Monday, March 24, 2008

The Village Green

The Village Board meets tomorrow (Tuesday, March 25) at 6:00 PM, above the Highland Mills Fire House, to create a budget.

All those wishing to see where the money goes are invited to attend

It may be a long night, so bring your jammies.


Anonymous said...

Betcha someone shows up and starts complaining about their TOWN taxes and demanding what the village board is going to do about it!

Anyway,the Village trustees could demand a battle of the boards with our lovely Mayor leading her trustees in a tug of war with the Town Board, led by that dynamo Johnny Burke!! I can just imagine it, first john, then Carlton then Bo bringing up the rear, babbling his fool head off!(Gerri and Mike, quite sensibly, abstain from participating with the liars)

Kieran Conroy said...

After this past year, a tug of war in the mud sounds like the safest form of politics we could engage in. :P

Alas, due to classes in different schools still meeting I won't be back till Thursday. Is the Town Board still meeting this week?

Uncle Betty said...

Nope, that was last week.

Anonymous said...

So, the village is doing the budget, and on time, compare and contrast to NY State!