Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Cutie-Pie Maneuver

So, the nominating petitions have been turned in and Ralph's candidates for the village board are...

wait for it

here it comes


The Perversion Party/Republicrats/Ralphlings filed no petitions.

So, it would appear that Neil and Rich will be running unopposed.

Perhaps Ralph is holding off a year for the big prize - three Village Board seats including the Mayoralty.


Maybe he's about to try one of the cutest ploys yet.

Village election turnout is generally low.

If the Community Party slate is running unopposed, the turnout will be lower still.

Maybe the turnout will be so low that an orchestrated write-in campaign might just win.

It would be a roll of the dice for Ralph, but what has he got to win.

He already knows that the Perversion Party is not widely loved. SO, surpress voter turnout and rally your shock troops.

Hell, it just could work.


Anonymous said...

Give us a break, do you ever stop with the Ralph this and Ralph that, shut up already.

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong Don, you don't like people picking on your boyfriend. Boo hoo.

Kieran Conroy said...

Well, the the Unc gets yelled at when he STOPS talking about town stuff. What do you want from him? :P

It is definatively odd for no candidates to be filed so close on the heels of the town board "victory."

Kieran Conroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ooops, judging by that Ralphling's reaction it sounds like you may be on target Unc.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Ralph has larkin trying to abolish the village then his cronies will running the show.

Anonymous said...

As voters, we should ALL be out for EVERY election exercising our constitutional right... otherwise what good is it? We should count our blessings that we live in a nation where we may do that freely, for the most part, unless you're unlucky enough to live in a part of Woodbury that the Republicrats decide to "target" to LIE to. Oh yes, that yellow flier is still not going away! Word to the wise though, the next time they may try to trick us by making it green or blue!!

Kieran Conroy said...

I'm still astounded they put their name on the last flyer. I doubt we'll get that lucky again, all the more reason to be vigilant and proactive about the importance of this election.

Also, as many letters as we can get out there.

Anonymous said...

This is not a case of the boy who cried wolf...look what happened in Tuxedo with a write-in campaign!!!

As far as "Ralph this and Ralph that" As long as his sorry-looking face is on the horizon, we will point it out!

But never fear RALPH, our apathetic non-voters in Woodbury will not turn out and your cronies will win!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up about the flyer already, back in November the Uncle/Swiller shouted to everyone that would listen will get them, they can't get away with this, guess what, it's been over three months , nothing happend, nothing will, so please get over it and write about new bullsh-t please! Your borring the hell out of all of us!

Anonymous said...

If your bored, go get a hobby. If your bored, don't read the blog. If your bored, ask Ralph for a job folding fliers. Because we will continue to BORE you until they admit to what they did.

Anonymous said...

You have been saying that for over three months, way to hold thier feet to the fire, a-hole, You're really getting to the bottom of this with Bo! Do you really think that anything will come of this, NOT! Stop being dumb, and no, I'm not a Ralph supporter, never liked the man, never will, but open this blog and read the bullsh-t from Swiller, Conroy and the Walter Brennen like Uncle B. all the time, give me a break, can we please go back and talk about the Giants, the Yankees, the Mets, anything, but the constant shiftless, aimless bashing of Ralph, who gives a sh-t! it soo old and it's not really funny anymore, it's sad. ( Yea, I know, you'll come back with another comment, your right, my fat ass should being doing something other then wasting time here )

Anonymous said...

So we hit a sore point Bo?

Anonymous said...


1-Write sentences that contradict themselves like: "Buy 100 acres of SEMI-WORTHLESS land for 1 MILLION"

Semi worthless=1 million?? hahaha!

2-write sentences that make no sense like: Cry to the town/village you can't afford to build with the current zoning because 3/4ths of the land is swampy/on the side of a cliff and therefore UNBUILDABLE. You may also have to sell to the highest bidder if something doesn't change"

Maybe you can sell the UNBUILDABLE
land to a...wait for it...another builder!!!! hahahahaha

3-Imagine Fred in a motorcycle gang on his own 1/2 acre plot or imaging ole' Fred on a rock climbing wall where he would be magically camouflaged because of the rocks in his head, hee hee!

4-HaHaHa..Imagine ole' Fred having access to someone's tax return or being able to count as high as a million.

5-Repeat steps 1-4, your sides will be splitting, hahahaha!

