Saturday, April 18, 2009

Independence? Prove it!

From an article in today's Record:

Republicans and Democrats who want their names to also appear on the Independence line in November now must complete an online questionnaire that includes some hot-button topics, such as dissolving tiny towns and villages to save taxpayers money.
"We want to make it less of a popularity contest and focus it more on highly substantive issues," explained Orange County's Independence leader, Langdon Chapman.

OK, so the Independence Party is against uneccessary villages. Like, perhaps, the Village of Woodbury?

And who was one of the loudest voices in Caruso's "Let's Form a Village" Choir?

John Burke.

Now the Dems are nominating Frank Palermo for the Town Board so that he will give their slate, headed by Burke, the Independence line.

If Burke gets the endorsement it will mean that the Independence Party's claimed interest in eliminating extra layers of government is pure manure.

Wait and watch.

Or better yet, call Langdon Chapman and shout.


Anonymous said...

More impotantly, when any dreams of being coterminous are thwarted, I hope all Woodbury residents remember her quote in the Photo News. She, like the rest will have to be held accountable next time she runs for election.

Anonymous said...

Who's SHE? What are you talking about? If you are talking about Stephanie the former Mayor, don't worry about it. She will never get elected again. Nice person, lousy Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I believe the she the poster is referring to is Nancy Calhoun. Did the former Mayor make any quotes about coterminous?

Anonymous said...

By the way "nice person lousy Mayor", that was her downfall, you can't be nice and be a politician. It's like having an honest lawyer or a good looking assembly woman. It just doesn't go together.

Anonymous said...

That's right, let's attack Nancy, the ONLY politician to stand up to KJ, EVEN when it was in her district.

You idiots.

Anonymous said...

"I believe the she the poster is referring to is Nancy Calhoun. Did the former Mayor make any quotes about coterminous?"

4:59 PM, April 19, 2009

Oh, and you know this because you are a mind reader???

Anonymous said...

Since when does Nancy Calhoun dictate to the Town or Village what they should be doing? And, how could the Town present legislation about returning the districts to the Town, and yet when the Village tries to do it, they're told the same piece of legislation was written incorrectly? Why didn't Liberth catch that too?

Anonymous said...

WTF? Nancy is not dictating anything and as far as legislation and Liberth you do not know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

In the Photo News Mayor Queenan says, "...that Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun had contacted them and suggested they apply for this special legislation transferring the special districts back to the town."

A fews weeks before this meeting, the Town did the very same thing-but their piece of legislation was the original piece that was worded aas if the districts NEVER moved. So, again, why didn't Liberth have to redraft it like Golden is???

Look at Nancy's website and the legislation she's proposed in 2009- it makes it sound like the districts were never moved to the Village! So WTF to you pal!

Anonymous said...

Mad at Nancy?


Beacause she didn't back YOUR people. Well too fucking bad

You are so transparent.

Nancy has been the only representitive who doesn't live here to care about Woodbury. Maybe that's what got you going. Maybe your person hasn't done the same.

Perhaps it's Roxanne that always talks about herself and not much else or Larkin who doesn't even know what planet we live on because he's too old.

whatever the case Nancy is the only one that has been a true crusader for Woodbury. The rest just are in love with themselves.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Calhoun was not the only one to stand up to KJ. The late (and honest)Spencer McLaughlin from Monroe was a big voice against their tactics. We need more politicians like him.

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about, YOUR people and YOUR person? Mind telling me who my people are? Who said anything about being mad at Nancy? I couldn't care less who she backed or what she backed them for..sounds like you're stirring your own pot!

I believe all that was said is why is legislation being proposed by the Town regarding the special districts, and by Calhoun regarding the fire district that is worded as if the districts never moved? It seems that Mr. Golden was the only one to be alert enough to speak up and say that the legislation proposed had to be reworded to make any sense.

Sounds like you have an axe to grind against Larkin & Donnery. Funny how when Ralph's people are in, Larkin is the best thing since sliced bread. Donnery seems to be much like Calhoun when it comes to getting KJ to tow the line, so not sure where you're going with that one. Thinking about running against one of them? If so, try not to be so ignorant, and all assuming! As far as being transparent, takes one to know one!

Anonymous said...

Yes... Thank god for Rick Golden.Where would the Village be without him!

Run against Roxanne or Larkin! Ha Ha wouldn't if I got double their salary. NOT INTERESTED AT ALL. Not to mention the fact that I don't dominate a conversation by talking about myself for hours. It's sickening.

Anonymous said...

Please don't mention Nancy Calhoun's name in the same post as Spencer Mclaughlin's. She doesn't have one-tenth of the integrity that he had.

Anonymous said...

That's for damn sure!

Anonymous said...

Politics, what a joke- how did Palermo get the backing of the Dems? I had heard he was anti Ralph, so if the Dems are supposed to be working with Ralph, how did this happen? Are the Reps backing Palermo too? Why do the same, tired old candidates always come back for more? Glad to see one new name in James Skoufis. Anyone hear who's running against Burke, or for that matter are the Reps putting up anyone?

