Saturday, February 14, 2009

Privacy Rites

The Uncle has been looking back at the past six months or so of postings, which did not receive my full attenti0n at the time.

One that caught our eye (do you enjoy the Uncle's haphazard jumps from first person singular to first person plural to third person?) was a response to photos we showed of the campaign signs in Ralph Caruso's front yard.

In response, Anonymous (catchy name, that) posted: "Isn't this The United States of America. Who else do you SPY on? Get a job!!"

Here's am interesting piece of trivia: most folks are unaware that reading the political signs put up in front yards is spying.

In fact, a number of anthropologists have theorized that the reason that some people put political signs in their front yards is so that they will be read

However, if Ralph Caruso feels that reading his political signs is an invasion of his privacy, might we suggest that during the next election cycle he consider putting up the signs in his back yard.

Problem solved.


Anonymous said...

However, if Ralph Caruso feels that reading his political signs is an invasion of his privacy, might we suggest that during the next election cycle he consider putting up the signs in his back yard.

Who said Ralph Caruso felt this way? The anonymous poster felt this way! I agree!! Get a job and get a life!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, who said Ralph felt that way? It says "IF" Ralph felt that way. Get a job, get a life, get a clue!!!

Anonymous said...

you're all a bunch of f---ing assholes. nothing better to do than post photos of signs on someone's lawn? get a job, get a life, get a clue.

Anonymous said...

Ralph expressed his displeasure verbally when he called the police or did you forget. YOU get a life!

Anonymous said...

Nice picture, who does it remind you of?

Anonymous said...

The people taking photos of Ralph's House did the same nonsense to others.
Swillerboy likes to take photos and videos because he wants to annoy people by his VULGAR presence. In Fact that's what this blog has always been about. Every once in awhile you get "a" SUBSTANIATED FACT.

Anonymous said...

The people taking photos of Ralph's House did the same nonsense to others.
Swillerboy likes to take photos and videos because he wants to annoy people by his VULGAR presence. In Fact that's what this blog has always been about. Every once in awhile you get "a" SUBSTANIATED FACT.

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle- Please do your best in researching and answering WHY Mr. Queenan doesn't mention in his bio info on his website that he currently is a REALTOR? If there is NO conflict, why not be proud enough of your current employment to mention it?

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Betty A.K.A. Jonathan Swiller, gee "Uncle" "Betty" ,a bit of an identity crisis, to say the least, you should get some help with that. You write alot of lies on this blog. Why don't you admit who you are! Everyone knows anyway, but I guess that's what makes it easy to write the lies. You hide behind a stupid name. That's a COWARD! How does it feel to be a COWARD! It must be terrible to know that if you admitted who you really are that know one would listen! How does it feel knowing that no one has any respect for you or for what you say,and thats why you try to hide your identity.Your afraid to admit who you are, because the truth hurts,though we all know you have alot of trouble telling the truth,that just another thing you should get help with! Now, the biggest thing you should get help with is your OBSESSION with Ralph Caruso. Since you seem to act so juvenile, lets compare what your doing to Ralph to what a schoolboy does when he has a crush, like when a boy likes someone he makes fun of the them because he doesn't know how to express himself. So, it's time to admit the truth, that you LIKE, ENVY, ADMIRE AND RESPECT Ralph Caruso! Come on, say it with me, you LIKE, ENVY, ADMIRE AND RESPECT Ralph Caruso! Now that must make you feel better! I mean that would explain why you are always writing about him. Now, to the people that read this blog,let's be real you can't possibly believe someone who set up and writes a blog bashing people and will not admit who they are. Especially when the blogger's profile says his occupation is enlightened sexpot, how could any smart person take that seriously. Also, let's look at some anonymous comments, that are only a few minutes apart, it's obvious that it's one person having a conversation with themselves pretending it's two. They may believe they are two people in one, but that's one more thing for him to get help with. Think about it people!

Uncle Betty said...

The fourth or fifth posting of the same long screed gets a bit tiresome.

If it weren't for the unmasking of my secret love for Ralph it would have no redeeming value, but do try to vary it. At least take the trouble to write some new insults.

And again, about all the lies - details on one or two would be of help in getting me to see the error of my ways.