6-Imagine Fred calling someone else as dumb as a stump! Oh wait! He did!!oh my! hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Kieran Conroy said...

I'm don't know what to say man, what are you looking from for us? *shrugs* You complain about no "new bullshit." Then you say anything we post here on Ralph and Burke as bullshit (I'm assuming those two posts were the same person?). If you've got some ideas we're missing in the dialog here, feel free to enlighten us.

It sounds like you don't need us to tell you to try something else if you're bored. I guess I'm just confused what you've been expecting from this place. *shrugs* :/

(I'm not sure what to say about that last post, who is "Fred"?)

Anonymous said...

The lastoster is talking about Fred Ungerer. He wrote a piece in the Photo News dated Feb. 15, 2008

To the other blogger who wants to talk about Yankees, and Giants. Go to that blog and talk sports all you want. This is not a sports blog. Couldn't you figure that out? Are you being FORCED to read it at gun point? Did you lose a bet? Simply stop logging on.

Anonymous said...

Type-o in last post. "lastoster"
Should say last poster.

Anonymous said...


1-Be creative in what you say; no need to stick to the truth.
2-In addition, Lie about your opponents.
3-Distribute the lies the day before the election so your opponents cannot respond.
4-Steps 1 and 2, repeat and repeat often, if a mistruth is repeated often enough it becomes the truth.
5-Surround yourself with idiots so that everyone around you thinks you're smart.
6-Fuel the idiots desire for importance by promising them power when you get elected. Also, make pretense at having a cause by saying (often) "We are the only ones who care about Woodbury" or "We know what's best, we must win".
7-Feed the public's apathy by making them think that you will take care of everything. Do this by using platitudes wrapped in cliche, this usually works. Besides, they're as dumb as a stump, they'll believe it!


Anonymous said...

Hey, a few post back some raving lunatic said that Uncle Betty was "Walter Brennan like"; I thought he was supposed to be "Alfred Hitchcock like"!

You know, looking at that post, that one really is a raving lunatic. I hope it is not Bo, can we possibly have someone so disturbed sitting on our town council? Thunk! Whap! Off course we can, silly me, after all THIS IS Woodbury!

Anonymous said...

Reasons why talking about the lying yellow flier should not go away:

1) The above flier was not the first time that lying fliers were used to win an election. The same thing happened in the previous election of J. Burke, only that flier was unsigned. Just like in the 2007 election, it was right before the election and was full of lies.

2) In the past two elections, the Town Board elections were very close and were absolutely influenced by these lying fliers. Nothing was said about the first one and guess what, it was done again. And in both elections, Democrats benefited from these fliers.

3) The lack of complaint from the Republican chair, Caruso, about lying fliers that brought Democrats to office in an illicit way has revealed the behind the scenes moves by Caruso and Burke to control Woodbury government---creating the Republicrats. Their behind closed doors manipulation takes us back to the days of closed door, deal making, anything goes to win elections.

4) John Burke and group proclaim "open government" and yet lie and cheat to win. Beware of the smooth talking politician. If you lie to win, what else will you lie about?

5) Most importantly, the Woodbury Town Board now has a majority of people who won by cheating. They lied to win and seem to have no shame about doing so.

The earlier poster doesn't think this is important after 3 months and people should just go on. Doing so condemns us to having it happen again. It has been shown to not be an isolated incident, but one used in the last 2 Town elections by the same people.

It should continue to be talked about as a warning to be on alert for future elections (the Village one is barely a month away). Burke and Levine and Haviland all ran on campaign literature of "accountable" government. How can you believe that if they are not accountable for how they got to be in that government?

To the poster who said stop talking about this: How would you feel if you lost a chance at a promotion twice because those people getting the job were no more qualified than you (maybe even less qualified)but cheated to beat you out? Or how about you child was cheated out being on a team or a scholarship because the playing field was not level, but the winners cheated? Would you just shrug your shoulders and let it go, especially if it happened twice and by the same group of people?

Silence rewards the liars and cheaters.

The question about who wrote the words to that flier and distributed it should be answered over and over again until it is answered fully-- and for a change---honestly.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could get together and instead of calling names and personal attacks... we should reach out and worry about the town. I think each side wants what is best for Woodbury ... so just maybe, yes just maybe, if we become more civil and speak with one another, we could really select good people no matter if they think like us or not..

