a Burke fan however I can tell you this I would rather have John Burke in office for the next ten years then have John Kelemen for ten seconds.
a previous poster mentioned something about Mr Swiller living in Woodbury illegally . Is this true ? Can someone please shed some light on this issue ?
Well hell, now I feel better, knowing that Swiller and Gerri can decide what is fair play. Forget the fact that write in ballots are allowed by law in our greAt DEMOCRACY, what should that matter? We'll let Swiller and Gerri decide what is best for the town. Gee, seems to have worked great over the past few years. As everything else that happens around here, it's just another pathetic example of people thinking they're important.
why not let John Burke decide whether or not he wants to debate John Kelemen? why should it be up to Geri and Swiller? I think the previous poster may be on to something-why are you protecting John Burke? Now he has competition, so let him rise to the challenge and defend his tenure in office?
Lest we forget...
Warwick village justice loses to write-in
Times Herald-Record
Posted: March 20, 2009 - 2:00 AM
WARWICK — Every vote counts. Just ask Warwick Village Justice Richard Farina.
Farina, an incumbent running UNOPPOSED in Wednesday's elections, lost to write-in candidate Jeanine Garritano Wadeson. She outpolled him 39-27.
Wadeson, a lawyer in the Warwick office of the Bonacic, Krahulik & Associates firm, was making her first bid for public office.
Wadeson said she had mulled running for the village office and was encouraged by her family and co-workers after learning that Farina would be unopposed.
"I consider myself a good citizen and a good patriot. I always believed in choice in elections," she said.
Farina, village justice for 12 years, said he had no inkling that Wadeson was mounting a write-in campaign. But as the lone candidate on the ballot, Farina said he didn't take his solo status for granted, either. "I voted. I got my family to vote. It's pretty hard to get people to vote when you think you're running unopposed," he said.
Farina attributed his loss to two factors: When village trustee terms were lengthened to four years, his election no longer coincided with theirs, putting him in what amounted to an off-year village election.
And as a cost-saving measure, the village relied on paper ballots, which might have encouraged more voters to write in a candidate, he said.
Offered sympathies for his election loss, Farina laughed and said: "Hey, that's politics."
i was actually asking about the monroe races and candidates. who's running for what?
Firstly I believe that this is not a debate put on by the town of woodbury moron it's a debate hosted by OCEAN and Gerri is the modirator.
Me thinks they call the shots. It is there debate.
If you want to feel important why don't you host your own debate and invite the two John's.
I would make up a sign at the entrance stating please leave all pot smoking devices at the door.
Secondly if your trying to scare people into believing that Kelemen could win in a write in campaign it's not going to work. Pretty funny.
even if John wasn't so lazy and decided to actually carry a petition and actually be humble and ask people to sign his petition to allow him a line on the ballot the problem is he WOULD NEVER WIN!
He is delusional like Caruso. Another example of a person who has no idea what people really think of him.
Wow, I guess I'm not on your Christmas card list.
Like Gerri will actually ask any questions posed to the candidates about what they would do to correct some of the wrongs done by the current town board. ie, millions wasted on the pond, hundreds of thousands spent on labor attorney bills, passing illeagal local laws naming the supervisor to head the highway dept etc, etc, etc.
Is the 2:39 poster a town employee, possibly in the police dept or highway.
Starting to show your colors......
And so what if they were? Just because they're tired of the crap being forced down their throats by Burke, Gianzero and company, aren't they, more than anyone entitled to their opinions?? I believe it is YOU who are showing your colors...
Actually the 239 poster has a point. It is a question of duality. Not only holding two elected positions, but the problem arises in the fact that you cannot head a department that you have control of the budget over. Check with the attorney general on this one.
Woodbury residents who pay the salaries of non-residents and resident employess are the ones suffering for the bullshit that they cause.
To the employees of the town or village if you were paid or given benefits in the real world jobs your attitudes would diffently change. Our taxes would probably decrease if the employees were actually paid normal salaries.