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle- Please do your best in researching and answering WHY Mr. Queenan doesn't mention in his bio info on his website that he currently is a REALTOR? If there is NO conflict, why not be proud enough of your current employment to mention it?

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle- Please do your best in researching and answering WHY Mr. Queenan doesn't mention in his bio info on his website that he currently is a REALTOR? If there is NO conflict, why not be proud enough of your current employment to mention it?

Anonymous said...

While you're at it, could you find out where he thinks there's duplication of services?

Uncle Betty said...

The two posts above your's are an example of duplication of services.

If there is a debate you should ask him about what is posted on his website yourself. If not, give him a call.

Anonymous said...

Careful Unc, your bias is showing!

Anonymous said...

I like the 11:45 am poster who complains about all the anonymous comments and then submits theirs as...wait....ANONYMOUS!!! ta da!
Well, I am anonymous and proud of it!!!!

But this poster is right about one thing. We do admire, respect and envy (do you need a penis for that?)and more than like, we LOVE Ralph. We love anyone who lied to the people of woodbury about the whys of forming a village.

We love you, liar!! oops, I mean Ralph!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle:

How do you put up with all of the accusations from people that are obviously mentally challenged? First, to say that you are doing all the postings on this site can easily be checked out by looking at the number of hits, I mean, some of those hits have to be posting right?

Thank you,

Your dear Nephew Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh Unc, you're becoming so very transparent. I thought you had mastered the art of diversion, however it's obvious whose camp you're trying to defend. I guess all those tirades about fairness, truth and ethics were only meant for the OTHER guy, not you. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I have Challenged anyone many times on this site to show me in writing or tape recording where any candidate or organization or committee said creating a village would stop annexation. The only thing I was told is "it prevented other villages from creating a village in the town of Woodbury where by those villages would have the right to create any type of zoning" Until you can do this please stop calling people liars as it appears to me YOU are the perpetrator of the lie. You are a SHI_ stirrer. Creating a village is relatively easy. Annexation is not. Especially when a town or village opposes it!! It Must go to court. SHOW PROOF OF YOUR ACCUSATIONS

Anonymous said...


Uncle Betty said...

If you have a question for ANY candidate, call him or her up and ask. Duh!

Anonymous said...

But Unc, you always seem to know everything about everyone, or at least that's what you claim with Caruso & Burke, why wouldn't you also know about Queenan???

Uncle Betty said...

When it comes to WHAT Caruso is doing, I try to stay on top of things.

When it comes to WHY, I can only guess.

Same for Burke, Queenan, Berean-Weeks, Obama or the woman who orders me about.

Uncle Betty said...

Dear Nephew Sue,

I don't know that the number of visits would prove anything (if there was any reason to want to prove anything). All the hits could be from me, sitting here in my dungeon, pressing enter all day long. Then, because I'm the only one posting here, or reading those posts, I could be very, very imporessed with myself.

As to putting up with "accusations from people that are obviously mentally challenged?" I've got no problem with them (except for the repetition) some of them are pretty funny. Usually unintentionally.

Your loving Uncle

Anonymous said...

Know what Unk. your still a dick!

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle:

That wasn't me

Nephew Sue

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle,

Your are a dick!

Niece David

Anonymous said...

Dear Niece David, good vocab, try proof reading before you send a comment out shit for brains!

Love Uncle Mildred,
Not related to Uncle Betty

Anonymous said...

Uncle Mildred, are you related to Aunt Ray Ray??

Anonymous said...

No, I am related to Uncle Sheila "the phony tree hugger & Auntie Queenan "the realtor" who wants to clear cut every piece of land in Woodbury so I won't make a profit. I love Woodbury. Can I be anonymous just like uncle betty another phony piece of BOLONEY

Anonymous said...

My My, the Ralphlings are getting touchy.

They do that when they feel fear.

Anonymous said...

Don't have to be a Ralphling to have an objection to Queenan being a realtor and holding an office where he could possibly vote to change zoning in favor of realtors. It's called a CONFLICT of INTEREST! Another thing, how many times is Queenan gonna change his mind about the damn village? First he wants it, then he's not so sure it's a good idea (especially if Ralph is running it), then he's totally against it, and now he wants to be Mayor of it?? Sounds too wishy-washy and experimental for me!

Anonymous said...

