Monday, July 17, 2006

Over The Transom

The following was tossed into the Uncle's office along with the morning paper and a number of bricks. An attached note said "Please read this for me at the next Town Board Meeting" I couldn't make out the signature, it just looked like foam.

First, I just want to say that I am not here to say anything negative about anyone on the Town Board or anywhere at all because I know that you and everyone else is working just as hard as you can to do what is right for all of us even if you are terribly terribly wrong and are destroying this town.

If anyone thinks that I have said any bad thing about anyone then I want to set that straight right now, and I know that that is what some of you are thinking and that you are always thinking that and that you think about me all the time doing bad, bad things and wearing strange clothes and you really have to stop thinking about me like that and you just do it because Sheila Conroy, who is in league with Satan, makes you do it, but I know that you are all very, very good people and so you must work to fight her evil powers.

She keeps calling me in the middle of the night on her special phone that no one else can hear and she tells me to do bad bad things and wear strange clothes and she can’t stop thinking about me.

So, I am asking the Town Board to outlaw Sheila Conroy and also those bad, bad newsletters that write bad, bad things about me and have drawings of me and pictures of me and stories about me and never find time to talk about anything but me and you really can’t allow that, not when our President is working so hard and our boys and girls are fighting so hard to keep us free and you just can’t let bad things like that happen.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

???????????????????????? You need a vacation UB.

Anonymous said...

UB , Have you been taking your meds ?, or are you out of work and can't afford to buy them ?. maybe anonymous's can take up a collection and buy you your drugs as you surely need them !!

Anonymous said...

I swear I heard that letter before. It really sounds like the confusing mumbo jumbo that darlene revele is famous for. you know that passive aggressive crap she always spews to the town board. obviously, her therapist hasn't tackled that issue yet. maybe they should change her medication. oh, better be careful, she may have another drug induced breakdown and flash us all again.

Anonymous said...

Unk, you sure that signature looked like foam? Maybe it was just bubbles.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, now I get it.

Anonymous said...

From time to time I take a look at Uncle Betty just to see if there is anything significant to read. I keep getting disappointed. All these people with nothing better to do, but attack other people. There is not one of you who don't have something to hide, or some skeleton in your closet.To make a difference in the "quality of life" that I keep hearing all you people talk about, try actually doing something about it. Instead all I read on this bolg is how badly the other guy is doing. What are YOU doing? Are you doing anything besides making sure you bash the next guy before he bashes you? I think its sad when a group of supposed adults shoot insults at each other to make themselves feel better. Try looking in the mirror at yourselves, or maybe you have and don't like what you see.

Uncle Betty said...

Dear Virgin,
What, pray tell, is it that you are doing? Other than bash the bloggers that is.

Anonymous said...

Hey Virgin,

Right on, you are hitting the nail on the head. These people are not interested in our quality of life, they are only interested in their own opinions and anyone who disagrees with them, they immediately start with their CHARACTER ASSASSINATIONS

Anonymous said...

I see Mike Aranowitz got more bad press in the paper today; I just wanted to thank him for his vote last week. He showed great character and leadership which our Town needs, not name callers and the endless malcontents who keeping showing up each week at public participation.

Anonymous said...

how neat to hear how terrible character assassination is from what I am pretty sure is the same group that got up and attacked Sheila Conroy and the board allof last year.
I guess that when all of those board members were accused of being corrupt it was just CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.
Hey Ralphie, you and your pals can dish it out, but you sure can't take it.

Anonymous said...

Question for anyone who can answer it, if a Village was to be formed, wouldn't an incorporated Village have to carry liability insurance? Who would pick up the expense, as well as the expense for Village Board salaries etc? Would this mean that we would all have to pay Village taxes as well as Town taxes?

Anonymous said...

Hey Virgin & the other moron who said you hit it on the head.Most of the people who write on this blog go to town meetings,read as much as they can about local politics,try to learn the truth,hand out leaflets,signs,petitions, take abuse from people who probably won't even vote. While you "time to time take a look" from what (watching Dr. Phil) And nailhead, talk about bashing. Why don't you do some research on Burke's, Sullivan, unfair attacks on Sheila Conroy the last election. This blog allows us to vent what we know but can't say in a public meeting. Out of towners are listening.Sorry to get so upset but I'm getting tired of the lack of homework. Not a VIRGIN

Anonymous said...

To the person who said " Hey virgin and the other moron", please get your facts straight. First of all, reading uncle betty every day is not the way to get informed on Town Politics. If you use the site to get all your "facts" thats a shame. I on the other hand actually go to the source when I need the correct info. What I read on this blog is laughable. I'm not bashing you or anyone else, but let me ask you something. If you found that the unfair attacts on Sheila Conroy were horrible, why is it ok now to bash Burke? I am not a fan of Burke, but 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Uncle Betty said...

Dear Virg,

Which "facts" in particular are non-factual.

And if someone wants to bash Sheila or Burke or any other politician based on their actual record, I don't see a problem.

I have seen and heard the ankle biter brigade lie about Sheila, Gerri and others. What lies about Burke are you talking about.

Facts Virgin, just the fact.