Electing John K as supervisor will create more hardships than ever in my opinion.
The Swiller is here illegally thing is Caruso's latest brainstorm. He's suing Woodbury to have him thrown out of his house. Thats how Ralph deals with his political enemies, or he lies about them or he threatens their families or he gets them fired. Nice guy.
So Gerri & John Burke are in cahoots??????????
Everyone needs to keep focus and keep Ralph out of office.
James make decisions after getting all the facts and you should be good to go forward.
Again I ask , Anonymous said...
a previous poster mentioned something about Mr Swiller living in Woodbury illegally . Is this true ? Can someone please shed some light on this issue ? what are the details if any ?
10:45 AM, October 13, 2009
If you are so concerned about the status of Swiller living in Woodbury go to Town Hall or the Police Department, do some investigating and report back to us. Otherwise shut the hell up!
Just an FYI, see the Wednesday, 4/1/09 thread on this blog entitled "Prioritze", and you'll get Swiller's take on his living arrangements that were challenged by Ralph and others. Since Mr. Swiller DID have appear before his friends on the planning boad to try and resolve the issue, he must have been living their against Town/Village code, so the previous poster would have been correct in their assessment about Mr. Swiller not following rules, per se.
As far as a write-in vote, you can write in anyone, not just John Kelemen. In fact ANYONE would be better than that lying sack of sleaze. And I would also prefer Burke to Kelemen even though Burke is no prize either.
Why not write-in someone else?
And Kelemen should not be part of the debate for the council seats. He is running for supervisor and he also would just make a mockery of it.
If he is so hot to debate Burke why doesn't he check with his buddies in the Chamber of Commerce and see if they would sponsor a supervisors debate? Or maybe they don't want to be with him either.
John Kelemen and
Desiree Herb Potvin
Frank Palermo and
Desiree Herb Potvin
Ralph Caruso and
Desiree Herb Potvin
Dot Morris and
Desiree Herb Potvin
and theres more....
Lying sack of sleaze? Kelemen didn't lie when it was time to get the Village vote passed, nor was it kelemen that was caught lying on the flyers in Timber Ridge. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't Kelemen that had a secret meeting with Hasidics on Milval Lane either. Should get your facts straight. Or is this what you do, hide behind a veil of anonymity because you're a spineless bastard?
Kind of like you, "Anonymous said."
John Kelemen did not lie about the village vote, John Burke did.
While John Kelemen did not have anything to do with the flyer of lies that the dems put out in timber ridge it was not because of any love for Mike Aronowitz and Lorraine McNeil. In fact, it is well known that he hates both of them.
Who met with the Hasids???
And if meetings with Hasids were so secret, how do YOU know about them?
What is so wrong with meeting with the Hasidics? That's the same mentality of the Bush administration - no diplomacy, just kick, scream, and treat them like crap.
I'm not saying we make concessions, but it doesn't hurt to meet with people, even if they are your enemies.
Mike Aronowitz and
Desiree Herb Potvin
Amidee Tebo Haviland III and
Desiree herb Potvin
yeah, Tebo His parents had a weird sense of humor
Maria Hunter and
Desiree Herb Potvin
spaghetti and
Cliff and John Kelemen
Make that Chief of Police Cliff Weeks and Supervisor John Kelemen
Let the biggest and best looking POTHEAD win !
Is John Kelemen is his own world? Why would anyone vote for him? What has he done since he was on the Town Board 10 years ago? What has he done since the last time he lost the supervisor race to Sheila Conroy?
Even Sheila Conroy did not give up after losing and continues to serve Woodbury today on the planning board.
If you are going to write anyone in, write in Sheila Conroy.
Cliff Weeks does not have the personality to be a good police chief. He does have the personality to be a good pit bull of a Sargent and that's what he is.
John Kelemen does not have the personality to be a Supervisor. He does not have the personality to be any kind of a leader. He should go back to his cave and take some of the others running for office with him.
