Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Here we have proof, irrefutable proof. Of what, the Uncle isn't certain, but one of our legion of spies snapped this candid of Ralph the Mouth and his trusty idiot companion the Ankle Biter, hanging out in front of Dick Randazzo's thrown. Ralph was muttering those hypnotic words "High Density, High Density." His powers are so great that a nearby reporter for the Cornwall Local found that she could not resist putting the phrase in her article three times to describe the proposed 2 acre per unit housing of Legacy Ridge
Yep 2 acres per home is HIGH DENSITY!

By the way, unfortunately Ralph's super power the "Miasma of Mistruth" fogged the camera lens.


Anonymous said...

doesn't Don's butt just look so cute in that picture? I just love it when he sashays across the room with that confident swagger. Oh wait, that's not confidence, thats constipation, from being a less than intelligent hard a#* (synom. mule)

Anonymous said...

I think that one of your "legion of spies" Lorraine Mcneill, better learn how to take a picture. Come out of the closet Uncle Betty or is it Johnnie Boy Swiller!