Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dealing With Yesterday, Tomorrow!

Ben Meyers Discovers Woodbury And Informs The Photo News

Recently, I announced that I am a candidate for mayor of the Village of Woodbury and my running mates for the positions of Trustees are Frederick Ungerer and George Pedersen.

I have written to Orange County Legislature Majority Leader Roxanne Donnery, state Sen. William J. Larkin Jr. and state Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun concerning the issues of taxes, traffic and other very important matters of great importance to our Village of Woodbury.

The Woodbury Commons shopping center located in Central Valley generates the greatest, by far, sales tax revenue in Orange County. Woodbury suffers all of the hardships of traffic, which is horrendous, and crime.

Yet Woodbury receives approximately 4 percent of the sales tax generated from “The Commons.” The rest of the county benefits from the other 96 percent of this revenue, yet they share none of hardships.

Because of the congestion, commuters that live in the Village north of “The Commons” sometimes take 45 minutes, or more, to get home after exiting Route 6, the Thruway or Route 17.

A population explosion north of Central Valley has created an enormous volume of traffic. This major congestion must be relieved by routing traffic off of Route 32 and around Central Valley and Highland Mills.

Relieving this dangerous commuter traffic (it is difficult to safely enter onto and exit off of Route 32) will have little or no impact on local businesses to whose growth I am sensitive.

This change of traffic pattern can be executed by putting another Thruway exit halfway between Harriman and Newburgh. A dangerous situation should make pedestrian injury or death a less likelihood, while also creating enormous relief for commuters and other travelers going to the northern edge of Highland Mills, Cornwall and Vales Gate in New Windsor.

Benjamin Meyers

Candidate for mayor

Village of Woodbury

Does anyone have the heart to break it to Ben that these new problems that he just discovered have been around for years and that people have been trying to solve them for years?

A good number of Woodburians have been looking into way to change the way tax revenue from the Common is distributed and have been working with Nancy Calhoun to try to get a Thruway exit added.

And yes, so far there has been no success.

But Meyers isn't offering any solutions either. All that he is doing,and rather belatedly at that, is announcing that he has discovered that there are problems.

And it's wonderful that, now that he is running for mayor, he has discovered these problems.

But it would have been finer still if his interest extended to finding out what's been tried and what roadblocks have been encountered and to reaching out to those in Woodbury who have been attempting to deal with these issues.

For example, he might have taken part in the South East Orange Traffic Task Force meetings which were aimed at dealing with Woodbury's traffic problems.

And it would have been lovely if he had cared enough to notice these things before he decided that he ought to be mayor.

Better late than never, but it looks a little foolish to send off letters to the papers claiming credit for just discovering problems that others have already been working on for years.

Any ideas about solutions Mr. Meyers?

Or is that asking too much?


Anonymous said...

Hey Unc- When you gonna feature the same thread on your buddy Queenan?

Anonymous said...

The repetition regarding Queenan is the Don Seibold school of thought (or lack of..) "Keep repeating something and, behold, it will be true"

But it may not necessarily be Don saying here on this site. The self professed pristine Woodbury Community candidates may be putting that out there, which is stupid because they run the risk of getting Ralph's team in office.
I guess they really don't care about woodbury, just their own little power.

Anonymous said...

Unk- Couldn't wait to get a chance to change the subject yet again, maybe you should change your name to Uncle Diversion....idiot!

Uncle Cindy

Anonymous said...

If you can't take the heat Mike, why step into the kitchen??

Anonymous said...

Can all Town and/or Village computers be checked to see if employees or elected officials are posting on this site during work hours?

Can you say conflict of interest?

Anonymous said...

Elected Officials can do what they want during office hours.

Anonymous said...

Mike Queenan's letter was in the Photo News today. Two of his points are:
"Work with State Government exploring solutions to N.Y.S. Route 32 congestion." and
"I will use the power of the mayor's office to double my efforts to break the unfair leverage cities have over county government to obtain a larger portion of tax revenues for Woodbury".
What would you expect; both Mike Queenan and Ben Myers were/are Ralph Caruso puppets and were taught the same old lessons.
At least Mr. Myers said he called and wrote letters, that is more than Mr. Queenan's "exploring".
Mr. Queenan is going to "double his effors"; what has he done so far? I haven't seen anything,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the community party supporter that keeps attacking Mike needs to quiet down before their own skeletons start to rattle and emerge.

the bigger worry is the preservation team fool.

Anonymous said...

skeletons???????????? HO Ho Ho

Anonymous said...