Anonymous said...

I WILL use Nancy and Spencer in the same sentence. Again too bad you don't support her. Not my problem.

Anonymous said...

Will be hers in her next election though!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a GOOD thing if the Dems are breaking away from Ralph? Also, I couldn't agree more - nice to see a fresh name (Skoufis) getting involved in the political scene.

Anonymous said...

Somebody should ask Palermo about that incident when he was in office last time.
Remember, Frank? because we do.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, enlighten us!

Anonymous said...

Not all of us remember...what did he do?

Anonymous said...

How quickly you forget. I don't know what a previous poster is talking about but Frank's record in office wasn't exactly above board, he tried to get favors for his pals. and Look for his position on the KJ pipeline, that should interest you. Also, do you think that since he is the boss of the town clerk in one of his businesses (and one of her many jobs) that it will lead to problems later on?

It is very easy to look up.

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, youre going to be able to look it up, jsut go in and ask the town clerk for information on her and Frank, she'll give it to you!!!

Are you for real?

Anonymous said...

Frank is a sleazebag, he will not get re-elected.

Anonymous said...

The Independence Party does not take positions on the size of towns. I am told, after speaking to party leaders that they did the questionnaire to get a sense of the depth of a candidate's answer but also to supply the public with information on where candidates stand - something that no other political party, I am told does.

As far as I am concerned, this is a positive thing whether they endorse one Supervisor in one town or not.

Anonymous said...

Slezebag sounds like a step up for this town!!

Anonymous said...

The Independence Party in Orange County is nothing but a sham! It is just another arm of the Republican Party and is also the new KJ party. So they may have this "fill out the application thing" going on but they are just faking it.

Anonymous said...

How long has Desirre Herb Potvin the town clerk been working for Frank Palermo? Is she still working for him? And how many other jobs does she have?

Anonymous said...

I am a Ralphling HA Ha Ha
Desiree has always been professional about her clerk job even if she disagrees with you politically or personally. Lets be real. Swiller is a sleeve. There are the facts.

jonathan swiller said...

I'm a sleeve?

Anonymous said...

Yup, left sleeve or right sleeve, I'm not sure! Truth hurts, huh? We also have sleeve bags in town and sleeve balls, too. Lots of sleeves here in Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

somebodys dipping into the recreational drugs again

Anonymous said...

Desiree has always been professional about her clerk job? Are you for real? She has been rude to people often and she cannot be professional when she is being pulled in too many directions!

To the poster who wants to know ho many jobs she has.. try four!

Village clerk
town clerk
Archway management
Candles with Frank Palermo

does anyone else see a problem here?

Anonymous said...

she's "appointed" to the Village. Someone should talk to Queenan to have someone else fill that position.

Anonymous said...

WHATS ARCHWAY? The candle thing is so she can have a HOME Busisness to write off her taxes!!!!!!!!!! Not a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Archway, for all of you who live in Timber Ridge, is your property management company. Do you like having the town/village clerk looking at YOUR personal information?

Anonymous said...

How about instead of just complaining, one of you actually run against her?

Anonymous said...

who would give up the precious full time job they have commuting into the city to do that?

Anonymous said...

"How about instead of just complaining, one of you actually run against her?"

5:47 PM, April 30, 2009

WHY don't you?

Anonymous said...

Because I'm not whining about her!

Anonymous said...

Desire jobs:
Village clerk
town clerk
Archway management
Candles with Frank Palermo
Official records keeper for the Town
Official records keeper for Village
Secretary for Fire Dept

5 of these positions are full time jobs. How is that possible?
Is she working 200 hours a week? Well thats what we all are paying her for! Shes not even in Town Hall for 40 hours a week. She strolls in around 10 in the morning, and leaves early most days. Our tax dollars at work, (rather not at work).

Michael Aronowitz said...

I see lets bash Desirre Herb Potvin because she works hard, if you have a problem with her be strong and sign your name. Its so easy to sign Anonymous ! Desirre don't listen to these fools.

Anonymous said...

don't listen to mike either because he doesn't even live here anymore. he flew the coop after his legacy vote. for which we still do not know what changed. thanks, mike.

Anonymous said...

Mike, its nice that you want to stick up for a friend, but you really should know what is going on before you do that.

Desire Herb Potvin is not doing her job, she can't possibly do all of these jobs in a 100 hour work week, let alone ins 40 hours.

and many of us won't sign our name because that bit@# has access to our personal information and we don't want her using it against us in any way. But we will remember on election day and we hope that there is someone running against her, we will vote for a wood plank over her, because the wood plank would have a better personality.

and then we can talk about her family, including Carol Herb, and how the taxpayers are footing the bill for them too.

Anonymous said...

We will sign our name when the Herb family (including Desire Herb Potvin the multi-job clerk)is no longer in any position paid by our tax dollars. But until then, just call us: "Unhappy in Woodbury"

Anonymous said...

