Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Uncle Betty's Dos and Don'ts

If you go shopping and have a complaint, remember you're more likely to get help if you are pleasant and polite than if you are rude and snide.

But, if you act like a total screaming lunatic, they'll give you anything if you'll shut up and go away.


Anonymous said...

Squeaky wheel always gets the grease!

Anonymous said...

Squeaky wheel always gets the grease!

Anonymous said...

you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar

Anonymous said...

Who wants flies and grease?

Anonymous said...

Is that why Lorraine went away?

Anonymous said...

No, unfortunately she is still here and Sera's suit is going nowhere fast. I guess there isn't enough publicity for Sussman.

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about grease?

Anonymous said...

Who said Lorraine went away? She is still actively involved in Woodbury and if you were, you would know it.
she is not like the Johnnies of the world who hide under a rock until their egos are fixed.
Maybe thats where the grease went.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about John Keleman?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give anything to Lorraine, even though she's a screaming lunatic capital "B". I just want her to go away.
Keleman went away, and now he's back. He's just a scumbag who makes promises he never keeps. How come he has resurfaced?

Anonymous said...

Maybe John Kelemen wants to run for Supervisor!

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is far from a lunatic, unless, of course, she is standing next to Don Siebold.

Anonymous said...

Yup, she sure makes Don look good!

Anonymous said...

You must be very afraid of Lorraine if you find it necessary to do the name calling thing. What's the matter are YOU afraid that SHE is running for something?

Anonymous said...

Our "very first mayor" (not just the first) claims to have "developed and implemented" our village government and "developed and managed" two budgets ALL BY HERSELF. She calls them "my accomplishments." All this and more from a woman who couldn't make change at the tollbooth on the Thruway. Where is Queenan when we need him?

Anonymous said...

I heard she was replaced by e-z pass.

Anonymous said...

As part of a board,they WOULD be HER accomplishments, just as much as any other board members'. Since none of the other incumbents are running again, then wording them as her accomplishments would be proper phrasing. A little jealous??

Anonymous said...

And she CAN be proud of them!

Anonymous said...

"Where is Queenan when we need him?" Approving stupid garbage contracts and still taking a pay raise???

Anonymous said...

How do we know if the mayor did the budgets herself?

Other scenarios:
The Village clerk doing the budget because the Mayor does not understand the process, doesn't have the time.....

A Village Trustee does the budget, presents it to the board as the Mayor's who doesn't understand the process....

The Mayor doesn't get extra money to perform as the Budget Officer so she doesn't put the budget together....

Anonymous said...

One other scenario...the Mayor understands the budget process quite well, yet also understands that she is one of five on the board and readily accepts input from the trustees, as well as the Village clerk who has more years of experience. That is why the current Mayor, MOST of the board and the Village clerk have worked so well together-because they seem to have a good understanding of each other's abilities, and therefore help each other rather than ridicule, and do not try to "one-up" each other. An accomplishment for one, is an accomplishment for all, as well as the residents.

The 7:48pm poster appears to be a little jealous, envious &/or annoyed at the positive results, and is therefore grasping at straws in an effort to cast a shadow on the effectiveness of the current board. You really have to pity that poster for their hopeless, tired methods. But don't worry, in time they'll be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

What positive results?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what positive results?

A previous poster said:
That is why the current Mayor, MOST of the board and the Village clerk have worked so well together-because they seem to have a good understanding of each other's abilities, and therefore help each other rather than ridicule, and do not try to "one-up" each other.

they don't "work well together" the village clerk tells everyone what to do. If she wants to make the decisions instead of being a clerk (which is basically a sect.) then SHE should run for the board.

It is the same thing that she tries to do with the town board, but at least they don't put up with it.

Anonymous said...

If the Mayor didn't develop manage the Village budget who did?

Who developes and manages the Town budget?

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Betty A.K.A. Jonathan Swiller, gee "Uncle" "Betty" ,a bit of an identity crisis, to say the least, you should get some help with that. You write alot of lies on this blog. Why don't you admit who you are! Everyone knows anyway, but I guess that's what makes it easy to write the lies. You hide behind a stupid name. That's a COWARD! How does it feel to be a COWARD! It must be terrible to know that if you admitted who you really are that know one would listen! How does it feel knowing that no one has any respect for you or for what you say,and thats why you try to hide your identity.Your afraid to admit who you are, because the truth hurts,though we all know you have alot of trouble telling the truth,that just another thing you should get help with! Now, the biggest thing you should get help with is your OBSESSION with Ralph Caruso. Since you seem to act so juvenile, lets compare what your doing to Ralph to what a schoolboy does when he has a crush, like when a boy likes someone he makes fun of the them because he doesn't know how to express himself. So, it's time to admit the truth, that you LIKE, ENVY, ADMIRE AND RESPECT Ralph Caruso! Come on, say it with me, you LIKE, ENVY, ADMIRE AND RESPECT Ralph Caruso! Now that must make you feel better! I mean that would explain why you are always writing about him. Now, to the people that read this blog,let's be real you can't possibly believe someone who set up and writes a blog bashing people and will not admit who they are. Especially when the blogger's profile says his occupation is enlightened sexpot, how could any smart person take that seriously. Also, let's look at some anonymous comments, that are only a few minutes apart, it's obvious that it's one person having a conversation with themselves pretending it's two. They may believe they are two people in one, but that's one more thing for him to get help with. Think about it people!

