Saturday, May 20, 2006

A Closer Look

The Uncle took a closer look at Mr. Donnelly’s comment at the post “Blood In The Water.”

There are a number of interesting things to see.

First, Honest Abe Donnelly apparently was going to post under his own name, but then changed that to Anonymous and changed the references to himself to third person, as though he were just a witness to Donnelly’s sterling character.

Aside from being somewhat dishonest, he did it so badly, leaving his own name as well as “Anonymous,” he shows what a moron he really is.

Add to that “Donnelly read the flyer handed to him 5 minutes before he read it." and we see a true idiot at the height of his powers.

And if he didn’t bring in the law firm, who the hell did? Ralphie?

Next he jokes that he’d like a piece of the legal funds. Ha, ha, ha, not!

$200 is a lot for people to pay to get a form filled out, but they are frightened and are vulnerable. To Donnelly, that’s a honey pot and a reason to make jokes. To his neighbors, it’s a desperate attempt to keep there homes affordable.

What a jokester!

Then comes: “Guess Swiller would like to see that hair too.” Donnelly, like Siebold, thinks that other men find him attractive. Once you get past the gag reflex, you might want to ask yourself what that’s about.

And finally: “If you think Swiller can help you, then you need a head doctor, which he needs badly.” As one poster already pointed out, the idea of volunteering to help your neighbors when you could be ripping them off seems crazy to Bob.

What a failure of a human being.


Anonymous said...

Do us all a big favor Uncle, and don't refer to Toad Donnelly as a human being. Anything that foul couldn't be a member of the human race. One of these days his vulgar, tawdry remarks are going to land him in court defending HIMSELF against a lawsuit, and won't it be sweet to watch him squeal!

Anonymous said...

Bob Donnelly = nincompoop. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

There is a man who likes to chortle and goad,
And because of this we call him "The Toad" ,
While others do the work and carry the load,
He can't get his mind out of the commode!

He struts up to the lecturn thinking he is great,
Meaningless words! he might as well just masticate!
With red suspenders to carry his weight,
Surely an accoutrement one can

He struts and preens this almighty BOB,
But he really is a mindless blob,
When he opens his mouth we expect only a glob,
For witty banter and clever words
he cannot lob!

Anonymous said...

Here's a good one....How many Anonymous' does it take to add up to Johnnie Boy Swiller? About 95% on this blog? Do you really like talking to yourself Johnnie Boy! Or is is that you are your only friend? So sad!

Anonymous said...

I like being anonymous, and seeing Ralph, Don, Donnelly, et al squirm. This way we can be your best bud, and you don't even know that we actually dispise you all. I know I'm not Swiller, but if it helps you sleep at night thinking that everyone who posts as anonymous is Swiller, then go right ahead...we all know better, ha, ha, ha! Just remember Ralph, it was all of us ANONYMOUS who kept YOU from being elected, so I guess you are the one wearing the title of LOSER(times two)!!!

Anonymous said...


Where was the reporter from the Times Heral Record on Sunday when there were about 100 people from Timber Ridge at the Town Hall? He is quick to report and give alot of coverage to the Toad's money making event (by the way, just how much of a kick back is Bob D getting from Kean and Bean?). When the Town board people and Soca at work do something to try and help, why doesn't Chris Mckenna report that? Is he in the Toad and Ralph's pocket? Or is it just not flashy enough for him?

Also, I am not Swiller, call me anonymous number 4.

Anonymous said...

two things will happen if our reassessments are not adjusted:

1- timber ridge residents will organize to defeat all incumbents on the town board running for reelection each year. we are watching what you do and what you don't do for us. you will not be judged by your attempts, but by your effectiveness. with 800 households affected, many with more than one registered voter, timber ridge will be heard, if not now, than in november.

2- if we see a 50% increase in taxes, people who choose to leave will organize to sell to kiryas joel buyers.

town hall, it's up to you.

one way or another, we will be heard.

Anonymous said...

