Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ralphling Overdrive

Wow, the Ralphlings are going into overdrive.


You can practically see the steam coming out of their...ears.

The Ralphlings are screaming that Mindy and Iris are evil terrible people who have sold their souls to the devil and so you should vote for forming a village.

Who can argue with that?

And, it diverts attention from the lie that Bart Bloom and the other Ralphlings keep trying to sell us: claiming that a village will prevent annexation (it won't).

Hey, let's try an honest campaign and see if it sells.


catchy huh?
As to the Ralphling's hyped up smear campaign -- I like what Swiller had to say (Yeah, I'm biased 'cause he's sweet as pie).--
Jonathan Swiller said...
I post my views, and I believe enough in what I say to sign my name.
Can the Ralphlings say the same?


Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle:

The one thing that the Ralphlings are saying that is true is that a village cannot be formed inside another village. They are putting that out there as their main point and people, like the senior citizens of this town are buying into it.

Maybe we should look at areas of the town where that could happen.
But as far as I can tell, the only area right now where that could happen could be annexed anyway, so forming a village at this time makes as much sense as electing Ralph president.

What do you think?

Uncle Betty said...

I think that Dennis Lynch said two years ago that he was planning to form a KJ jr village in Woodbury, Monroe or Blooming Grove, and that he would do it in record time.
The lawsuit against the petition in Woodbury may have prevented that here, but there was nothing to stop hime in Monroe or Blooming Grove. And yet, he did nothing.
That makes me curious.
If the KJ bosses want to form a new village here, they have to first be ready to register enough voters in the planned village to be able to win a vote there. The area will need 500 folks (as Swiller has said).
I do believe that if we stay alert we will have more than enough time to react and that in the meantime KJ will annex land in Monroe, where they have a friendly town board.
I believe that Caruso can't be trusted. Every chance he gets he lies to us. He says that you can't annex land from a village - you can. He says that taxes in a village would be next to nothing - no way. He says that 2 acre zoning is high density - that's bullshit.
The fact that he wants this village tells me that it's fishy as hell.
That's what I think.

Anonymous said...

If the seniors are buying into this, why aren't they also asking how much the lawsuit cost, how much the vote is going to cost, and what the estimated cost of the new Village will be? If they're living on fixed incomes, why isn't cost their main focus? If Ralph and company are so sure of themselves, then why aren't they going door to door giving these figures, or at the very least, calling a public meeting to give these figures? The fact of the matter is, wherever and whenever Ralph is involved, the only thing you can count on is smoke and mirrors and lies. The Master of Manipulation!!