Is Archway a full time job? The candle thing is like selling AVON> Thats just so she does'nt have to pay taxes. Big rightoffs.

Anonymous said...

Desiree HERB Potvin your town clerk since 1999

Carol Herb you tax collector since 1988

and the Herbettes that work for the school since....

and the husband Potvin, that works for the school since....

Just wait, if she ever has kids they will get jobs paid by tax dollars too.

Theres only one way to stop this, DONT vote for them this November!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who's the alternative??

Anonymous said...

How about Maria H?
How about Sandy C?
Both of them would be great at the job and both have a good eye for detail.

And there are more out there but I suspect that they don't want to run because they don't want to be subjected to the nasty crap that the Herbs are known for behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

Sandy I can agree with but not Maria. She couldn't stand the stress. She can't afford another breakdown.

Anonymous said...

Trashing Desiree, or anyone else for that matter, here on this ridiculous blog may ease your own frustrations, or perhaps boost your own egos, but it serves to do little else.

If Desiree's bosses have a problem with her, let them handle it. If you have a problem with her, talk to her or her bosses.

Anonymous said...

You moron. she has no bosses except the people because she is elected.

So if we have a problem with her we don't reelect her, get it?

And if the rest of you decide to vote for her and her family, you better not complain about her nastiness and laziness. Have you ever gone in there and asked her for something? The usual response is "It's not my job"

Anonymous said...

She gets in because no one runs against her.

Anonymous said...

Complain and do nothing- THAT always solves a problem. If you have issues on the Town side, speak with Desiree, or write her a certified return receipt letter& cc the board, go to Burke directly, go to the board meetings and voice them on TV, go to the Photo News and/or run against her. There is always a way, elected official or not, but complaining on this site does a whole lot of NOTHING.

On the Village side, she is appointed, so again, speak to her,or write her a certified return receipt letter& cc the board, go to the Village Bd, go to the meetings and voice your concerns on TV, go to the Photo News, and/or submit your resume and request to be appointed. Again, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, that is if you have legitimate complaints.

Sounds to me more like you have an axe to grind, and are hiding behind "there's nothing I can do"...there is ALWAYS something that can be done if in fact the job is not getting done. People gain power because we LET THEM. If you are convinced that changes need to be made, then stand up and make them. But, if you are just one of the multitude of mud-slingers who vent on this site with no real reason to, keep doing it, because it will get you absolutely NOWHERE!

Anonymous said...

You must be an absolute moron. The point is simple: don't vote for her. Your talk of sending registered letters and complaining at town board meetings shows that you are of the type that doesn't get it!

Send her a letter, oh yeah, that will make her nice.

Ax to grind? What do you mean by that? There are alot of people that don't like the way she acts, plain and simple. Maybe YOU have something going on, are you her husband or one of the publicly employed family members just coming to her defense becasue you don't want her or you to lose your job?

And as far as blogging about it on this site, in case you don't get that either, that is the purpose of a blog: to blog!


Anonymous said...

Actually I am none of the above. Just a person that believes when you have a problem with someone, elected official or not,you deal with it promptly...why wait for an election? Just because they are elected officials doesn't mean you can't address bad behavior NOW!

If Desiree is as you say, rude, nasty, etc, then call her on it publicly. No better way to have an elected official change their attitude than to bring it to the forefront. If you're so certain with your accusations, why not go public with it? Posting here, blogging here, whatever you want to call it, behind the title "anonymous" certainly isn't going to resolve the issue. Again, it sounds like you're just too much of a coward to stand up for what you perceive is wrong.

Anonymous said...

There will be a price to pay,
if you act and do and say,
things that aren't nice,
and full of nasty spice,
like the town clerk, Desiree!

Anonymous said...

Mirror mirror on the wall
which of her faces is on call?
Is it the phony, sickly sweet one
or is it the real, ugly, beat one?

Mirror mirror on the wall
who will heed Desiree's call?
Campaign for her and give advice,
maybe teach her to be nice?

Mirror mirror on the wall
won't you help with her fall?
She is wacky and needs to go
Many say this, friend or foe!

Mirror mirror on the wall
Please don't try to stop or stall!
Tell the truth and tell us all
so we can vote for someone else in the fall.

Anonymous said...

Mirror mirror on the wall
where is the next Herb on call?
Collecting taxes for village and town
with nary ever a grimace or frown!

Mirror, mirror on the table,
will you share with us a fable?
"She's so great no one else can collect the tax
Anyone one else would surely be lax"

Anonymous said...

and the lesson of the fable is that you get who you vote for so be careful who you vote for

Anonymous said...

But if the major parties won't give us a choice, what is one supposed to do?

Anonymous said...

You can always do write-in votes for any candidate if you don't like what's available. Look what happened in Warwick with the judges race. The judge was running unopposed and then at the last minute someone got the idea to write in a candidate, who won!!!

we should do that for all the town positions.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe the Republican committee should do a better job of finding interested people to run-if not, disband the committee cuz what are they good for?