Although it seems that 50-60% is excessive, does the last poster think that their reassessment should not be changed at all? Periodically, the scales need to be brought back into balance, so if the Town Assessor finds that Timber Ridge,in particular, is out of kilter, I do believe it is within his job duties, and only fair to the homeowners in others parts of the town,to realign the assessment and make everyone even. Unfortunately, if his predecessor paid no attention to Timber Ridge, and they were left to become substantially unbalanced, then they should be given some consideration as to a cap on the increase. In otherwords, if 50% IS correct, then in fairness to the Timber Ridge folks, couldn't it be increased over a period of time, say 3-5 yrs, rather than all at once??? Seems like the Tax Assessor's department is culpable for the majority of this problem.

Anonymous said...

Ok I see Bob; you are now going to blame the Town Board and use that as your platform to unseat the two who are up for reelection next year. What I can’t understand is why you are going after John and blaming him but then again you are a cold blooded reptile and will turn on anyone for more power. Really the bottom line here is you all got a free ride for years on your taxes and now its time to pay like the rest of us and you are crying? Grow up!

Anonymous said...

RAR for town = 32.31%

Timber Ridge reassessed at 40%

Uncle Betty said...

Also from Blood In The Water Comments:

Anonymous said...
you are such a loser swiller!!!!!!!

1:24 AM

Anonymous said...
yeah, I agree with that! Swiller is as ignorant as it gets!

1:25 AM

Gee Bob, when you are not accusing Swiller of being me and of writing all the responses as well, you are apparently busy agreeing with yourself. It might have been just a tad more convincing if you had waited longer than 1 minute to post your second comment.

You idiot.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
two things will happen if our reassessments are not adjusted:

1- timber ridge residents will organize to defeat all incumbents on the town board running for reelection each year. we are watching what you do and what you don't do for us. you will not be judged by your attempts, but by your effectiveness. with 800 households affected, many with more than one registered voter, timber ridge will be heard, if not now, than in november.

2- if we see a 50% increase in taxes, people who choose to leave will organize to sell to kiryas joel buyers.

town hall, it's up to you.

Two things in response:

1-Bob- get your facts straight before you write something (NO ONE is getting a 50% increase in taxes you sensationalistic toad)and thank you for confirming that the whole "rebellion" that you are starting in Timber Ridge is politically motivated.(Ties in with the fundraiser the Dems had a couple of weeks ago-starting early aren't you, scared of someone?) We know that you don't even care a bit for these people, just your own self interest.
2- Why do you feel that it is necessary to threaten the Town Board? Why can't you use facts and intelligent argument? Oh that's right, you don't have any facts and cedrtainly have no intelligence!

Anonymous said...

Why all the fuss about Bob Donnelly? Everyone gets what's coming to them sooner or later. There is no need for intervention.

Anonymous said...

Actually the above statement is not correct, some people are actually being raised by over 100%, just thought you should know.

Anonymous said...

Thought we should know that someone is having their taxes raised 100% What were they paying before $200? and now they are going to pay $400? I was paying $1000 in taxes and now I am paying $4000. Gee what percentage is that? What a bunch of crap! If someone is having their taxes raised 100% meaning a significant increase, prove it you trouble maker!

Fuss over Bob Donnelly? Yeah, eventially he will be found out; however at what cost? We need to stop the likes of the Toad and his cronies NOW!

No one is having their taxes raised 50% or 100%
Just thought you should know

Anonymous number 5

Anonymous said...

I am sick of you whiners in Timber Ridge! If you don't pay the right amount for taxes then it comes out of the pockets of the rest of the town. You all have been seriously underassessed for YEARS. I am sick of paying your part. Just be glad you got away with it for so long! And if you can't afford a $2000/year increase then move to North Carolina, where they have everything you need including hillbillies.
Hey, What a great place for that nincompoop, Bob Donnelly!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

how many votes are in timber ridge?

someone better talk to tiffany before these people toss out anyone associated with the current town hall make-up.

there's probably a good 1200-1400 votes in those 800 households.

Anonymous said...

In response to:
how many votes are in timber ridge?

someone better talk to tiffany before these people toss out anyone associated with the current town hall make-up.

there's probably a good 1200-1400 votes in those 800 households

OOOOoooo! If every one is scared of votes then they should realize that there are a hell of alot more votes in the rest of the town, where they have been paying the Timber Ridge share for YEARS! Stop Whining!!!!

Nice try Boob!

Anonymous said...