Anonymous said...

If our village government is so wonderful, then why are we the only village in the state that has a village tax collector, a duty that is supposed to be done by the village clerk. Oh wait! maybe it is because the village clerk wanted to get a another job for another relative, like she wanted to do for her husband, the guy who sued the town and then wanted to be hired again.

So lets count the herbs: Desiree HERB Potvin has two positions, one village and one town: her mom Carol HERB has three positions village, town and school. And how many Herbs work for the school district???

ALL of them are being paid by your tax dollars!

Public servants or public rip off artists?

Anonymous said...

I say rip offs, winers and most definite RUDE!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Desiree also has two other jobs; she sells candles for Frank Palermo and she works for a property manager in town who manages condos.

So when does she have time to be the town clerk?

Boy! are we getting ripped off!!!!

Anonymous said...

How come when anyone mentions the word "Rude" a comment about Desiree pops up???

Anonymous said...

Funny how you little minds throw rocks and run away. If you have a complaint about the actual jobs that she holds, then voice them. Otherwise, go back to playing in your sandbox.

Anonymous said...

Rude, mean, and nasty!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget overpaid.

Anonymous said...

Overpaid! What should the salary be? How much would you do the job for, and what are your qualifications?

Anonymous said...

1. Lorraine never does anything. She joins everything and doesn't help. She only shows up when everything is done, and then takes credit for it.
2. When she runs for office she expects everyone to drop everything and campaign for her. But she don't lift a finger for others.
3. She has absolutely no social grace, shes rude, and condesending.
If the rumors of her running for Town Supervisor are true, i'd rather see Johm Burke stay in office, which isn't saying much.

Anonymous said...

To the 5:36 poster, okay I agree maybe she is worth the money, she already not only does her job, but also the job of the mayor whenever ricky golden isn't around to answer for her, so shes not overpaid, but...rude,nasty, and just plain mean...Yes me thinks so...ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Desiree said:

"1. Lorraine never does anything. She joins everything and doesn't help. She only shows up when everything is done, and then takes credit for it.
2. When she runs for office she expects everyone to drop everything and campaign for her. But she don't lift a finger for others.
3. She has absolutely no social grace, shes rude, and condesending.
If the rumors of her running for Town Supervisor are true, i'd rather see Johm Burke stay in office, which isn't saying much."

6:04 PM, February 18, 2009

Hey Desiree, We know you hate Lorraine and made up stuff about her when she ran for election last time.

It is really sad that you and others have to make up rumors about her. Does she scare you that much?

and we all know that you hate her because you think the ethics law is Timothy's Law.

I hope she does run for supervisor, she'd straighten your ass out!!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Lorraine is not only rude, but she is an alien!

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. Why don't you just stick to the issues and not this personal nonsense.

It is small minded and petty and if it is being written by someone in office then it is VERY sad.

Anonymous said...

Why stick to the issues when it's so much fun to piss people off and stir the pot just like Uncle Betty, who cares what the truth is.

Anonymous said...

To the 4:47 poster- you have some kind of secret powers to know that the post you refer to was written by Desiree? Of course you don't, so then you're making it up, or YOU ARE IN FACT..........LORRAINE!! Ha, ha, ha!
Gotcha Lorraine!

Anonymous said...

that poster may not have secret powers but I do and I know who you are 8:16 poster.

You are Lois Lane after she met Superman.

Anonymous said...

Finally this is getting good, why don't you challange each other to a mud wrestling match (it will cover up the ugl.....well you know)!!!!all procedes go to the Uncle Betty wardrobe fund!

The Rude one


Crazy eyes...lets get ready to rumble......

Anonymous said...

Holy shit!! Now thats funny!!

Uncle Betty said...

I'd love some nice argyle socks.

Anonymous said...

The socks would go great with some plaid granny panties and purple house coat.

Anonymous said...

Well we know that the rude one is Desiree and Crazy Eyes is Lorraine.
What is wrong with Lorraine? Was she born that way? You cant tell if she is looking at you when you talk to her and it is creepy.

Anonymous said...

To the 4:36 poster, whoever you are I have to give it up to you, I've been trying to figure out if shes looking at me or something else since the first time I meet her, I know the expression came from the movie Mr Deeds, but crazy eyes does fit!!!

Anonymous said...


Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle does not wear granny panties, and the house coat is mauve.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have sunk to a new level, making fun of someone's physical traits. How sad!

Anonymous said...

Sad is what the whole state of Woodbury is at this very moment!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, don't act like you don't like it either. it is funny and true, someone finally had some balls in Woodbury and wrote what all of have been thinking for long time. Big balls....great!

Anonymous said...

Bowling Balls!!!
Jai-Alai balls!!!
Footballs!!!! and last but not least: Basketballs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget bocce balls!

Anonymous said...

And Rum balls!

Anonymous said...

One more Uncle, motza balls!