September 25, 2001
Primary election results
Town of Woodbury:
Sheila A. Conroy 475
John U. Kelemen 267
Not exactly a success for John was it?
Desiree Herb Potvin and Jonathan Swiller..........Sorry I just threw up.
To counter Ralph's endorsement, James seems to have gotten the backing of the Latino Democratic Committee.
Viva Skoufis!
Me thinks that with the exception of James...everyone else on or off the ballot are pieces of shit!
Please don't talk about JS that way, he might get his panties in a twist.
Time to change the subject again Swiller!
Manny Manqual and
Desiree Herb Potvin
nice deal....
That's an insult to Manny!
I say vote for the one who has been arrested the most in his or her lifetime ...
Gee Clff, youre really pissed with Swiller I guess.
Question, Has anyone seen the bald eagle on the campaign trail other than at the post office ?
Has anyone seen him at a Town Board meeting?
Who Kelemen or Caruso or Palermo?
John Kelemen and
Desiree Herb Potvin
Pete McGoldrick and
Desiree Herb Potvin
Neil Crouse and
Desiree Herb Potvin
Is Desiree's salary going to be cut back since she is not there full time? Anyone running for supervisor or town board that promises to do that will get my vote!!!!
It really pisses me off that she gets paid a full time salary for a job that she does part time. After all, she is supposedly at the VILLAGE hall tues and wed afternoons which means she is not at the TOWN hall. And then she has her candle business.
Hey, if Frank gets elected, maybe he and Desiree will operate the candle business out of town hall!!!
Heard Kelemen would make the Supervisor a part-time position- the way it used to be, and obviously SHOULD be if Burke has the time to be both Town Supervisor and full-time Deputy Highway Supt, don't ya think??
Oh yeah, Kelemen is gonna take a pay cut according to his handout. So he will get only 33,000 a year for a no show job instead of 53,000. Nice, if you can get it.
So, if Frank Palermo gets in, he and Desiree can run a personal business out of the town hall and if John K gets in, he can run the town out of his personal business, (if he does anything at all).
Plenty wrong with that picture.
Ya, and we're certainly getting $53,000 worth with Burke- NOT!
The town supervisor oversees a 14 million dollar budget and about 100 employees.
It would be naive at best to think the supervisor should be part time. Kelemen lives in the past and he has no idea what is really the role of the supervisor.
If we want the job done right and we want someone who is in town hall full time to oversee the employees, money etc... then we want John Burke.
What's funny is that everyone is saying the posts on Uncle Betty in support of Kelemen are in fact posted by John K himself or Cliff Weeks.
How pathetic is that?
It can get worse that this ...Think what would happen to our town and village if Palermo got in office and had the ability to negotiate with our neighbors
If John K's support is only Weeks, then he will only get two votes. So, what's all the excitement about?
Yeah, remember how delusional Weeks was thinking his wife was gonna be mayor again. And she got trounced!!!
Poster at12:45 PM, October 19, 2009
"The town supervisor oversees a 14 million dollar budget and about 100 employees.
It would be naive at best to think the supervisor should be part time. Kelemen lives in the past and he has no idea what is really the role of the supervisor.
If we want the job done right and we want someone who is in town hall full time to oversee the employees, money etc."
You were right up to that point. You were wrong about it being John Burke.
Yeah, remember how delusional Weeks was thinking his wife was gonna be mayor again. And she got trounced!!!
forty votes equals a twney person swing, I wouldn't call that a trouncing. A trouncing is what your mother takes on Friday nights by the winos in the area.
If my spouse looked like yours, I would be posting all the time instead of spending time with them as well. Losers.
Hey Swiller, your site is really attracting the cream of the crop these days...probably the same jerks who will attend your farce of a debate.
What makes it a farce, if you don't mind me asking?
You and your phony OCEAN group consisting of 3 people one who lives in Woodbury illegally !!
