Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back To The Front

Hello all.

I have missed you grievously (is that actually a word?)!

After a longer than expected sojourn in the great city of Baltimore, I have made it back to the cool, crisp, mountain air of Woodbury (in truth, I am freezing my ass off).

And not a moment too soon I see. We are once again in (oh thank you Lord) an election campaign.

What fun!

So far two slates are known:

Stephanie Berean Weeks, Sandy Capriglione and Fred Lindlaw.

Mike Queenan, Tim Egan and Tom Flood.

Yet to be heard from are the stalwarts representing the
Caruso Puppets for the Perversion of Woodbury

Unlike the first two slates who are so old fashioned that they circulate their petitions publicly, The CPPWP knows that knowledge is power and power must be kept out of the hands of the public. As ever, their petitions are moving surreptitiously through the backdoors on De Palma, lest anyone find out who Ralph is trotting out this time. Ben Meyers? George Peterson? Someone or another’s son, daughter or in-law?

You’ll find out when Ralph is damned ready for you to find out! So back off and mind your own business.

Ah Woodbury, how I have missed you.


Anonymous said...

Sandy from the Zoning board and Tim from the zoning board? Wow, this is going to be interesting!

Seems like Stephanie has got some more acolytes to cover up for her not being able to do the job.....

Anonymous said...

Doubt either is a follower. Just two hard-working residents whom appear to care enough about their community to run for public office.

Anonymous said...

Ok Uncle can you or someone explain why Queenan and Weeks are running against each other with different slates? Why did the Community Party fracture, and who is even running on that slate? Where are the main players of that party past and present and which sides are they on?

Anonymous said...

The Community Party members are not about saving the community, they are all about saving thier own asses! How's that for an explaination bub!

Anonymous said...

Queenan! give me a freakin break.

Anonymous said...

Who is Tom Flood? Whats his platform?

Kieran Conroy said...

Still in finals, but thought the Uncle would want to know about this- its the same Eagle Scout who ran a blood drive last year, and has decided to continue the tradition to honor his grandfather, who passed away:

"Ian D. MacDonald
64 Otterkill Road
New Windsor, NY 12553

Dear Friends,

My name is Ian MacDonald. I am a junior at Cornwall High School and an Eagle Scout with Troop 28 in New Windsor. I am hosting a blood drive on Saturday January 24, 2009 from 9:00am to 2:30pm at the Salisbury Mills Firehouse on Rt. 94 and am asking for the community’s support in having one of the largest blood drives in the Hudson Valley this winter.

As you may remember, I became an Eagle Scout this time last year after completing my Eagle project. My project was a blood drive, a bone marrow registry drive and Cancer Awareness Day in honor of my father and grandfather, both of whom were diagnosed with incurable cancers in the summer of 2007. Sadly, my grandfather passed away in June and my father has undergone two stem cell transplants, both of which have failed to put him in complete remission of his cancer.

I have teamed with my sister, Isabelle, who is a recipient of the Girl Scout Silver Award, with the goal of collecting 200 pints. This will be one of the largest blood drives in the Hudson Valley and we are asking the community to come out and support us in this goal. We know we cannot cure our dad’s cancer, but we can honor our grandfather’s memory and make sure blood is available for every cancer patient when they need it most. Every blood donation saves three lives and the winter is a critical time for blood banks. Our grandfather would have turned 71 years old this month and we would like the community to celebrate his life with us at this blood drive. To register to give blood, please email me at
ianblooddrive@yahoo.com with your name and phone number and specify what time you would like to give blood in 15 minute time slots. Thank you for your support in this event and thank you to everyone who has supported my family with prayers and good wishes for the past year.


Ian MacDonald
Eagle Scout, BSA Troop 28
New Windsor, NY"

Anonymous said...

What's Queenans position on the village now ? . Yes or No ??? I'd be interested in seeing his platform..did somebody say " Flip-flopper " ?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mike Queenans profile is to respond to a question without having to look at Desiree or Attorney Goldin for the answer.

Anonymous said...

Now that's funny!!!! and true.

Anonymous said...

And so begins the mud slinging. Let's see who takes the high road. And for the record dear Uncle, since only a handful of people ever attend the Village meetings on a regular basis(which aren't televised), it's very easy to deduct who is posting the nonsense- so they may want to keep that in mind BEFORE they start stirring the pot...and they know who they are!

Anonymous said...

Mudslinging is what this site is all about!

Anonymous said...

To poster #4- seems like you are a frustrated wannabe with an axe to grind, and therefore must resort to posting innuendo (misspelled innuendo at that!). Get a life.

Anonymous said...

If the village meetings aren't televised then what is with the camera equipment they have and the volunteers who run it?

And ANYONE who goes to a meeting will see that Stephanie, who showed alot of promise at first and has NOT lived up to it, does rely on Desiree and Rick Golden way too much. If Desiree wants to be in a position to make decisions then she should run for the village board. As a clerk, her job is supposed to carry the orders of the board who make the decisions, not to make the decisions. And Rick is really supposed to be the hired help not the boss.

Mike Q. is tough to figure out sometimes.

Ralph is probably laughing all the way to the polls to see this happen. Or maybe he just can't get anyone presentable enough to run for office. He has burnt alot of bridges even on his own side. And Larkin is getting senile so he won't be too good much longer.

I would vote for Gerri and Lorraine but they are not running.

Anonymous said...

