Wednesday, February 06, 2008

America's Homeliest Fun Videos

Better late then never. How's that for a clever phrase?

Here are the prime video takes from the last (january 17th) Town Board Meeting.

Just in time for the next Town Board Meeting - This Thursday, February 7th, at 7:30 PM.

Some of the highlights to watch for:

Bo votes no on the Cold War Veterans Tax Exemption Law.

This is notable for three reasons:
1. Bo ignores a chance to offer an amendment if he doesn't like the way the law is worded.
2. He passes up the chance to explain his position before the vote.
3. When, in response to Mickey O'Brien's question, Bo finally does explain his vote - his explanation is pretty close to incomprehensible.
But judge all this for yourself.

Also of note is John's refusal to answer Mickey's question: "Did you ever teach government?"

The refusal to answer questions from the public is becoming automatic and total.

Hoorah for "Open and Accountable" government!

Public Hearing on Cold War Veterans Tax Exemption
Bo's Missed Opportunity for Amendment or Comment

Public Hearing on Cold War Veterans Tax Exemption
O'Brien and Bo's "No" Vote

Public Comment - Swiller

Public Comment - O'Brien, Burke's Refusal To Answer and Haviland's Strange Explanation

Public Comment - Hunter


Anonymous said...

How sad what both official parties in Town---now united as the Republicrats--have done to the government in the Town.

Hope people realize that another election is coming up in Woodbury--this time for the village government in March.

And really hope that people will not let this corrupt group take over that government too.

When voting, people should be sure who is behind the faces. Friendly and public relations savvy Burke is a great face for Caruso who cannot seem to get himself elected to anything but the Republican Committee which he controls by a slim margin.

Haviland and Levine are totally inexperienced-- the former attending meetings when running for office and the latter never attending, even minimally after winning election. They are likely decent people that do not realize that they are pawns for the Repblicrats. They are both beholden to their party for getting elected and likely feel loyalty to them rather than to the voters of Woodbury. But time will tell if they are their own people.

Test that you are Caruso's puppet-- he never comes and publically criticizes you. Isn't it interesting that he never says anything against Burke but did against his own Republican board members? But then he is one of the founding members of the Republicrats of which Burke is a charter member. Easy once you know what is going on behind the scenes.

So let's see who they run this time around.

And remember, Caruso has remained silent about the lying yellow flyer in the last election---against his supposed candidates while orchestrating his front Republican Committee to vote with the Democrats to condemn an action by the Woodbury Village.

This would be better than a soap opera if it weren't so sad what these political self serving people are doing to and against Woodbury.


Anonymous said...

From today's TH-R:

Payback time in Woodbury?
Former Town of Woodbury Councilwoman Lorraine McNeill sure knows how to get back at her enemies.

The councilwoman, who lost her seat in November, recently received an appointment to the Village of Woodbury Planning Board. That effectively put her back into the driver's seat on certain zoning issues

McNeill's enemies include Supervisor John Burke and Ralph Caruso, head of the town's Republican Committee. Some residents allege that Burke and Caruso orchestrated a misinformation campaign that smeared McNeill and then-fellow Councilman Mike Aronowitz to ruin their chances of re-election.

The infamous "flier campaign" is believed to have been payback for a "yes" vote by McNeill and Aronowitz for Woodbury Junction, one of the town's largest building projects. Both McNeill and Aronowitz lost their bids for re-election.

But the planning and zoning functions of the town fell into the hands of the village, a result of its incorporation. Thus, McNeil's appointment to the village Planning Board effectively restores her say on development issues.

Wonder who's laughing now.

John Sullivan

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that the Village Board is right in line with the "old" Town Board. Hmmmm I wonder how they'll vote on the zoning laws next Tuesday??

jonathan swiller said...

As I recall, Ralph, that was one of the reasons that we voted for them instead of for you.

Anonymous said...

Strange comment that someone says the village board is in line with the old Town Board.

If that were the case, why would they have brought over 3 of Caruso's cronies on the ZBA?

Because they don't want to play politics, but want to try to work out the mess that Caruso and Burke created and look out for the people of Woodbury, not just the Repulicrats.

They did not take over any of the Town government functions until the law said they had to.

Perhaps they appointed McNeil because they are not interested in politics, but in people's experience and education and knowledge.

One cannot and should not forget that Burke publicly acknowledged that he voted against the Senior Housing (allowing seniors to own rather than rent their housing) after admitting that he did not read it. Makes one wonder why he allowed someone to tell him what it said and how to vote without bothering to actually read the law and think for himself. But that is exactly what people voted for.