Heck you don't have to support any party to attack Mr. Queenan- he's done enough on his own to draw attack. Couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag, and doesn't seem to be able to look at cost savings very effectively either- heck, look at the garbage fiasco. Why doesn't he just stick with the Town Board and try to get things RIGHT instead of trying to move to the Village and "fix" something that ISN"T BROKEN?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What about Queenan's stance to get rid of Harriman so the town and village can have a coterminus border. He's a councilman that represents Harriman as part of the town. I guess the residents there are disposable (and willing to give up town privileges). Way to go, Queenan...alienate more people.

Anonymous said...

Can we go back to insulting each other again, its much more funny then all this serious stuff...wait, I will start, Ralph is bad! it's your turn..'

Anonymous said...

7:31 poster, town employee with an ax to grind- Too bad you have to actually work for your paycheck, is that why you hate Mike?

11:06 poster, No one is saying that any residents are disposable, you just don't get it do you? Maybe Mike is saying that Woodbury needs to act like a coternmihous town so we can cut the government fat and get rid of either the village board of the town board and only have one.

10:45 poster, you are right, the Community Party is slinging mud and it is funny how it is always the group that sayd they are going to fight fair is the group that doesnt!

Anonymous said...

I am so confused about all of this. I am going to contact the State Comptroller and Department of State to see if Woodbury can "act" like a coterminous town and get rid of either the village board or the town board to save money. I am sure that Mr. Queenan won't mind if his name is used.

Anonymous said...

I live in the Town of Woodbury/Village of Harriman and that's where I want to stay. I like your parks & rec too much to become part of the Town of Monroe. I've spoken with my neighbors they agree and I will be bringing this up at a Village of Harriman board meeting. No way Mr. Queenan your going to make this a coterminus Town if I and my neighbors have anything to say about it. Wouldn't this have to be voted on by the residents who live in TOW/VOH and by the VOH Board?

Uncle Betty said...

As I understand the law, you would have a major say in whether or not to be annexed out of the TOW and into the TOM.

I am not sure of the mechanism involved if Harriman/Woodbury (the part of your Village in the Town of Woodbury) chose to leave the VOH and to become part of the VOW.

Anonymous said...

UNK, can we really just "act" like a coterminous town like Mr. Queenan has said or do we actually need to be one to get the benefits?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It amazes me that so many people that post as "anonymous" themselves seem to "KNOW" who all the other anonymous posters actually are!!

Anyway, more importantly, how many times is Queenan gonna change his mind? I mean from what I remember, wasn't he one of the original founders of the Village? Does he think the residents will forget that? Then, as I recall reading in the paper, he wrote an "I made a mistake about the Village" letter, and I think he supported the first Community Party 100%. Att least that's what Maria said back then.

Now, I hear he's not too happy with the current Village board because he and his insider friends haven't gotten their way, so now he's floating this new "acting like a coterminous Town/Village" idea so he can be Mayor. Sounds real fishy to me, and does he even know this stuff can be done? I was told that when the Village & Town asked Albany if they could leave things as is and not follow minicipal law , Albany wouldn't even listen!! So, how does Queenan think he'll get legislation? Has he or his "Common Sense" party even exercised common sense and looked into the matter? Or, is it another half-baked idea, just like the original creation of the Village? Seems to me that he never got all the facts about that, and is probably doing the same thing now. Sounds like politics as usual, and saying ANYTHING to get a vote! I hope all those voters who felt betrayed by Queenan and Caruso for not being truthful about the Village will REMEMBER, and realize that both seem to speak with a forked tongue!

Anonymous said...

To "I am so confused about all of this. I am going to contact the State Comptroller and Department of State to see if Woodbury can "act" like a coterminous town and get rid of either the village board or the town board to save money. I am sure that Mr. Queenan won't mind if his name is used."

If you get any answers, please DO post, as that is probably the ONLY way we voters will get the truth- leaving it up to the people who are proposing it is useless.
Thanks for your diligence!

Anonymous said...

This whole coterminous thing is just a way to streamline the government. What is wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Queenan's campaign team need to remind him of what happened when he/Town Board sought State Legislation previously - you either are or not a truly coterminous Village/Town. You can't just "act" like one!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Queenan's campaign team need to remind him of what happened when he/Town Board sought State Legislation previously - you either are or not a truly coterminous Village/Town. You can't just "act" like one!

Anonymous said...

I am not confused. It's just Queenan doing his Smoke & MIRRORS act. How many homes sold in the Junction

Anonymous said...

I am confused- How many stars are in the sky and how can we make that Queenan's fault?

Anonymous said...

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