What's Mike Queenans stand on the village? Thank God Lorraine is not running. She's an arrogant nothing. Mike is not tough to figure out, he flip flop$. He is Very simalar to Mike Aronowitz who left town after he changed his vote on Woodbury Junction>

Anonymous said...

When you speak of "Stephanie, who showed alot of promise at first and has NOT lived up to it...", it sounds like YOU, the poster, are annoyed that you haven't gotten your own way about something. Stephanie and the rest of the Village board have demonstrated that they are truly in it for the residents, and are making decisions in the best interests of ALL the residents, not a select few who think they are owed something, like YOU perhaps.

And for the record, Des and Rick may be quick to offer their guidance, but in the end, it's still up to the Mayor and trustees. Like it or not, Des & Rick have years of experience with procedure and the law. YOU (and make no mistake it's obvious who YOU are), may truly believe that YOU know everything about everything, but in the end, you're just a frustrated, jealous wannabe who can't win public office yourself.

Anonymous said...

Beware, Uncle Betty readers: Most of the information contained in this blog is biased, inaccurate and may be dangerous to your health.

Anonymous said...

Unlike the first two slates who are so old fashioned that they circulate their petitions publicly, The CPPWP knows that knowledge is power and power must be kept out of the hands of the public. As ever, their petitions are moving surreptitiously through the backdoors on De Palma, lest anyone find out who Ralph is trotting out this time. Ben Meyers? George Peterson? Someone or another’s son, daughter or in-law?

Uncle Betty, you are grasping at straws. Better get more accurate information. Was that your car I saw parked in Ralph's driveway? And what were you signing, anyway??

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, Stephanie will win, continue doing what the Community Party said they would do, and then take down the big bad John B. and the rest of the bums next year.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you get to read all this crap....and you have to know how to spell also. well lordy me.

Anonymous said...

What we need is some crap from that fat idiot Swiller to start having something decent to talk about.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you haven't read it already??

Anonymous said...

YOU are blind if you cannot see that Stephanie is not qualified to be Mayor.
there is a difference between someone advising you and someone making the decisions for you. and if you think that Stephanie is making decisions, YOU are blind!

Anonymous said...

And you are deaf & dumb oh puppet master!

Anonymous said...

Since it would be great to hear from the candidates directly, does anyone know if there will be any candidate debates and/or forums?

Anonymous said...

So, we have in one corner a incumbant mayor with limited managerial skills and in the other corner a town councilman who has little credibility as he is known as a self serving flipflopper ........What we need is another candidate that can truly function as a competent trustworthy mayor who would put the citizens of Woodbury 1st......

Anonymous said...

And that is??........

Anonymous said...

OMG- here is the ultimate set up....drum roll please...and making his grand entry, it's none other than "bend over and kiss my ring" Ralph Caruso! Ah yes, Woodbury's savior, the task master that will show us all how it's "supposed" to be done!

Oh pleeeeeeze- The 2nd to last poster was absolutely right about Queenan, but forgot to mention that as a realtor IN Woodbury, he has no right to be in any position that gives him authority over zoning in the Village/Town. Perhaps the poster is somewhat right about Stephanie, however Steph has done a pretty damn good job in light of what she was thrown into. Seems to work well with her board, and the residents, and does not appear to have any hidden agenda, unlike Queenan and possibly King Ralph.

Anonymous said...

Will someone explain why being a realtor disqualifies someone from holding public office? I think working for a State Senator disqualifies someone from holding local office.

There is a difference between changing your mind when things change and flip flopping. Only stupid person would stick with something when circumstances change or when there is some new information.

Keep saying flip flopper, if you say it often enough it may stick.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie the current mayor is too immature to be the mayor. She has dissed a lot of people without even realizing it, and that is not good.

And, yes, because of this immaturity, she relies way too much on Rick Golden who loves it because it means more money for him! Ka Ching!!!

And she relies way too much on the "beach" on wheels, who needs to take a course on how to deal with the public. I have never had any clerk talk to me the way she did when I asked her a simple question. (Although you'd think she would know how to act after being in office for ten years.)

Anonymous said...

The comment about being blind is a good one since our governor is blind, and he's doing a pretty good job so far, we need Queenan as mayor like we need another bunghole!

Anonymous said...

If Ralph runs I'll vote for him. Otherwise Stephanie Weeks has my vote,even if she is a little immature and dependant on both Desire & Mr Golden. Also I am not sure the village board gets it, that having a village Preserves Woodbury.!!! She needs to be more of an independent thinker, have beliefs of her own & vocalize them. We need to know who she is!!!!!!!! I will say she does try. By the way Neil tries tooo hard, he reminds me of SHHHHHelia.

Anonymous said...

In answer to "Will someone explain why being a realtor disqualifies someone from holding public office?", try this on for size...

Ever hear of zoning & planning? Obviously a realtor is going to want to have a product to sell, and if changing zoning increases the amount, size or value of the product he/she has to sell, then there is definitely a conflict of interest if that same realtor holds a position on a board where they have a direct vote with regard to changing &/or implementing zoning. It's perfectly clear. Just like the uproar over DeFalco being on the planning board when he was developing Apple Hill Estates, there should be an even louder uproar over Queenan.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Ka Ching" poster- better look in the mirror honey, as you've flapped your tongue and waved your finger in the most abrupt and rude ways to people as well! That's right, we got your number!