Conflict of interest! Look what we have now in woodbury, conflict of interest is what woodbury is all about.

Auntie Charles

Anonymous said...

Auntie Charles,

Are you related to Uncle Denise???

Cousin Rodney

Anonymous said...

More wonderful diversion- you guys are good at taking the heat off Queenan- is he paying you well I hope??

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Betty

Why would anyone think there is a conflict if someone is a realtor?
"..he could possibly vote to change zoning in favor of realtors."

Would someone like to explain just exactly what type of zoning that would be. Commercial? Residential? Don't realtors sell all types of real estate?
Do these poor unfortunate fools imagine that Mike will try to change the zoning 90 houses per 1/4 acre, 200 houses per 1/8 acre or cardboard boxes for everyone just so that he could make lotsa sales? Oh but wait, there are other real estate agents too! Maybe Mike wants to create a frenzy of selling and buying so that only real estate agents would get rich!!! Has He shoen this type of behavior on the town board, when the town was responsible for zoning?

The answer is a big NO! So stop trying to create a problem where there is none. Why don't you look at reality and ask yourselves if you want to continue with a Mayor that is incompetent and who takes credit for everyone elses work or someone who has not done any work at all.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid he's going to repeat his past "The Developers Bonus" something he has done before> REMEMBER "THE JUNCTION" 481 homes instead of a 150!!!!!!!!!!! Last year I was at the REZ and Iwas talking to one of my friends who has lived up here over 15 years and when I told her the junction was going to have 480 homes she was furious with me because she said I was ABSOLUTELY wrong. She went and got another friend of ours who also said I was wrong. They kind of ganged up on me, so I told them to call the village hall. So, I guess Mike is shewed for leaving out he is a realtor. Don't ask, don't tell!!! Hey, That's his platform.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Betty is the king or queen (probably a drag queen) of diversion.....and such a dick!

Uncle Harriet

Anonymous said...

Woodbury Junction has its own sales team. Local realtors aren't involved.

Anonymous said...

Come on Mr. Queenan-you protestith too much! If you have nothing to hide or be questioned about, why not list somewhere, ANYWHERE that you are a realtor? And while you're at it, make sure to mention that you stood up at the public hearing for Legacy Ridge and were IN FAVOR of their request for the zoning change! If you want to play in the big boy's arena, learn how to play fair!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Look out everyone for the evil developments that actually give the village over 400 acres of forever green space!

Anonymous said...

"400 hundred acres of forever green" as long as we keep our village. You never know what dirty deals lurk. The Junction could one day be its own village. After all ME THINKS Queenan & Kling want to dissolve our village!

Anonymous said...

"400 hundred acres" is 40,000 acres. That's a lot of land. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Funny how most of you loved Kling when he ran for trustee, When he stated to make sense and indeed wanted to do good for Woodbury you guys pushed him away, and now you make him out to be a left wing wacko and lump him in with Queenan, Some of us do have a memory!!! some of us know the Kling is a good guy, however...good guys normally get screwed, but hopefully all of you will get whats coming to you, I'm sure you'll know when it's happening, you're all in it for yourselves and you're all full of shit!

Anonymous said...

We are all doomed

Anonymous said...

400 acres of forever green space?? Off the tax rolls and to be used only by the gated community. Great bargain. And I heard Brodsky is going belly up. 141, 241, 350, 400, 451 homes and he still can't afford it. Too bad; he's such a great guy!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kling did what he felt was right for Woodbury at the time, and I applaud him for that. He stepped up into a public role, which often comes with harsh, inaccurate and undue criticism, but he accepted it and tried to make a positive difference. He may have had a specific reason for running for office, but often that is what drives individuals to seek elected office. I would like to think that since he appeared to be a very honest and open person, that he would continue to attend meetings and push for change if he is unhappy or concerned, and not take a darker, more insidious route as others have suggested.

Anonymous said...

If the prior poster is right about Brodsky, then we are in trouble, because unless someone who cares about this community and has the money steps up to continue a project like what Brodskys, we will have masive KJ residents living right across from the high school, 2 acre zoning or not, they have the money and they will buy, and he will sell, several homes in brigadoon were built and are still owned and rented by kj residents. Were stuck with this guy, Woodbury better help him, or we are all doomed.

Anonymous said...

We are all doomed