Whoever the supervisor should be I agree it's a full time job.
It's the same as running a company with 100 emplyees and a 14 million dollar budget. Should we be that simple to think that person should be part time. Should John Kelemen's business be run as a part time operation? I'm sure he doesn't have more then 3 employees and pulls in less then a million a year.
Who cares who is sponsoring the debate? Other than reserving the space and picking the moderator - who I think we all agree is MORE than fair, with Gerri being a Republican and all - OCEAN plays no role in the questions asked, etc.
Again, stop trying to delegitimize the debate before it even happens. Boy you Ralph-bots are stooopid.
Dear Frank:
Thanks a lot. Because of you we are now going to get Ralph on the board.
Why do you say that?
There is a lesson here to learn,
no matter who wins we will burn,
round and round,
their brains can't be found,
the bas@#rds now have their turn!
Kelemen states:
Reinstate automated garbage - Guess he doesn't understand that the Refuse Department puts the bid together, not the supervisors job
Reasonable Solution to the Pond - Didn't the current town board decide this already?
Can he work with Mayor Queenan and support the effort to join the town and village government?
I'm voting for James, no baggage, willing to work for the people
Regarding the whole garbage fiasco, it was Bo's fault, and the board went along with it. In the end it COST each and everyone of us more than what it saved-SHOULD BE looked at again!
Regarding the Money Pit, excuse me, I mean the Pond/Pool-it SHOULD BE revisited!!
As far as working with Queenan, has anyone heard anything with regard to coterminous?? NO!!!
Regarding the whole garbage fiasco, it was Bo's fault, and the board went along with it. In the end it COST each and everyone of us more than what it saved-SHOULD BE looked at again!
Regarding the Money Pit, excuse me, I mean the Pond/Pool-it SHOULD BE revisited!!
As far as working with Queenan, has anyone heard anything with regard to coterminous?? NO!!!
8:44 AM, October 21, 2009
1. Bo is at fault because he overstep his duties as a board member and interferred with the refuse dept. Yes the board did accept the lowest bid. Not disagreeig with you about revisiting the bid process, just leave it to the department head.
2. Why revisit the Pond issue? The board approved the bonds/bans to move forward. IF Kelemen wins that would mean another season of delays and no pond use for 2010.
3. "Coterminous" Does this take time to acheive? Has JK spoken to the Mayor to ask what has been done so far? Why waste money to do the work twice?
I'm voting for Burke and Skoufis...
Eletion day prediction
Burke 282
Kelemen 127
Mickey Mouse 6
Sheila Conroy 5
Cliff Weeks 5
Ralph Caruso 2
Hope I'm wrong!
There were over 900 votes cast in the supervisor's race 2 years ago. Might want to amend your prediction.
Which, BTW, is another reason why Kelleman has no shot in hell - there is no way he is gonna get 500 people to write him in. It's likely that 500 people don't even know HOW to write in a candidate!
So is Burke even showing up for the debate? I've got some questions I'd like him to answer regardless of Kelemen not being there.
It's just the council candidates I believe.
Chicken shit.
Who even wants to hear from Burke or Kellmen? They are both idiots.
The council candidates will be interesting. I can't wait to see Ralph and Frank go for each others throats. Old Ralphie better watch it, Frank is just as vicious as he is. And then that leaves the two nice guys, George and James. Lets see how they do.
Okaydokey Jackass, based on 900 votes two years ago...
Burke 619
Kelemen 208
Other 27
Hey does Skoufis even own property in town, how the hell can this guy even understand the friggin tax burden we all have to bend over and take! Yea this is who I want making choies that effect my taxes, a guy who doesn't even pay them, I'll bring a towel to the debate so Burke or Swiller can wipe up the wetness behind his ears.
choices (sorry )
Burke 859 Keleman 41
Burke 23
Keleman 4
Bugs Bunny 755
Lets Bring back Henry Dobson for the debate or how about Lorraine Mcneill or better yet how about inviting Shiela Conroy to do the Woodbury "double speak" like she did to the residents of Brigadune
This post has been removed by a blog administrator
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
The residents of Woodbury don't need Ralph, he has cost us plenty with his lawsuits.