Anonymous said...

Pointing out a GIANT flaw is the las poster's wishes- one side has more than the best wishes for Woodbury- he is an egomaniac that wants POWER and CONTROL and will stop at nothing to get it. If Mr. Caruso was out of the equation, then things might be different. Is he ever going to retire to Florida or Arizona??

Uncle Betty said...

Anonymous said... "I think each side wants what is best for Woodbury ..."

How can lying to the public be seen as a demonstration of wanting "what is best for Woodbury?"

Anonymous said...

Typical tactic for someone who has been caught doing something wrong and is getting called out on it: "Hey let's not argue, let's get along" and then, because most people don't want to appear unreasonable, they acquiesce. And the ones doing the wrong thing keep doing the wrong thing because the good people just "want to get along" and don't want to appear unreasonable.

Well, get some guts, people, of Woodbury and stand up to these bast@#$s no matter what they say!!!! And then, when they are ridden out of town on a rail, WE can say "Can't we just get along?"

Good example of this tactic is shown at the Republican committee meetings by Ralph and his cronies. Oh wait, most of you can't see that because, no kidding, Mr Open Government Ralph, chairman of the committee, DOESN'T HAVE OPEN MEETINGS!!! so if you're tired of hearing about Ralph and pals, then stop their bad ways, CRUSH them and run them out of town! Besides Ralph would look better if he went to someplace like The Villages" and occasionally saw the light of day.

Anonymous said...

Back to the letter "by" Fred Ungerer. Sounds more like the sarcasim of John Baranowski. Either way, I take exception to being called apathetic or dumb as a stump. Both you those guys need to take a look in the mirror. Perhaps then they'll see who the DUMB ones truly are!

Anonymous said...

yeah, the ones standing behind them. at least fred ungerer signed his name. seems like everyone has an opinion. "anonymous" seems to have a lot of them.

Kieran Conroy said...

I wish we could get together and instead of calling names and personal attacks... we should reach out and worry about the town. I think each side wants what is best for Woodbury ... so just maybe, yes just maybe, if we become more civil and speak with one another, we could really select good people no matter if they think like us or not..

I made a public challenge at the January 3rd meeting, that I felt dialog is needed. I don't believe everyone who supports Ralph and his group is as corrupt as their leadership has proven itself to be, and I believe there are people who care (even if we disagree) on both sides.

That said, if you to dialog there have to be some ground rules. I drew a "line in the sand", that dialog cannot happen when one side continues to support corrupt campaign tactics and gross mis-representations of their opponents, again and again.

If someone continue to support people who prove, through their actions that they do not have the good of Woodbury in mind, its hard for me to listen.

Food for thought.

Kieran Conroy said...

And thanks for the heads up about the letter, Sweet Pea, its harder to follow the letters online as some of Newpaper's don't have the best search features. I'll take a look.

Anonymous said...

Is this Fred Ungerer related to the "Ungerer" who was part of the lawsuit against the town for WP3? And is he the same "Ungerer" who lives beside WP3? If so, his letter is pretty self-serving, wouldn't you say? It's one thing to actually fight for what you believe in, but entirely something else to make broad-brush accusations about those who disagree with you. From what I've been told, Fred Ungerer rarely goes to a Town Board meeting, and never goes to Village Board meetings. So, has he even bothered trying to understand why or how these boards have arrived at their respective decisions, or does he just believe that they're wrong because he's not getting what he wants??? Sounds like sour grapes more than anything else.

Anonymous said...

Sour grapes is what this blog is all about. Practically everyone one of Unk's supporters who haven't gotten their way of late seems to think they have eaten sour grapes.

Uncle Betty said...

Fred, a very nice fellow by the way, will believe whatever his dear friend Don Siebold instructs him to believe.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps then unc, HE is the one who is as dumb as a stump? His words, not mine.

Anonymous said...

anyone who listens to Don "the Anklebiter" Seibold has to be stupid!

Anonymous said...

While it is not a reason to throw confetti,
It is a reason to write Uncle Betty,
The Village elections are drawing near,
We must fight to save the values we hold dear,
Get out and vote for the Community Party,
Not for write-ins with brains so farty!
So remember the date is March 18th Tuesday,
I hope the Community wins or it will be a blues-day!