What is it with Donnelly and suing the town? Did someone in the town do something to him or a member of his family? Or is he just acting out because of his family tragedy?

7:53 PM

Anonymous said...

Bob this is yours and Ralph’s way to get rid of Mike and Loraine, you both know they have nothing to do with the tax man in this town. What both of you want are puppets up there doing what ever you both say regardless of the better of the town! Wake up and smell the coffee timber ridge was under taxed that is the bottom line and you seem to leave out that over 400 other homes also got reassessed.

Anonymous said...

Bob is out for Bob, and that is think he'd be running to anyone else's aid outside Timber Ridge. When that development was first built, sidewalks and lighting were INTENTIONALLY NOT put in, to keep with the country atmosphere. Toad gets in there and all of a sudden it's the TOWN'S problem! Hey, Bob we're all part of a TOWN, which should mean that we all get treated, if your assessment going up means that you are now EQUAL, then cough up the cash out of that moth-ridden wallet!

Anonymous said...


While I’ve enjoyed laying back and watching you shadow box (beating yourself to a pulp in the process) I figure that it’s time to put in a word or two.

As to my needing a head doctor - by which I assume you mean a psychiatrist (a word you might not be able to spell) rather than an ear-nose-throat specialist (an otorhinolaryngologist - but you knew that) - I’ve got no argument with you. Perhaps Woodbury can get a group rate - there are few among us who can claim to be sane.

As to my being a loser, I certainly am far from batting 1,000, but I’ll put my record up against yours any day. In the last election I backed Roxanne, Sheila, Gerri and Mike. You did all you could for Caruso, John, Darlene and Hank (sorry Bo).

That’s one for you, three for me.

But, maybe you were referring to weight - and there you have me. I’ve lost 35 pounds and you appear to have found them (that probably explains why you showed up at the County Democratic Convention wearing Homer Simpson pants).

If you are concerned that I might want the pounds back, by all means keep them. I have no need for them and I expect they will be of use to you in your apparent quest to become a sphere.

Finally, as to my interest in your bodily hair. I’m afraid I have to disappoint you there too. But why not ask Don? I think I’ve caught him casting shy glances your way more than once. Love is where you find it.

Your pal,


Anonymous said...

Dear Bob
Since Swiller writes all the comments on this blog and I am writing this comment, I must be Swiller. But when I looked in the mirror, I didn't look at all like Swiller.
How is that possible? Please explain.

Anonymous said...

Donny and Donnelley. Thats a sight to make you blow chunks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, since Bob and Don like to be involved in lawsuits, any truth to the rumor they are involved in the gay marriage lawsuits???

Will John Burke be marrying them on the steps of town hall??

But, here is the bigger question, will Ralph be the best man or the bridesmaid??

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle regrets the statements about Don, Ralph and Bob's possible homosexual activity. There is no basis for these allegations.

In fact there is no reason to believe that any of these men have been involved in any form of sexual activity whatsoever in recent decades.

Our apologies.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Donnelly, we all know that he is behind this rally in Timber Ridge about the assessments in that community going up. Instead of more Donnelly propaganda and misinformation, let’s look at some hard facts and actual numbers.

Taking a home sample from Timber Ridge, these are the real numbers (and can be obtained EASILY on line)

12 Terra Ct.
Estimated market value: $269,518
(Market range $242,566-363,849)

3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths; 1,426 sq ft inside; lot size: 960 sq ft or 0.02 acres (high density?) built in 1978

2005 property tax: $4,533
Total assessed value: $73,200
This home is seriously UNDERASSESSED
In 2004 the assessed value was less and the taxes remained THE SAME

Because of the possibility (not definitely) of the taxes on this home going up, Mr. Donnelly is, once again, starting a lawsuit against the Town of Woodbury, which, means the legal fees have to be paid by the town (which means YOU the people who live in the town). THAT will make your taxes go up!

At the market value of $269,518, this home is valued higher than 41% of the homes in Orange County

The resident family of 12 Terra Ct certainly does not have too much to cry about.
Why are you crying Mr. Donnelly?

Anonymous said...

There once was a man called the Toad
Who had to carry quite a load
He would stammer and stutter
and frequently flutter
and his throne is really the commode