We don't need Ralph and his garbage of half truths.
"Double speak" Why Charlie, you silly old man, what brought you back from the dark depths?
Only a few more days to go,
then it's time for the big show,
With a Ralph here
and a Frank there,
they will shake it up, you know!
And while those two will dance
James may take a chance,
To really answer a query
even if a little leery,
with his rapier wit like a lance!
Face it folks, everybody running sucks
That's not true. Don told me that Ralph doesn't suck - or at least he doesn't do it very well.
speaking of old Charlie Serra , what ever happened to his law suit against Lorraine McNeill ?? did she win of did Charlie prevail??
Like I said before, whats wrong with a little pot?
Wait, do I get free pot and drinks if I vote for Kelemen! Good enough for me! See you at Kelemens tonight!
KELEMEN equals something the town politicians don't have.....COMMON SENSE!!!
yes and Swiller is a nutless freak
Someone is obsessed with Swiller's nuts. Since Bob D left town it has to be Donnie Boy.
No, not Donnie, just someone who thinks that Swiller is a spineless a-hole! Whatever way the wind blows, right Swiller
Shut up cliff...
Does Cliff harbor ill will towards the very people he has sworn to protect?
If John Keliman is taking a cut in pay, does this mean the town clerk should? If John is going to go part time, that means other town employees don't need to work full time as well?
John Burke should be a part time supervisor, his brain only works part of the time!
I see not much has changed!
Mike, some things are perfect just as they are - the original Magnificent Seven, Mallomars and Woodbury politics.
Part time work deserves part time pay
that goes for the town clerk also
If Burke is making 53,000 per JK's letter at full time, and JK wants to work part time half of the pay would be 26,500 not 33,000. I guess simple math is not JK's best trait.
Kids don't drink or do drugs, your brain cells die and you can't do simple math any longer....
You probably use drugs yourself, "People in glass houses shall cast no stones" I didn't know we had soo many perfect people in Woodbury! Give me a guy thats a real person any day of the week over the Hypocrite Bastards we have running the town now.
If brain cells were a requirement to be a town politician, then please explain Bo to me.
Whose our favorite day tripper?
Why it's Desiree the double dipper!
Whose the biggest political joke?
The candidate who likes to toke.
Who has the silliest nome-de-guere?
Its the candidate without hair!
Whose the biggest two-face?
It's a toss-up between the dark
one and "his-grace"!
Who is good at the "sit and wait"
One to slow to get out of the gate!
It seems a vote for one is a
vote for the other,
But, Hark! there is another!
It is time to turn Woodbury's page,
Vote for the one who has less age!
I can't wait for the big debate!
Who will turn out looking great?
Who will be the class clown?
which one will make us frown?
A list of candidates looking to be,
the next representative(s) for you and me!
Voting frenzy catch the fever!
But think hard when you pull the lever,
Consider from which we have to choose,
With most of them we still lose!!!
Hey, the only one with no baggage is James. I am voting for him and for George Pederson.
And I am writing in someone for supervisor and it is NOT John Kellman.
who really cares who you are voting for.!
Vote for change!
A change to what? Hate to remind you but Kellman was on the board before with his "wing it " budget.
Does the name Joe Amato mean anything to you ??
Do the name Ruby Begonia ring a bell?
Who is ocean? And YOU think a regular kind of guy uses DRUGS?????????
Does the name Fats Domino mean anything to you?
Monticello clerk resigns
MONTICELLO – Village Clerk Edith Schop resigned Monday under the shadow of a 40 count indictment alleging she double dipped working for the state court system at the same time she worked for the Village of Monticello.
Schop faces felony charges brought by the Sullivan County District Attorney’s Office.