In Woodbury, elections are about who plays the dirty tricks and wins. That will only stop when people get fed up with it and vote for honest elections.

Anonymous said...

Now its time for an election,
so we must look for the connection,
Is someone with Burke?
and is just another jerk?
and are they under Ralph's protection?

When voting beware of the sleeze,
it will be oozing about at your knees,
so whether it is Don,
or some other moron,
don't let them do as they please!

Kieran Conroy said...

Thanks for posting the article, while I'm glad to see continued interest from the press, I am a little leary of the "revenge" tone of things. Sounds a little too much like the vengeful rhetoric of the other side posted here to justify what they did last fall.

I happen to know firsthand that people asked Lorraine to apply based on her experience, so she might continue to do good for the town. Its a less visible position and VERY hard work, but an important one. They're lucky to have her onboard.

Its a strong recount of the scandal, I'm just concerned that a media "spin" of petty politics and revenge obscures the real issues between us.

Anonymous said...

Hate to dissillusion you Kieran but creating a "media" spin on petty politics is the forte of the people whose opinions you are following.

Anonymous said...

blah, blah, blah, shut up and go back to work Woodbury employee!

Anonymous said...

My own personal favorite "media" spin was the unsigned flier sent out in the 2005 election--likely involving Caruso and certainly benefiting Burke.

It talked about the Town Board of the time holding--- a hastily called regular Town Board meeting. The intention was that people only read the first descriptive word-- hastily--and overlooked regular. No big deal that it was a regular meeting, but people overlooked that when reading "hastily".

Then the flier reprinted a Record article that was almost impossible to read and put an explanation next to the article. The only problem was that the explanation or mis-explanation of the Board's actions did not at all agree with the newspaper article. Remember, one could barely read the reprinted news article and so most only read the re-written, mis-represented version.

That gets a A for deception and lying; an F for truth and integrity. But it partially worked and got Burke elected by a very narrow margin (less than 150 votes out of over 2500 cast)

And lo and behold the same tactics were used, by the same people, in this election and they got Levine and Haviland elected.

Sometimes cheating works. It's up to the public to catch them and decide on the consequences.

Anonymous said...

K. Conroy got it right. The next poster saying that Conroy is following the media spinners got it wrong.

The newspaper looked at the last election which was so glaringly dishonest and called for Burke, Levine and Haviland to resign and let new honest elections be held. That is not a media spin. The last 2 elections have had a stink about them, involving Burke and Caruso and their followers. Both took over their respective parties and have driven them into the gutter.

When you send out a lying flier that got you elected, that is not a media spin. You lied and got caught this time.

Anyone who cannot see this and excuses it as just "politics" needs to take an extensive ethics course.

Anonymous said...

The paper wrote only what Swiller sent them.

Anonymous said...

Well if you "know" so much, send it to the paper and let them investigate. But of course you wouldn't chance doing that, becasue then you might get exposed for the liar you are!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the paper has already admitted to it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but the paper has already admitted to it."

Admitted what?

Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused. The newspaper printed what Swiller gave them?

So now Swiller is the one who wrote the lying yellow flier that was used in the last election? Come on.

Swiller may have given them the flier, but Levine and Carleton signed it. And the flier is clearly full of lies. Anyone can see that. All the newspaper had to do was check for themselves.

And it is a fact that nobody has admitted writing the lies. Burke stepped up and "took responsibility" but then denied that he wrote it, printed it or distributed it. It's all on tape that can be viewed on U-tube.

Nobody has publicly apologized for the lies. Caruso, chair of the Republican Party, has not denounced the lying flier that hurt the Republican candidates. One can only assume from that that either he believes the lies, doesn't care about the election, or more likely, wanted the Democrats to win since he and Burke work together to control politics in Woodbury.

Swiller doesn't need to tell the press anything. All the press has to do is watch and listen. The silence on the lying flier is deafening.

Anonymous said...

The newspaper also said it tried to contact the "other side" for comment on the flier and the Republicrats, but got no response.

It was the choice of Caruso and his clique to not respond.

Besides, their actions--dirty actions-- speak louder than any words.

Anonymous said...

They've been cmpletely quiet about the upcoming Village election as well...wonder what bombshell they'll drop on the eve of that one??

Kieran Conroy said...

Thanks to people who commented on my thoughts, there is a difference between exposing corrupt actions and "petty politics," a big one. There have been too many of the former, right before my eyes for me to have any confusion.

As I think people noticed, my worry was the tone of the article implying that we're more concerned about revenge than justice; it risks making us look petty.

I appreciate the Record's coverage, and efforts of those who are working hard to keep this issue in the media for the right reasons. Just want to make sure we keep that high ground, and make our motives clear.