She was village clerk for some 28 years.
Mayor Gordon Jenkins has named Deputy Clerk Stacy Walker as clerk temporarily. He said he might consider naming her to that post on a permanent basis.
Who are the officers that are on the board of OCEAN and how do I join the organization ??
OCEAN stands for Orange County, Equality Among Neighbors. It was an off-shoot of SOCA.
Its founding members are Mindy Prosperi, Bob Fromaget, Shelby Young, Nanci Binder and me.
Among the things that we have accomplished are putting in poll watchers to document what goes on in Kiryas Joel elections, working with the Kiryas Joel Alliance (the dissidents) and members of the Woodbury Town Board to head off the first petition filed to annex Woodbury land into KJ and creating the compromise that prevented the Orange County Legislature from handing part of Route 44 over to KJ.
We've sponsored over half a dozen debates and forums in order to help inform voters and put together a free workshop for home-owners who wanted to challenge their assessments.
Currently we are trying to prevent the County from adding the Water Master Plan to the County Comprehensive Plan, a move that would be a threat to home rule and would weaken municipalities' control over their own water resources.
If you are interested in working with us talk to me at the debate on Wednesday or send me an email at jswiller@optonline.net or call me at 928-9273.
May want to amend the blog post - debate seems to be set for 7pm, not 7:30
CENTRAL VALLEY — Four Woodbury Town Board candidates are scheduled to debate at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Central Valley Elementary School at 45 Route 32.
The forum was organized by the citizens group OCEAN and will be moderated by Councilman Geraldine Gianzero, a Republican whose term expires in December and is not seeking re-election.
Competing for two councilman seats on the five-member board are Republicans Ralph Caruso and George Pedersen, Democrat James Skoufis and Independence Party member Frank Palermo.
Skoufis was appointed to the board this year to replace Michael Queenan after Queenan was elected mayor of the Village of Woodbury.
Leave to the masterminds...Swiller posts 7:30, but the signs and newspaper says 7:00. So which is it Jonathan, and are you going to make sure that ALL candidates have correct information or just let confusion reign and then try to make it look like it's their fault? Or perhaps it's your twisted way of figuring out who reads your blog?
Wow Swiller, 3:20 am, get a freakin life, normal people are in bed at that time, not pounding away bull on the computer! You need another hobby pal!!
8:21 poster:
The actual debate does start at 7:30.
If you want to submit a question or get a front row seat you arrive at 7:00.
Not to difficult to figure out jackass.
Actually it is-all the flyers say is that it's at 7, so if timely people show up at 6:30 or 6:45 "to get a good seat or write out a question" I guess they'll be somewhat miffed at the way it was promoted. Just admit it that a mistake was made and move on.
Hey most people understand arrival times 12:06. So if you show up at 6:15 can you get refreshments for those who show?
Get me a large popcorn, no butter. Thanks.
what was OCEANS position on the creation of our village a few years ago ??
Hear ye! Tomorrow is the great debate!
Get there early, don't hesitate!
Ask a question, or ask two,
Ask tough ones, please do!
Do these candidates have any spunk?
Or are they each nothing but funk?
While I announced that I, personally, would be voting against forming a village, the OCEAN board took a more circumspect position. This was what we said at the time:
On Thursday we are facing a vote which may change Woodbury forever. New factors have arisen on an almost daily basis. The amount of misinformation in circulation is overwhelming and disgusting. And fear is everywhere.
The people who put all of this in motion have brought about a situation where we are now faced by two unhappy alternatives.
If we form a Village of Woodbury:
Our taxes will rise. Anyone telling us that the tax rise will be minimal is trying to treat us like fools.
The current setup of town services - police, fire, highway, water and sewer, etc, - could be drastically changed. A village may well choose to put in their own departments.
It is most unlikely that the village board will be a shell, passing along all authority to the town board. No group of people who have power in their hands will choose to sit back for long and let someone else make decisions.
The threat of annexation will remain.
If we do not form a Village of Woodbury we now face the very real possibility that a new village, closely allied to the leadership of Kiryas Joel, will be created.
We have said that a NO vote leaves our options open to react to changing events. Now, new events have made it necessary to reexamine those options.
We still feel that creating a village is a dangerous idea; however, not creating a village presents its own, very real dangers.
Some of you are looking to us for a definitive answer. We cannot give you one. Each path has its own pitfalls and we have neither the wisdom nor the right to make the choice for you.
We can tell you this:
Beware of anyone who tells you that there is a simple, risk-free choice. Life is not so kind.
Beware of anyone who tells you, with certainty, that the village will do this or do that. No one can possibly know what decisions will be made by a village board that does not even exist as yet.
Beware of anyone who has lied to you. He is certain to do it again.
If a Village of Woodbury is formed, we must be very, very careful about who will run this village.
Look for truthful, thoughtful candidates with no ties to the people who forced all this on us.
The town board, employees, uniformed services, and all of us who make our homes in Woodbury must work together to create a slate that has no hidden agendas, no history of lies, no secret alliances.Become involved.
Ask questions. Verify answers. Control your own destinies.
Do Palermo & Skoufis think we can't read, or did they just order too many signs and decide to put them up one after another, after another, after another, after another....??? Shows how foolishly they'll spend money!
Sounds to me like they accomplished what they're intended to do and caught your attention.
As with all of our campaign materials, we've gotten the most out of our signs given how much money we have in our campaign account. Perhaps if I had $1250 to donate to my own campaign (as both Ralph and George have) or had wealthy friends like Don Siebold ($1000 donor), we'd even have a few more signs out. By contrast, almost all of the money I've raised has been via small contributions - less than $50.
See you at the debate tonight.
Really James...three or four signs in a row is nothing more than visual pollution...you, of all candidates, should know that a sign or multiple signs isn't what gets a person elected. Rather, a strong sense of community, listening to your constituency (not the Democratic committee),understanding the issues and making decisions without an agenda is what will keep you in office. Can't wait til all those awful signs come down.
"Really James" sounds like someone is mad at you!! She drinks Shelia's kool aid.
Hey 1:12-you couldn't be more wrong in your conclusion-James is about the only one worthy of a vote. Knowing his background though, I'm surprised that he would succumb to such an egotistical selling of himself. I can see Palermo or Ralph doing it, but not James. By the way, you got the gender wrong too!
Good luck James, if it's one thing we need in Woodbury it's a breath of fresh air!
Good luck James, if it's one thing we need in Woodbury it's a breath of fresh air!
Sheila's kool aid? What the heck are you talking about moron? What are you afraid that people are going to write in Sheila Conroy for supervisor so you have to make fun of her?
Context, as always, is important and I should've made clear that the signs being referenced are leading into the elementary school for people to see driving to the debate. I've planned the whole time to take them down following tonight.
And I couldn't agree more that signs are the last thing that win an election, which is why I've worked incredibly hard the past few months meeting my constituents. Likewise, I also look forward to when all the signs are taken down - mine will be put away by the end of next weekend.
Lets see...Yankee game or crappy debate!! Yankee game!
Phillies 1
Yankees 0
James really handed it to Ralph! About time the bully got bullied.
The only thing James handed to Ralph was the Town Council seat!
James Skoufis,
You complain about Caruso and Pedersen each contributing $1,250 to their campaign and Siebold contributed $1,000 also. You say you don't have any money for your campaign!
Well what ever happened to the $2,000 you collected on your Web Site as reported in the Photo News article dated June 5, 2009? Did you pay for your rent with it, because you were not working?
Nowhere did I say I "don't have any money." And yes, I did raise over $2,000, as evidenced by financial disclosure forms which are publicly available.
All I made mention of is the fact that my contributions were almost exclusively from small donors - how you jumped from that statement to your conclusions is beyond me.
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